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2007 Subaru STi gets the business


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So a fellow member of CR who has a heavily modified and beautiful Blue Pearl STi needed to have his car refreshed as honestly, it was driving me nuts seeing it less than it could be as he goes past my house on a daily basis :)


Brandon and I have worked on this car in the past each paired with a buffer and over a few adult beverages have given it record time polishes but this time we paired up to go a bit slower and breath new life into his car.


The paint overall wasn't bad outside some swirls from perhaps the drying phase of his washes (I'll help fix that.) The windows however.....OMG this was perhaps the worst case of waterspots I've ever seen. The car was originally from Iowa and I think the previous owner had well water and likely let the car get a shower when they sprayed their crops. Seriously the windows looked like the glass shower door in a college apartment where no one ever cleaned it. I'm sure he has some before pictures of them.


This was more of an impromptu clean up job late last night thus the pics here are preliminary cell shots and so long as he didn't do many 60-160 runs in Mexico last night we should get some decent ones this morning.


The vehicle was polished and coated with Gyeon's CanCoat product. Trim was horribly faded so I also restored that and SiO2 Coated it so the dark rich color will stay with no further maintenance needed. The windshield cowling will be restore next and had to remain faded for now as I ran out of product and my replacement is due this week. Overall the car turned out great given it's 11 years old and has seen it's share of weather and use. Outside the front bumper which has wear the paint is 95+ if not nearly 100% corrected and looking great.


Onto the cell shots to at least show off what a Blue Pearl Subi should look like.


Thanks for helping out on the detail Brandon!



Light Swirls likely from drying:






































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Updating thread with some pics from this morning.





































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