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College Football Thread: Version 2018


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Well i live here in Alabama and my brother in law is a professor at UA.


So you live there NOW because your wife made you move and you have no ties outside of your wife, who is from there, making you move there? Am I following the story line properly?


Cool story bro.

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The FBS is all over the board..OSU was never a Top 5 team, no way no how...too many issues. I'll take the loss and hope for a Rose Bowl. And yes, 'Bama is rolling against NO ONE. The only team that gave them static was A&M.......looking good tonight. Then we are in the quandry...who do you hate more, Bama or ND?
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The FBS is all over the board..OSU was never a Top 5 team, no way no how...too many issues. I'll take the loss and hope for a Rose Bowl. And yes, 'Bama is rolling against NO ONE. The only team that gave them static was A&M.......looking good tonight. Then we are in the quandry...who do you hate more, Bama or ND?


Notre Dame. I hate Bama but I at least respect Bama’s success. I have little to no respect for Notre Dame

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So a good question for OSU fans after seeing the odds. What do you think...how long will Urban stay the coach of OSU?


Hopefully he will leave soon.


Something is wrong with this system and coaching. We need some fresh play calling. We have some of the most talented players on the face of the earth and no one in the locker room can seem to motivate them.


This is a coaching issue.

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Hopefully he will leave soon.


Something is wrong with this system and coaching. We need some fresh play calling. We have some of the most talented players on the face of the earth and no one in the locker room can seem to motivate them.


This is a coaching issue.


It feels a bit like stagnant water at this point. I’m not willing to give up hope yet though. We got our ass handed to us last year by Iowa and finished out the year strong. If we do the same this year we could get in. Coaches with an .850+ winning percentage and multiple national championships don’t come around often.

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The Alabama gets LSU this week correct, that will be a quality win IMO, and as long as UM beats Penn St this week in Ann Arbor, that should put them in the number 4 slot with Indiana and Rutgers to play before OSU, so OSU is set up to rebound and if they beat UM, they go play Northwestern on a neutral field for the Big 10 Champ and maybe on into the Playoff.


BTW ND plays Northwestern in Chicago Saturday, That upset could help OSU too.


And let’s be honest here, the playoff is hapening because of ratings. The larger fan bases have an edge like OSU.

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The Alabama gets LSU this week correct, that will be a quality win IMO, and as long as UM beats Penn St this week in Ann Arbor, that should put them in the number 4 slot with Indiana and Rutgers to play before OSU, so OSU is set up to rebound and if they beat UM, they go play Northwestern on a neutral field for the Big 10 Champ and maybe on into the Playoff.


BTW ND plays Northwestern in Chicago Saturday, That upset could help OSU too.


And let’s be honest here, the playoff is hapening because of ratings. The larger fan bases have an edge like OSU.


My son and I have argued over this with him saying he thinks OSU will make the playoffs and i say even if OSU wins out we go no higher than 5 and we stay home.

And as much as I love OSU after watching them this year I don't want to make the playoffs

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My son and I have argued over this with him saying he thinks OSU will make the playoffs and i say even if OSU wins out we go no higher than 5 and we stay home.

And as much as I love OSU after watching them this year I don't want to make the playoffs


I'm not sure I want to see them get in either unless they look like a completely different team (in a good way) the rest of the season.


With that said, I think you're assuming everyone ahead of us continues to win besides the top 10 teams who play each other. I'll lay out how I think we do and how we don't get in assuming we win out.


How we do get in

Alabama - Wins out

Clemson - Wins out

^ I think we need these 2 teams to win out because unless they catastrophically fail and lose 2 games, both of these teams are in with even 1 loss and all that would do is create a 2nd team potentially from the SEC getting in which I'll explain in the how we get left out scenario.

Notre Dame - Needs to lose 1. If we have one loss and they have one loss I think we jump them.

Oklahoma - Needs to lose one more. They still have Oklahoma State and West Virginia and if they get past those, they will probably play Texas in the Big 12 CCG. If they lose to WVU they likely won't even make the Big 12 championship game and there is no way WVU gets in over us. Oklahoma is the most important team for us to watch I think.


I think we honestly just need either Oklahoma to fall one more time or Notre Dame to drop one and if we win out, we're in the playoffs in this scenario.


How we don't get in

- Alabama loses to LSU then LSU goes on to win the SEC CG (Alabama still gets in with one loss)

- Alabama wins out but loses to the winner of UGA/UK in the SEC CG (likely UGA) and again, Alabama still gets in with one loss and so does the SEC CG winner.

- Clemson wins out (even with a loss I think they're ahead of us)

- Notre Dame wins out

- Oklahoma wins out


In that scenario there is no way we jump an undefeated ND team or a 1 loss Oklahoma team who's only loss was to a ranked Texas team by 3 in OT, especially if they get to avenge that loss by beating them in the Big 12 CCG. In this scenario we aren't even in the discussion. It would come down to a 1 loss Alabama, 1 loss Oklahoma and ND for who get the final 2 spots. We would finish 6th.

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Dwayne Haskins was Antonio Brown's guest at the Browns vs Steelers game and sat in a luxury box with Brown's family. Compliance is investigating. Important to note that Brown is not an agent or a booster, and he and Haskins have a relationship because Haskins has trained with him and Mohammed Sanu the last few summers

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