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Need help identifying a key


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A family member found this key recently and asked me to help her identify it.

I’m pretty stumped because I have little key knowledge so I hoped that somebody on here could share some info on the subject.

Thanks in advance.


Pic of key.



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2 hours on Google Image search has yielded me the following results.


  • It is USB, no doubt about it (though... everyone knew that...)
  • The damn thing has (or should have) data of some sort on it. If you are brave enough, plug it into a computer and see whats on it.
  • HUGE WARNING!!! DO NOT HAVE THE COMPUTER YOU PLUG IT INTO CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET IN ANY WAY! Some USB keys have software on them that "phones home" and can compromise your system.
  • The hole on the key implies that it belongs on a key ring, indicating that it might just be a novelty item.


My conclusion?

- It's to low quality and lacking in ANY makers mark to be for any serious business.

- The USB side of it looks like it would be a 4/8/or 16 GB Size (If I had to guess)

- The mysterious nature of someone "finding" it out of the blue is even more perplexing.


Final guess.... It's a cheap China-Pakistana-Land USB drive 4GB Model

Contents of the drive? Uncle Dave's self shot porn collection from his "experimental" years.

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  greg said:
Yes, I've seen similar keys and they're always for security systems -- pools, clubs, etc.


Too many pins for USB, right?


I had that same thought, too many and oddly spaced. Whatever lock it fits it's proprietary to that lock. I do think it's electronic, I don't think it has data storage, too thin. Might work like one of those old "chipped" keys from the early 90's. From the shape alone I would venture it is a door or a house key of some sort.

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