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Ford People: What To Look For In Mercury Grand Marquis/Town Cars/Crown Vics


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I use Uber 4-6x a week...no need for a Crown Vic. Just get something that can hold 4 people and something much better on gas- like you said, a Camry or even Accord is perfect. Clay nailed it with some of the nice touches.


Make sure the car doesn't smell like Axe body spray and just stays relatively clean- providing a charger is something I've always appreciated as well.


After looking at things from a business perspective I think that ditching the bad grandpa whip is going to be best. I had already thought about the items Clay mentioned and was going to have chargers available as well.


I spent 10 years in a high level customer service role so I know how far small things can go. I've also spent time in Ubers all over the country so I think I have a handle on what will make this easier.


At this point I'm going to have to sit down and grind out a business plan and budget to make sure this is going to work how I want it to and see what my income targets will need to be so this is worth my time.


Do I want to have to work a second job, no, but it will help me be able to buy a nicer trailer, pay off my truck, and pay for some big house projects I have in mind.

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How much are you going to make Ubering?!?



Well my friend has made enough to pay for his racecar build so I'm guessing enough to have enough cash to get things started.


Pay off debt first, then apply that money saved towards other items while generating fresh cash...

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The few uber drivers I've talked to say they make 10-11 bucks an hour after fees and taxes and shit.

That's around $2,500 a month take-home money if you work 8 hours a day every single day of the month.

5 hours a night on only weeknights would be around $1k a month.


None of the above would be worth my sanity, but whatevs.

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The few uber drivers I've talked to say they make 10-11 bucks an hour after fees and taxes and shit.

That's around $2,500 a month take-home money if you work 8 hours a day every single day of the month.

5 hours a night on only weeknights would be around $1k a month.


None of the above would be worth my sanity, but whatevs.


This has been my first impression of all this. I certainly have no ability to put up with random fucktards in my car anyway.

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As much as some people want to poke fun this is actually some good info and matches up a bit with the research I did today.


If there is one skill I've learned and grown with the new gig it has to be "working the problem". Sitting there just bitching and complaining about a problem or situation won't fix it.


You look at angles, do research, come up with a plan and mow shit down. Is Uber the answer, maybe not, but I'll put in more time this weekend to see. If I can't get the numbers to work I'll work on the next possible solution.


I've got a lot of stuff I want to accomplish so I'm going to find a way to make it happen.


Thanks to those who provided useful feedback and info.

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If there is one skill I've learned and grown with the new gig it has to be "working the problem". Sitting there just bitching and complaining about a problem or situation won't fix it.


But...but...that's what the CR collective thrives at. Bitching, moaning, and complaining. Mainly on things of which they have no personal experience.



I've got a lot of stuff I want to accomplish so I'm going to find a way to make it happen.


Thanks to those who provided useful feedback and info.


You do you, boo. F the haters.


Ah I don't miss living in cbus and needing 2-3 jobs to be cool.


Fucking lol. For real. LOL.

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One thing to consider. Amazon hires delivery drivers for Prime service, I only partially looked into it but from what i understand its very similar to uber in that you're paid based on demand. So if you drive in the middle of the day when delivery demand is low you may make 15$/hour but if you're driving in the evening during rush hour and everyone wants to order their prime instead of going to the store your pay goes up.


It looked super easy, go to the warehouse load up your car and their app tells you where to go for the deliveries. No customer interaction, no drunks, no 5 star ratings pretty simple. I haven't looked into it in a while but you might consider it rather than Uber?

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After crunching the numbers for required investment plus the time to recover the money invested Uber just didn't make sense. Now the delivery stuff might be something I look at but I've decided to go in a different direction.


I'm going to look into commercial/people work along with making man cave art.

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