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House bought that was not what it should have been

Johny Utah

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I had a relative sell a house and basically report "nope never had water in the basement" on the disclosure, when they had in fact had it flood several times.


Within a year or two of selling it, the basement flooded for the new owner. After some time in court, said relative did end up paying for the cleanup and the bulk of the repairs. So it does happen, but reading here this case likely falls under the "patent" defect category.


They probably cleaned the basement and painted the walls and so on where they actively attempted to defraud the buyers.


The case that is cited a lot is where the sellers put drywall up throughout parts of the unfinished basement. Come to find out they were covering up active leaks and there were previous pictures showing that the basement had no drywall.


The other really fun case law out there is where the seller did really really shitty repairs to a wall and roof and it rotted out the entire side of a house. He put on the disclosure that it had leaked and the repairs he did to the roof and wall. The buyers lost that case

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We went through this with our current home. Long and short of it was, we were screwed and ended up having to fix it all ourselves. If you want more info feel free to pm me, Ohio may be different but here we couldn’t get one lawyer to represent us as they all said it’s a nearly impossible uphill battle.
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