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Friday update: I was in the hospital with him today. No real changes. They're trying to back the sedation meds off again, hopefully he responds better this time. He opens his eyes briefly if you talk with him and is moving around a bit (a pretty good sign). Still a long road ahead.


Get well my old friend! I wish you a speedy recovery!




Holy shit Bill is still around here! Hey Bill!

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Not much change today. He did start opening his eyes more and for longer, and seems to have a bit of recognition if you talk with him. Still pretty agitated. Can't wait for the breathing tube to be out.


Have they found out what's actually wrong or they just keeping him sedated? I know it's something with his pancreas but anything else?


No, no real idea yet. They're still trying to get him stable. All we know was severe pancreatitis with triglycerides over 8000.

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Not much change today. He did start opening his eyes more and for longer, and seems to have a bit of recognition if you talk with him. Still pretty agitated. Can't wait for the breathing tube to be out.




No, no real idea yet. They're still trying to get him stable. All we know was severe pancreatitis with triglycerides over 8000.



Damnnnnn. I just googled 8000 triglycerides and this popped up




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No, no real idea yet. They're still trying to get him stable. All we know was severe pancreatitis with triglycerides over 8000.


Uncontrolled diabetic? We recently had a girl in Critical Care at Grant who had pancreatitis due to high triglyceride levels. She was sick as shit.

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Uncontrolled diabetic? We recently had a girl in Critical Care at Grant who had pancreatitis due to high triglyceride levels. She was sick as shit.


They don't think so. They told us on Friday, it is physically impossible to eat enough food of any kind to get the levels that high. Like the human body just cannot get that high on diet alone.

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They don't think so. They told us on Friday, it is physically impossible to eat enough food of any kind to get the levels that high. Like the human body just cannot get that high on diet alone.


That's correct. It typically happens in diabetics though. I can't remember the exact pathophysiology of why it happens though.

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Sunday update: He's "awake" in that his eyes are open, but he's still not super responsive. I actually preferred when he was mostly sleeping... can't imagine what's going through his head right now. Hope it's nothing and he's just zoned out. His lung capacity is still low, they did a CT to try and see why... should know tomorrow. We still have a ways to go here. :(
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Update for today: He's resting again with more sedation meds. They're not sure why his lung capacity is so low, but the CT did not show any serious infection (pneumonia). It sounds like they're preparing for him to have a longer initial recovery than we all hoped - they're considering moving the breathing tube to his chest so can get use of his face again which I am sure will go a long way to helping him relax when he's awake. Looks like this may be turning into a marathon instead of a sprint. Thanks for your prayers and thoughts of him. I know he appreciates it.
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Still "stable". Still running fever. They checked him yesterday for a secondary infection. We are waiting on the results of that. He is still medicated and asleep. This isn't going to be quick, unfortunately. They are saying he could be in ICU for another week or two provided everything goes right. Then recovery is going to take quite a while. They are talking about putting a breathing tube in his neck and removing the one in his mouth. He is still requiring a lot of oxygen and they are nearing the max time they keep the other tube in... plus it will be a little easier on him when they wake him up too.
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Thanks for the update Tina, I know how rough it is. When my daughter was in the hospital for over a month it sucked, it’s not something I would wish upon anyone. We’ll keep praying and hoping for more progress, hang in there.
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No major changes today. He seems to be "perking up" a little bit, which is also a struggle because he gets pretty agitated when he's aware. Some small good signs physically are starting to pop up. Seems like we're in 2 steps forward, 1 back mode right now... at least it's forward progress.
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