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Yes, and i'm for this. And if we "stagger" the pace at which people return it will help slow the spread while trying to get everything going forward again.


Now if they do testing and can handle that in volume, let the people who have the antibodies go for it no holds barred. I'd jump back in full force if I knew I had it and was asymptomatic. Until that time though, my thought is we need to creep back slowly because if we rush back without thought it will just spike again and we'll be back to square one.



Holy shit we agree on a few things. :p

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The world runs on money and right now the governments of the world told everybody to stop working and it'll be okay we'll just print some money. At some point the economic cost is going to come crashing down on us and some of us and many will wonder if it was worth it.
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Tim, picking a date is a dumb comment. You're not accelerating progress...just increasing the risk of more damage by telegraphing an artificial "all-clear" for the wrong reasons.


We all want/NEED to get back to work, but if social distancing will flatten the infection/death curve then I'll maintain faith in our state/local leadership. Anyone of you that suggests/acts differently risks your life and others, plain and simple. Yes, we're not going to eliminate the total risks but I've got a baby and elderly family members I'm thinking about.


In the near future (hopefully shorter than the 12-18 months we're being told), we'll have a vaccine for this like we do for flu/shingles/etc...I'm just hoping we get effective treatments to bridge the gap between now and when we've developed a solution to live with this virus. Again, WE have to trust our leadership on timing when it's safe to go out. I've been very encouraged by how Ohio has managed this process and will continue to listen.


All the "pandemic experts" in this thread...please sit down.


I get what you're saying, but my professional experience with local/state/federal officials tells me that the last thing we should do is put faith in them.


Ohio seems to be ahead of this more than most. People are just freaking out because of the economic damage being caused and the fact that the fear-mongering media statistics aren't being met. Now people are out filming hospitals and pissed because they aren't overflowing with sick people.


I'm not a pandemic expert by any stretch, I'm just doing as I'm asked and not leaving my house unless I have to. I just see a lot of other people totally ignoring what's being asked fo them and then bitching they have to stay in lockdown longer.


The biggest kick to the gut is that this is going to cause me to be unemployed and by the time it finally happens there won't be any resouces for me so I'm going to be 100% screwed.

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At some point the economic cost is going to come crashing down on us and some of us and many will wonder if it was worth it.



Agree....and the unpopular opinion is it's not worth it. Millions of lives are hitting the toilet over this already let along a month from now. We live with many more lives passing on a daily basis and accept the risks that come from the event that causes them. Car Accidents, DUI's, Suicides, Drug overdoses, etc. and many more and yet none nor all of them combined shut our country down nor even cross anyone's mind for doing that to alleviate.




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Please just keep in mind a few things:


1) The death toll if we did nothing was predicted to be 1.5 million. Preventing a 50% increase in our annual death toll was certainly worth shutting down for, and even if that doesn't rustle your jimmies for the sake of not watching people die, it should rustle your jimmies because 1.5 million extra people dying would have been pretty bad for the economy as well.


2) The epidemiologists said at the beginning that if we do a good job it will look like we overreacted. Keep in mind point (1) above. Also keep in mind that we don't have to wonder what it would have looked like if we'd done less, all we have to do is look across the pond to Italy and Spain. That's also what could happen if we go back to normal too soon.


3) We're not at the peak of even the updated models, which should arrive in various states between now and the end of the month (Ohio sooner than others, thankfully). PPE supplies are running low here in Ohio and we're in a good spot compared to a lot of places. We are not out of the woods yet. Let's just keep our dick in our pants for a couple more weeks and see how things go.


Maybe when the economic costs come crashing down people will remember some assclown claiming this was all a democratic hoax. It's sad that people who had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the reality of 1.5 million dead have, in a matter of 3 weeks, after actual adults listened to actual experts and turned 1.5 million into a "mere" 100,000, forgotten why we had to do this in the first place.


Let's just keep things nice and slow, is all I'm saying. Listen to the experts.

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Holy shit we agree on a few things. :p


I want to go back to work. I want a badass 401k, but I’m not a gambling man and if my pulmonologist tells me to keep my ass home, I’m gonna kick and scream to do that until I’m advised it’s ok.


I also understand by looking overseas and in NY, that it’s a GOOD thing we don’t see overflowing hospitals. That means if and when it hits home, there may be room for me there if I need it. That (to me anyway) is priceless and well worth my 401k, because as I said earlier, that 401k is useless if I’m in a morgue dead.

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Not often will you see this so mark it...I agree with greg..we have to wait this out because if we don't it will spread again.


There is no way to let those who are not susceptible go out in the world without infecting the ones who can/could die from it.


We will have to begin getting back to normal at some point but we really can't get there until a vaccine is developed. I'm not saying we have to quarantine until the vaccine is developed but we will get back to normal normal once it's developed.

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Maybe when the economic costs come crashing down people will remember some assclown claiming this was all a democratic hoax.


Lets also not forget all the dems that as late as early and mid March were encouraging people getting out on the town in both San Fran. And NYC for the Chinese New Years Celebrations. Nor those that call Trump racist for locking down China on way back on 1/31.


Sent from my SM-G988U using Tapatalk

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I welcome anyone who's pushing to just get it over with to come to Grant with me for a day, walk into one of the negative airflow room with a positive patient, and take a big deep breath without a mask.


Any takers?


Personally, I think this is a great approach for those in a rush to get the economy going. If those are in such a hurry to get things going, go to the hospitals and get in there working to get people better and back out into the workforce. That will build herd immunity that much faster and we all can get back to work sooner. Otherwise, follow the advice and let’s stay the course because I’m not willing to risk my life and health for a damn paycheck. If I get let go over it so be it.


Yes, anyone who didn't listen to the experts should be voted the fuck out of office. That includes Trump, De Blasio, any democrats you want. Blanket policy, I'm fine with that. Fuck em all.


This too.

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The people out of work right now got dealt cards too...


Ope. Got eem.


All the "pandemic experts" in this thread...please sit down.


Ope. Got eem.


Thank you for your feedback but in my world when we work on projects such as a re-launch, it's nice to start with an end in mind.


You're in IT. Your "world" doesn't involve the mortality of millions of people across the globe.


The difference is I have no faith in leadership unless they are looking at a date when to get life moving again. Currently they aren't they are looking at flattening the curve only.


"Flattening the curve" literally means "getting life moving again" more efficiently.


Car Accidents, DUI's, Suicides, Drug overdoses, etc. and many more and yet none nor all of them combined shut our country down nor even cross anyone's mind for doing that to alleviate.


The most apples to oranges comparison I've seen in this entire thread or anywhere else.

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Not a fan of the pressers right now patting ourselves on the back for how good we've done. It will for sure make some not take it as serious and could lead to another ramp up. Our cases are still climbing so there's still alot of uncertainty. Talk to me in June and let me know how we've done or better yet....talk to me when we have an actual working and available vaccine. Until then I'm staying locked down.
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Not a fan of the pressers right now patting ourselves on the back for how good we've done. It will for sure make some not take it as serious and could lead to another ramp up. Our cases are still climbing so there's still alot of uncertainty. Talk to me in June and let me know how we've done or better yet....talk to me when we have an actual working and available vaccine. Until then I'm staying locked down.


I think there is so much pressure to get the economy going again that people are willing to find a reason to look the other way.

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I think there is so much pressure to get the economy going again that people are willing to find a reason to look the other way.


I think some of the non-DeWine red states are going to start rolling things back, it'll be interesting to see if there's a resurgence or if voluntary measures will suffice.


I'm sure people have seen this out of Kansas:


On Wednesday, the Legislative Coordinating Council voted 5-2 to overturn Gov. Laura Kelly's newest executive order that specifically restricted the size of religious gatherings to 10 or less - citing a reason that the governor's orders likely violated the state constitution.
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It's coming, see posts here in this thread for a prime example. Everyone isn't seeing the "millions dead" and overflowing hospitals likely because the lockdowns are doing what they are supposed to do. Since they aren't seeing though, they think it was an overreaction and we need to get going because these lockdowns are just too much. Only time will tell.
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I've thought the whole thing was an overreaction from the start and I completely understand what a virus could do to the population, I also understand the bigger picture of the cost of shutting down the entire planet of billions to save a million or two.


I'd hate to have to make those decisions and I'm shocked at the way we went because to stop it spreading we can't do enough and to do it half assed is just dumb.

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Not sure if I should be really giving my opinion on this because of 2 reasons, 1. I have an auto-immune disease so I feel that people should keep their ass in their home and 2. I have a job that allows me to work from home so I'm not feeling the economic pinch yet. But I'm having a hard time understand why people are all bitching about their jobs because they are to be getting the stimulus check that is more than my mortgage and utility costs AND getting unemployment so from an outside prospective it feels like people just want to complain but again, I'm not quite in that situation since I can work from home and I'm extremely high risk of dying if I catch it. I think we've been doing a DECENT at best job at staying at home as the few times that I have ventured out for the grocery store or something necessary I've seen WAY too many people out and about. Can anyone that has a different prospective chime in and help me understand the other side of the coin. My thoughts, Stimulus check of 4 people in a family is over 3k plus unemployment and if it's 12 bucks an hour that check will be just shy of 2k before taxes so that's 5k in a month, how are people not able to live off of that?
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I've thought the whole thing was an overreaction from the start and I completely understand what a virus could do to the population, I also understand the bigger picture of the cost of shutting down the entire planet of billions to save a million or two.


I'd hate to have to make those decisions and I'm shocked at the way we went because to stop it spreading we can't do enough and to do it half assed is just dumb.

to me it feels "half assed" as people aren't following the guidelines that we were given.

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I've thought the whole thing was an overreaction from the start and I completely understand what a virus could do to the population, I also understand the bigger picture of the cost of shutting down the entire planet of billions to save a million or two.


I'd hate to have to make those decisions and I'm shocked at the way we went because to stop it spreading we can't do enough and to do it half assed is just dumb.


It's easy to write off a million or two people if you feel like it won't be you. If you were for sure one of those million or two people slated to die, no price would be high enough to stop it. If i'm wrong there, feel free to go to your local hospital and volunteer to get people better faster so we all can get back to work.

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I do have an immune disease and am going into medical places to do work, I am trying to limit it, but my family still needs money and to be honest if I catch it and die then "life insurance for the win". I guess I'm crazy, but I'm also doing the best I can for my family.
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I do have an immune disease and am going into medical places to do work, I am trying to limit it, but my family still needs money and to be honest if I catch it and die then "life insurance for the win". I guess I'm crazy, but I'm also doing the best I can for my family.


Not disagreeing, just stating my family seems to prefer I stay alive. At least that's what they tell me for now.:gabe:

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to me it feels "half assed" as people aren't following the guidelines that we were given.


I'm not gonna get anyone in trouble, but I do know two nurses right now who've been treating infected patients and even had a few die and they are just driving home to their families every day possibly spreading the infection. To me thats pretty shitty, I even know that one of them had a family gathering including kids friends so that several other families could potentially be in contact with people who have been in direct contact with the now dead.


That is half assed to the max.

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