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My company is also doing 2 weeks of furlough for all salaried employees, top to bottom. My first week is next week, with a second one later this month. No pay for those weeks, so I'll be submitting for unemployment supplement though I don't expect to qualify for much. Annoying, but I'm not salty about it as it's saving layoffs for a lot of our field staff who aren't even allowed entry to many client sites.


In other news, I'm hearing grocery stores to be limited to 50 occupants starting this afternoon, with the Nat'l guard enforcing this at the entrances. I think Costco has been doing something similar voluntarily, but it's probably wise to institute a policy. The 2pm briefing should be worth watching.


I'm waiting for something to come down for myself but haven't heard much yet as I've been disconnected. I normally WFH often so not much has changed from me, except the exaggerated expectation that now I can do more.

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Cliffs from press conference:


1. Shelter in place order extended to May 1st.

2. Require retail establishments to limit the number of people in store at one time.

3. Anyone coming into Ohio asked to quarantine for 14 days, unless normally work just across the border.

4. No regulation on weddings/funerals. Left up to good judgement. The reception though MUST follow rule of not more than 10 people coming together.

5. Public campgrounds and swimming pools closed.

6. Organized sports prohibited.

7. Stay far apart when fishing.

8. State parks will stay open unless people come into contact with each other, then the Director can close or "take action".

9. Law enforcement is "confronting" businesses that should be closed to the public.

10. Homeland Security has issued an Addendum about online businesses. Look up if needed.

11. Single person can come and perform your lawn care, if needed.

12. Foreclosures on commercial properties: Did NOT say that you don't have to pay mortgage or rent. There IS a 90 day pause on foreclosures. Need to work out with financial institution or landlord.

13. Added over 468k people to unemployment in the past 2 weeks, just in Ohio. Unemployment agency will add up to 1,000 additional staff. Expanded hours open.

14. Mass unemployment # for Ohio unemployment application due to COVID-19: 2000180

15. Ohio is setting up a website to find essential jobs that are hiring during this crisis.

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So I've been keeping track of Ohio's numbers for the past few days, and our state does seem to be "flattening the curve":


4043 on 4/5

3739 on 4/4

3312 on 4/3

2904 on 4/2

2400 on 4/1


I need to do some more research and see what I can find for the days prior to 4/1.

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So I've been keeping track of Ohio's numbers for the past few days, and our state does seem to be "flattening the curve":


4043 on 4/5

3739 on 4/4

3312 on 4/3

2904 on 4/2

2400 on 4/1


I need to do some more research and see what I can find for the days prior to 4/1.


The numbers are all listed here:

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So I've been keeping track of Ohio's numbers for the past few days, and our state does seem to be "flattening the curve":


4043 on 4/5

3739 on 4/4

3312 on 4/3

2904 on 4/2

2400 on 4/1


I need to do some more research and see what I can find for the days prior to 4/1.

Imo we have to eventually open up and just deal with it. We aren't going to stay "flat" or dropping and the virus isn't going anywhere.


Why we in ohio continue to tighten restrictions when we aren't hearing about system overloads is confusing.


I wish the media and what not would stop talking about these numbers and instead work harder on what we are doing progress wise to get treatments out there so we can begin dropping the number of deaths. We don't need to be at a rate of zero to open up.


Sent from my SM-G988U using Tapatalk

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Imo we have to eventually open up and just deal with it. We aren't going to stay "flat" or dropping and the virus isn't going anywhere.


Why we in ohio continue to tighten restrictions when we aren't hearing about system overloads is confusing.


It amazes me that otherwise intelligent people who have no problem managing their own 401ks can't look at a trend line and figure out the obvious conclusions. This website has been making the rounds, it's one of the models Ohio is using to make decisions. It does predict a flattening off of new cases and deaths, based on our current policies, with the "light at the end of the tunnel" being around mid-May, May 15th-ish. At that point nearly 2000 Ohioans will have died.


No big deal, right? That's only 2/3 of a 9/11. Except we know that for every death we have about 10 hospitalizations. That's 20,000 hospital beds, and upthread someone bragged that we should have 9,500 free at any given moment (which I doubt is true, sadly). 9,500 minus 20,000 means 10,500 getting sent home to die, or being treated in makeshift hospitals. If we can't save those 10,500 people that's like, three 9/11s!


We're just at the beginning of a big ramp up, meaning the virus is just starting to hit critical mass. According to that model, those 9,500 empty beds that we may or may not have will be completely filled up on April 19th, 2 weeks from today. The two weeks after that are going to be an absolute shitshow. So let's just do what we're doing for another month, we can manage that in the greatest country on Earth, don't you think?


I wish the media and what not would stop talking about these numbers and instead work harder on what we are doing progress wise to get treatments out there so we can begin dropping the number of deaths. We don't need to be at a rate of zero to open up.


In terms of Covid-19 information I'm getting everything from DeWine/Acton and the WH task force. They talk numbers a lot because it's a concrete way to make people realize the gravity of the next month, which might just scare people into not being morons. If we're talking shark attacks or immigrant crime I'll be right there with you blaming the media for blowing shit way out of proportion, but in this case all they're doing is reporting on what's being said by our (Republican) elected leaders and their respective teams. Journalists are not qualified to develop medical treatments so I'm not sure what else you want them to do.

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So I've been keeping track of Ohio's numbers for the past few days, and our state does seem to be "flattening the curve":


4043 on 4/5

3739 on 4/4

3312 on 4/3

2904 on 4/2

2400 on 4/1


I need to do some more research and see what I can find for the days prior to 4/1.


Weekend numbers were a bit low last week and jump up by Monday/Tuesday but otherwise I agree, it does seem that DeWine's swift and strict actions have made an impact compared to nearby states.

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Weekend numbers were a bit low last week and jump up by Monday/Tuesday but otherwise I agree, it does seem that DeWine's swift and strict actions have made an impact compared to nearby states.


Somebody showed me a map yesterday while I was at work (caring for a COVID + patient) that showed Google's tracking of cell phones. Ohio is doing MUCH better than most other states at keeping our asses at home, so kudos to everyone and Dewine for doing this. Side note; I know it happens, but damn it's creepy that Google can track us all with such accuracy.


From a hospital capacity standpoint, it's starting to ramp up. Last week was mostly dead. Census was low. It was eerily quiet. Fast forward to yesterday - the hospital is slowly starting to fill up with patients. And not just COVID patients, but the typical ramp-up that we see when the weather gets nice. Being the major player in the trauma game in central Ohio, Spring and Summer are trauma season for us. Sun's out/guns out is very true. Motorcycle accidents start rolling in. We are usually at max capacity by May so perfect timing for the peaking of this pandemic.


The hospital system is still bracing for the onslaught because IT IS coming. Do me a solid and stay away from other people. K thx.

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Weekend numbers were a bit low last week and jump up by Monday/Tuesday but otherwise I agree, it does seem that DeWine's swift and strict actions have made an impact compared to nearby states.


Dewine has done a good job, bought some short term time. There is not a solution outside of keeping this deferral at bay vs the reality which is we can not essentially think this is solved by a certain date by staying put. The likely hood is similar amounts of people die maybe a little more maybe a little less (although some of this distancing now is potentially harmful by some expert calculations), they just don't pull that date far enough out as to not completely overwhelm people over a surge number that *potentially is not a high. Models are always wrong by there nature of assumptions with action, they are designed this way to some extent, just close, but how close... You can not return to 100% normal, as in life before Covid-19, with out a global vaccine. If we believe we can shelter until May 1st, reality seems to make us reconsider that thought for 11 more months in a good case scenario upon delivery of a vaccine. Otherwise we can not live in fear and must live in reality. Fauci is telling us this weekend that this potentially goes for a year...6.6 million unemployed turns into 60 million pretty fast, and that is a different rabbit hole.


Clay, the #winning hashtag while a dig at Trump, this has never been done in modern times to shut down and entire country which is what the doctors asked him to do...Tail effects are wide ranging and massive. Yes the date of lock down can be called into question, but not outcome which is out of his and the governments control IMO. This doesn't preclude him from criticism, but blaming him for the unemployment number which is a no brainer when you say, yeah close it all down...Duh. This is also where you have to balance having the country led by multiple experts and not just a doctor in a certain data set, its essentially the American project (I am not implying the information Fauci, Brix is bad, just we typically balance many experts in many fields to direct policy. Certainly not Trumps strong suit either).


It sucks, but this isn't a lives vs money argument, its a lives vs lives, there has to be a strategy to allow movement and herd immunity. This is a population control bug, sadly. It loves the co-morbidity's and the weaker older populous, and our health care system for all the criticism has otherwise done a phenomenal job of keeping these at risk people alive for much longer with better quality off life, however this scernario exposures the chinks in that armor, just life.


Serological testing hopefully solves the void in data they need to feel comfortable to send the herd back out. It needs to get moving and moving soon.

Edited by Brandon
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Dewine has done a fair job, bought some short term time. There is not a solution outside of keeping this deferral at bay vs the reality which is you can not essentially think this is solved by a magic date by staying put. The likely hood is similar amounts of people die maybe a little more maybe a little less (although some of this distancing now is potentially harmful by many calculations), they just don't pull that date far enough out as to not completely freak people out over a surge number that *potentially is not a high. Models are always wrong by there nature of assumptions with action, they are designed this way to some extent, just close, but how close... You can not return to 100% normal, as in life before this existed with out a global vaccine, so those of you whom believe you can shelter until May 1st, you should reconsider that thought for 11 more months in a good case otherwise do not live in fear and live in reality.


Fair point. The model levels off but it says nothing about what happens after that. DeWine's obviously not committing to anything past 1 May and he's got access to a lot better models than we do. It seems likely at this point that at some point in May or June the restrictions will slowly be lifted -- as they are, we'll see an uptick in cases at each step of the way, and at that point it will be a game of balancing social distancing measures against hospital capacity. They're saying that 60 to 70 percent of us will eventually get it and nobody knows if that's this year, next few years, or just a new normal for the rest of our lives until there's a vaccine. All we know for now is that it's very important to weather the next month.

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Fair point. The model levels off but it says nothing about what happens after that. DeWine's obviously not committing to anything past 1 May and he's got access to a lot better models than we do. It seems likely at this point that at some point in May or June the restrictions will slowly be lifted -- as they are, we'll see an uptick in cases at each step of the way, and at that point it will be a game of balancing social distancing measures against hospital capacity. They're saying that 60 to 70 percent of us will eventually get it and nobody knows if that's this year, next few years, or just a new normal for the rest of our lives until there's a vaccine. All we know for now is that it's very important to weather the next month.


I agree with that. Follow the protocol until we can see a little clearer, early indications are we can certainly be strategic and beat this. We all are good at juggling, this is just a new ball.

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Very unfortunate what happened to the japanese during that time. I can see that a social distancing order (although I disagree with limiting travel) would survive given dui check points now have legal precedent.
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As good as I keep hearing we in Ohio are doing there's still room for improvement. I'm still seeing far too many people not doing their part. These are the people that turn this from 300-400 cases a day now to 8k-10k cases a day in a month. Today I took my daughter up to do a drive by pick up of her softball pictures. I was against going and getting them altogether but caved figuring since it's drive through there shouldn't be a ton of risk. Wrong. There were probably 10-12 people standing around talking and walking up to all the cars talking like it was just a normal Sunday. There are no normal Sundays right now. It was just too many people too close together. Defeated the whole purpose of drive through pick up.
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As good as I keep hearing we in Ohio are doing there's still room for improvement. I'm still seeing far too many people not doing their part. These are the people that turn this from 300-400 cases a day now to 8k-10k cases a day in a month. Today I took my daughter up to do a drive by pick up of her softball pictures. I was against going and getting them altogether but caved figuring since it's drive through there shouldn't be a ton of risk. Wrong. There were probably 10-12 people standing around talking and walking up to all the cars talking like it was just a normal Sunday. There are no normal Sundays right now. It was just too many people too close together. Defeated the whole purpose of drive through pick up.


That's pretty much what I see over here. Many are basically going about normal routines while I just sit inside.

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Clay, the #winning hashtag while a dig at Trump, this has never been done in modern times to shut down and entire country which is what the doctors asked him to do...Tail effects are wide ranging and massive. Yes the date of lock down can be called into question, but not outcome which is out of his and the governments control IMO. This doesn't preclude him from criticism, but blaming him for the unemployment number which is a no brainer when you say, yeah close it all down...Duh. This is also where you have to balance having the country led by multiple experts and not just a doctor in a certain data set, its essentially the American project (I am not implying the information Fauci, Brix is bad, just we typically balance many experts in many fields to direct policy. Certainly not Trumps strong suit either).


It sucks, but this isn't a lives vs money argument, its a lives vs lives, there has to be a strategy to allow movement and herd immunity. This is a population control bug, sadly. It loves the co-morbidity's and the weaker older populous, and our health care system for all the criticism has otherwise done a phenomenal job of keeping these at risk people alive for much longer with better quality off life, however this scernario exposures the chinks in that armor, just life.


Brandon, if Trump acted like the leader he espouses to be, I'd have more respect for him. Simple as that.


However, every briefing I've watched - and we watch every OH and WH briefing in my household - displays a cohesive team of experts rallying around a good leader (OH) and then a self-serving narcissist who can't give up the podium to social/medical experts without stomping on their guidance with his own whims (WH).


I look at data every. day. of. my. life...you cannot brag about how great the country is doing under your "leadership" on the way up if you're going to deflect, ignore, and attack everyone around you on the way down.


This is a very tough situation for any President to inherit, for sure. But unlike 9/11, we see the attack happening on every other developed country across the globe as well. With every Coronavirus region at an international, national, and state/local level, we can see where leadership is on display....and where mismanagement and ineptitude slow the pace of progress elsewhere.






Have you started taking Hydroxychloroquine? Trump said it was safe....

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I am PROUD of the job DeWine and his team is doing for Ohio.


Are you truly PROUD of the way Trump is handling this situation? Rallying the troops? Uniting a nation?



DeWine said to shelter in place on 3/12, I've been WFH, and enjoying a beautiful spring explosion in Ohio as we awake from winter, and I'm spending time with my family. I feel for friends/family in other lines of business (especially bar/restaurants) and help where I can.


Trump tells us malaria drugs might help. What the f**k am I supposed to do with that information? How are the overburdened medical professionals doing??

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I know trump hasn't been the the best but he is better than hillary would have been.


I agree trump need to let others at the podium, which he does, so I don't get why you feel he's doing such a bad job.


What should he be doing?


As far as the drugs, I don't think he is saying those without the virus should be taking them, but if you have the virus, you can try them and see if it helps as long as you heed the precautions.


And every trump hate said he says he wants us to return to work by easter, which we now know ain't going to happen, but what he said was he "hoped" we could. You are buying into the media hype/hate of the donald.

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I know trump hasn't been the the best but he is better than hillary would have been.


I agree trump need to let others at the podium, which he does, so I don't get why you feel he's doing such a bad job.


What should he be doing?


As far as the drugs, I don't think he is saying those without the virus should be taking them, but if you have the virus, you can try them and see if it helps as long as you heed the precautions.


And every trump hate said he says he wants us to return to work by easter, which we now know ain't going to happen, but what he said was he "hoped" we could. You are buying into the media hype/hate of the donald.


Just everything about this my man, are you serious? My god.

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