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My boyfriend has a SEXY RC51 but sadly, two weeks after he got it, he put SATO banzi high mounts on and eliminated the back seat and rear pegs...

No vibration for me :( ...but let me tell you what...just the sound of his VTwin makes me "tingle" and alot of other things down there. LOLOLOL Oh and watching him ride his VTwin that sounds sexier than all get out makes me....well, I think you get the picture. LOL

Did your boyfriend have an extra tank? I purchased an RC tank from a guy in Dublin who had SATOS on his RC. I have the same setup, and I think that we discussed peg adapters so that he could carry a passenger.

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Bottom line, are you and the girls just talking shit, or are you hitting that?

5 person orgy going on up in that motherfucker or what? Because if it wasn't, they'd all have to leave. Well, I wouldn't have the guys living there in the 1st place.:slap:

Nick I've had several guy roommates through the years....ALL platonic! It can happen. ;)

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RSVDon did you say those chicks are in engineering? If so the one on the left looks pretty good for an engineering major. I'm at OSU for engineering, currently, and I have to say there are slim pickings inside our department.

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RSVDon did you say those chicks are in engineering? If so the one on the left looks pretty good for an engineering major. I'm at OSU for engineering, currently, and I have to say there are slim pickings inside our department.

hey jerkface, there happens to be a few cute girls there... at least there was when i was an undergrad.


what kind of engineering?

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RSVDon did you say those chicks are in engineering? If so the one on the left looks pretty good for an engineering major. I'm at OSU for engineering, currently, and I have to say there are slim pickings inside our department.

Yes, they both are. Looks like you're about to get your ass beat too. lol


hey jerkface, there happens to be a few cute girls there... at least there was when i was an undergrad.


what kind of engineering?

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A few, but not not many, most have switched majors by now. I do have an old friend who is very good looking and she is in Aerospace engineering, she's smart. To be completely fair to women engineers I always enjoy hanging out with them because they are smart, and you can hold an educated conversation with them, and they understand what I'm talking about when I go off on engineering tangents.

I'm in Civil Engineering, but not for much longer... Calculus and I don't get along very well.

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Calculus and I don't get along very well.

Join the club, but it's an evil fact of life when you want to be an engineer.

I was waiting for this. Ahahahahaha!!!!

Pos. Rep Roommate's....lol 05-12-2009 07:50 PM nudes?

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Join the club, but it's an evil fact of life when you want to be an engineer.

Don't I know it, and it's putting me in a tough position where I'm having to face to the fact that I'm not going to make as an engineer, even though I'll never have to use calc in my chosen division of engineering.

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A few, but not not many, most have switched majors by now. I do have an old friend who is very good looking and she is in Aerospace engineering, she's smart. To be completely fair to women engineers I always enjoy hanging out with them because they are smart, and you can hold an educated conversation with them, and they understand what I'm talking about when I go off on engineering tangents.

I'm in Civil Engineering, but not for much longer... Calculus and I don't get along very well.

There were ~6 attractive female engineers when I was an undergrad (as my chem E roomie figured) she was thinking that we should have a Women in Engineering calendar with funny engineering pics of cute engineering girls, but she could only come up with 6 that she would want in it, and therefor decided that we each would have to take 2 months... :lol: she was funny.

hrm, calculus and most people don't get along, but its kinda important. Hey, well maybe you'll be switching to a major with more attractive women. Good luck concentrating.

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I can believe that in some cases. More times it don't though, but you're right it does in some cases.

Tru dat Nick! I would NEVER dangle anything yummy in front of me (to keep my young butt at that time out of trouble) so I never lived with any of my guy friends that I knew I might have even the slightest attraction to. That solved any problems you may be eluding to. :p

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hrm, calculus and most people don't get along, but its kinda important. Hey, well maybe you'll be switching to a major with more attractive women. Good luck concentrating.

HAHAHA yea that would be true if I switched to Photography or English, or maybe even Photojournalism like I had been considering. But with my current plan of becoming a motorcycle tech I still don't have much hope for meeting attractive women in my field. :violin:

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Did your boyfriend have an extra tank? I purchased an RC tank from a guy in Dublin who had SATOS on his RC. I have the same setup, and I think that we discussed peg adapters so that he could carry a passenger.

Yes, that was my boyfriend! LOL Wish I could ride with him, but now I'm just riding my own! LOL We should all go riding sometime...he said you were a cool dude! :cool::p

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