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House Demolition Sale


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My old house is being demo'd by developers on Monday. I did a lot of work to this house. Tons of nice finishes and lots of usable parts. I would prefer this stuff go to someone who can use it rather than going to a landfill. Everything needs gone by Sunday.


Come look, make me an offer on what you want. I will not be online to answer any questions. As of right now, everything in the list is still here and available.


Also, if there's anyone that could help me remove and transport an insulated 18x8 garage door and springs to my new house, I'll give you anything you want in the house that I'm not keeping.


Here's the CL link with some pics:



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Where is the new house your are moving to?


Edit: I see how that door is made. I have a long bed truck, but that definitely would not fit. Sorry.


I could probably use the pressure tank though.

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I might be able to help tomorrow. If I leave my racecar in the driveway for the day that will clear up my 24' trailer, we can get the garage door in there.


Do you know the width on the double vanity? My wife has been wanting one of those, but that one looks a little too wide for my mast bathroom.

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Sorry guys, I wasn't really online much at all after posting this. I didn't see this until now. I haven't been back to the house since sunday night, but I'm sure it's leveled now.


I wasn't able to get the overhead garage door, unfortunately. David got the single vanity. We kept the white double-vanity for when we are ready to remodel the master bath at our new place. Since no one came for the cabinets, I decided to keep them for my detached garage that I'm having built.

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Where is the new house your are moving to?


Edit: I see how that door is made. I have a long bed truck, but that definitely would not fit. Sorry.


I could probably use the pressure tank though.



I did remove the tank from the house. I replaced the tank, pressure switch, and pressure guage in 2014, which is all still attached together. I'll get the specs for you and let you know.

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