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☆~Donald Trump 2020~☆


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Yesterday, I drive up to Sunbury, then East on Rt-61(?) past 36 all the way out to Thornville.

Today, I drove Post Rd through Plain City.


I was amazed at the Trump s igns, flags, banners. Etc...I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. Amazing how country folk love their God, guns, and freedom.


Drive thru some of the country side down here. There are rally's every weekend and signs in every other yard. It's pretty crazy to see. I literally saw a guy parked on a pull off, off the side of Rt 44 here yesterday selling guns out of the bed of his truck. No signs, no balloons flying. Just one dude and a pickup bed full of guns. He had lots of customers.

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Yesterday, I drive up to Sunbury, then East on Rt-61(?) past 36 all the way out to Thornville.

Today, I drove Post Rd through Plain City.


I was amazed at the Trump s igns, flags, banners. Etc...I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. Amazing how country folk love their God, guns, and freedom.

That's most of the state. I service elevators in jackson, Williamsport, Athens, I was even at Burr Oak Lodge today. It's amazing how elaborate some of the pro Trump, anti Biden displays are. I can only imagine the money some people have in these.

Lol, I had to take a pic of this one in Mechanicsburg up north:5cf9bd480a509a9c9085c21d1ee45fe5.jpg


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It's a frickin' cult. I've never seen anything like it.


The gaslighting is impressive.





talks about how tariffs didn't work for farmers, hurt the economy, and COVID has gutted small businesses across the country. Tax breaks help in the short term but massively accelerated long-term deficits. USMCA and trade deals aren't working, and U.S. nationalism has isolated us from global business alliances that are leaving us behind.


Yet, many people just want to keep believing that Trump is standing up hard against China and Russia, that he's got a healthcare plan, massive economic plans, etc etc.


Perception is truly reality in the U.S. today, and Trump is winning hearts and minds over Biden.


I believe that Trump's going to pull this off and get a 2nd term, but it's going to be through electoral college (like his win over Hillary in 2016, despite being almost 3MM votes behind her) or by Supreme Court decision with Barr's support. He's NOT going to win by popular vote. It's going to be through heartland states still going for Trump.https://www.nytimes.com/elections/2016/results/president


I for one think Trump's pressed every button and pulled every easy string he could grab to keep success going for the U.S. economy. I truly don't think he's going to do much his 2nd term as he'll either be golfing or resilient to do the hard work to reach across the aisle to people he's burned in the past to get bipartisan support on new legislature for meaningful, long-term change. He's going to keep owning easy wins, downplaying problems, and talking about 2016 promises he's still not going to deliver on.



Surprised Tim hasn't chimed in, considering the comments of his I see on FB. :gabe:

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The gaslighting is impressive.


I believe that Trump's going to pull this off and get a 2nd term, but it's going to be through electoral college (like his win over Hillary in 2016, despite being almost 3MM votes behind her) or by Supreme Court decision with Barr's support. He's NOT going to win by popular vote. It's going to be through heartland states still going for Trump.




Hard to win the popular vote when the mail in votes for trump are being thrown in the trash all over the country. :gabe:


Side note - you surely aren't arguing for the abolishment of the electoral college right?..

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Side note - you surely aren't arguing for the abolishment of the electoral college right?..


No. Abolishment of the electoral college is too extreme considering we still have basic issues with voter turnout, whether it's sufficient polling locations or ambivalence by eligible voters.


If this much passion around an election, as shown so far with early voting in 2020, highlights issues with the electoral college that can be fixed through bipartisan work AFTER the votes are tallied, then I'm all for it.

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No. Abolishment of the electoral college is too extreme considering we still have basic issues with voter turnout, whether it's sufficient polling locations or ambivalence by eligible voters.


If this much passion around an election, as shown so far with early voting in 2020, highlights issues with the electoral college that can be fixed through bipartisan work AFTER the votes are tallied, then I'm all for it.


I can respect that

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Biden votes are the ones being thrown in the trash all over the country. Trump supporters are the ones committing rampant voter fraud.


HTTP Error 404 Not Found


try again greg


But can either side provide supporting evidence for their claims? Tune in tomorrow to find out, on the next episode of "Yes, More Bullshit".

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But can either side provide supporting evidence for their claims? Tune in tomorrow to find out, on the next episode of "Yes, More Bullshit".


I can provide lots of evidence for my claims. For one, the mainstream media, am I right? Can't trust 'em. For two, the other side is the enemy of the people and wants to destroy America. And three, have you been living under a rock? The evidence is all around you!


Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

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There's one in Grove City as well. Down here, they just put up tents every weekend at vacant gas stations.

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Honestly I will probably vote for Jorgensen because not only do I support her policies, I’m sick of the useless two party system, and I believe in limited government. All either party talks about is how you should do certain things in your life, if you’re not hurting anyone then they can fuck off.




a vote for Jorg is a vote for Biden.


a vote for anyone other than trump is a vote for Biden.




...and not be seen as the guy that sits on the sidelines telling everyone how the game is played, but never having played themselves.


Like...like Trump was? :confused:



I get the thinking of wasted votes, but it’ll never change if that’s how you think.


This again.


Keep voting for tax cuts that increase the deficit, it's the libertarian way. Jorgensen 2020!




I can provide lots of evidence for my claims. For one, the mainstream media, am I right? Can't trust 'em. For two, the other side is the enemy of the people and wants to destroy America. And three, have you been living under a rock? The evidence is all around you!


Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Well, I'm sold.


Two wings, same bird. This thread has proved nothing more than nobody's mind is changed unless they change it themselves and folks on both sides of the fence act like kids at times with, "nuh-uh! You guys do bad things!" The bumper sticker thing made me lol. Some good thoughts/takes and fair points, but overall this thread has accomplished exactly what it was intended to.



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I have definitely never felt more unrepresented in an election. I tend to vote more conservatively, but don't feel strongly about a lot of the issues that the far right (Trump) choose to stand on. I just cannot convince myself to vote for the current liberal party.

If I could choose a candidate that was financially conservative but more socially liberal than the current right (not full current democratic party) I would be a hands down supporter. I suppose I fall under the same "lesser of two evils crowd" but I would love to think that my vote would make a difference toward a third party...


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This hunter Biden shit involving Joe has to be true. Every excuse they had initially has fall apart with all the physical evidence and corroboration.


The left, MSM and social media have censored the shit out of it. I’ve never seen this level of collusion to change the outcome of an election.


If somehow Biden pulls out a win, I bet he gets removed in the first year to pave the way for Krazy Kamala

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I can't make sense of the laptop story, and I've read a fair bit of coverage on it. Like, setting aside the ridiculousness of the whole backstory and the fact that Fox and the WSJ both passed on it because they couldn't verify anything, I can't figure out how the allegations being made against Joe are supposed to be devastating.


So like, explain it to me, assume everything on the emails is 100% true, will Joe go to jail? On what charges? What are the consequences, in your opinion?

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who knows. there is so much swirling around, it's impossible to know what is going on. Super high level, covering for inappropriate actions against a child which is endangerment to potentially using his office to profit from which may include money laundering. There has been so much info dumped lately, who knows. Could be anything from a big nothing burger to being removed from office.
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I can't make sense of the laptop story, and I've read a fair bit of coverage on it. Like, setting aside the ridiculousness of the whole backstory and the fact that Fox and the WSJ both passed on it because they couldn't verify anything, I can't figure out how the allegations being made against Joe are supposed to be devastating.


So like, explain it to me, assume everything on the emails is 100% true, will Joe go to jail? On what charges? What are the consequences, in your opinion?

I think you also have to ask if they had this information since December of last year, and it was evidence of illegal activity, why wait until now (after millions of people already voted) to release it and why has the FBI done nothing with it? And releasing it now, leaves no time for a full investigation before the election to either verify or debunk the claims.


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And the laptop thing will go away after election if Trump wins. If he loses it will get much more important but nothing will come of it.


Either way they are the elite and nothing ever comes of any thing. I've been so over the two parties for years now and don't usually care however it has been entertaining lately.

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LOL @ Trumpers still talking about Hunter Biden. "Lock HER Up" didn't work either. :gabe:



My wife gets multiple emails from every campaign surrogate of Trump's...it's ridic. Sarah Huckabee Sanders just asked her to send $$$. They are getting desperate. Sad!





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