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☆~Donald Trump 2020~☆


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I love how the left for 4 years complained about election interference but now there side is winning is saying...nawwwwwwww...can't happen...lol


And to call trump a racist..gosh who is doing the majority of terrorist activities around the world ...those crazy muslims..and where do most of the illegals come from..canada..nope..mexico..ding ding


I find it amazing he would rail against jews as his son in law is jewish and his grand kids are half jewish..hmmmmm


And racist he was quite the donor to the black community before he became president and enacted several reforms for the black community


And remember if you didn't vote for biden you weren't black..aaa I forget who is the racist?


Please do not let these facts get in the way






That’s equivalent to “I have a black friend” can’t be racist.

You people are in a cult. Nothing aside from what comes from orange Jesus mouth is true. Luckily you’re in the minority.

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I don't feel that I actually have to provide examples for Trump's improper behavior, as that's been well documented


Oh good, then you should have no problem coming up with proof



but some highlights would be infidelity and paying off porn starts, multiple alleged rapes, possible money laundering for Iran and Russian oligarchs, real estate fraud, Trump University, stealing money from a cancer charity, asking Ukraine for the investigation (yea, I know some of you still think that was legit), withholding federal aid from states with Democratic leaders, his association with Epstein, the Central Park 5


I'll give you that he probably did pay off a pornstar. But just like Clinton's BJ, who cares? It's between him and his wife.


Alleged rapes that never went anywhere, so no proof there.


Possible money laundering, Russia, Ukraine...years of investigation found nothing.


Stealing money from cancer charity is such fake news that even snopes says it's false



Withholding federal aid from states who just stood back and let rioting and looting happen.


Knowing Epstein doesn't mean he did anything wrong, lots of people knew Epstein and we're photographed with him including Clinton and Bill Gates.


What did Trump have to do with falsely convicting people for a crime? Not shit.



thousands of lies in the last 4 years...



The other stuff








Opinion pieces...


Trump rallies have turned into QAnon rallies as well, and he has done nothing but fuel those crazies. Trumpism has taken over the Republican party, and the party is broken because of it. Within the Democratic party there are a range of positions/viewpoints people have on issues, and there is discourse and debate within the party. Within the Republican party, if you step out of line with Trump you are pushed out. There is no (or very little) middle ground in the party any more. The extreme right is taking hold, and many long time Republicans have gone silent or fallen in line when Trump does something they don't agree with. They have no balls.


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You still don't know why people vote for Trump

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Trump rallies have turned into QAnon rallies as well, and he has done nothing but fuel those crazies. Trumpism has taken over the Republican party, and the party is broken because of it. Within the Democratic party there are a range of positions/viewpoints people have on issues, and there is discourse and debate within the party. Within the Republican party, if you step out of line with Trump you are pushed out. There is no (or very little) middle ground in the party any more. The extreme right is taking hold, and many long time Republicans have gone silent or fallen in line when Trump does something they don't agree with. They have no balls.


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You don't think this was the case with every other president in history?

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That’s equivalent to “I have a black friend” can’t be racist.

You people are in a cult. Nothing aside from what comes from orange Jesus mouth is true. Luckily you’re in the minority.


I love how the left refuses to give valid arguments....quiet now boys

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I love how the left refuses to give valid arguments....quiet now boys


Mace, "the left" has provided pages of valid arguments already in this thread. I think you've more or less hand-picked a response from JewToys that wasn't a short story. Based on exhanges so far though, I'm betting that had he laid out a more full throated response it would have either fallen on deaf ears or been ignored. There's been quite a bit of that in here already.


I think this sort of thing gets tiring for each side of the conversation. It's the way it works in written debate though, respond to what you have a one liner for, ignore the rest, move on with your day.


Panduh said something early in this thread like (paraphrasing) "I'm not going to change your mind and you're not going to change mine", and that's a shame but it's all too often true. I think recognizing that the bulk of "the left" and "the right" are middles and not the extremes would go a long way. There is common ground, but it's tough to get there lately.

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Came across this actually decent article.




I’ve learned that people have their reasons for voting for Trump and it’s not up to me to judge them. It’s my responsibility to better understand them, to learn from them, to empathize with their points of view. I can disagree with them. But that shouldn’t stop me from liking them, working with them and doing business with them. Of course the same goes for Trump supporters who hate their opponents with the same vehemence too.
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Stealing money from cancer charity is such fake news that even snopes says it's false




Did you actually read the Snopes Article?


It's labeled as false because the claim is that they are barred from running a charity in NY and stole from a childrens charity, both of which are not true.


What is true is that they absolutely mislead (re: lied to) donors into giving them money for a charitable cause and then didn't spend the money on any charitable cause.




It's still a form of fraud and self dealing in a charity is still illegal (its not technically embezzlement because they didn't try to hide it), and none of it is good.

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Mace, "the left" has provided pages of valid arguments already in this thread. I think you've more or less hand-picked a response from JewToys that wasn't a short story. Based on exhanges so far though, I'm betting that had he laid out a more full throated response it would have either fallen on deaf ears or been ignored. There's been quite a bit of that in here already.


I think this sort of thing gets tiring for each side of the conversation. It's the way it works in written debate though, respond to what you have a one liner for, ignore the rest, move on with your day.


Panduh said something early in this thread like (paraphrasing) "I'm not going to change your mind and you're not going to change mine", and that's a shame but it's all too often true. I think recognizing that the bulk of "the left" and "the right" are middles and not the extremes would go a long way. There is common ground, but it's tough to get there lately.



I agree a debate really is really nothing more than the venting of ideas, they very, very, very seldom move someone from one camp to another

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I love how the left refuses to give valid arguments....quiet now boys



It doesn’t matter what information is given, it’s not true unless it comes from daddy Trumps mouth. Either met with lame ass terms such as “fake news” or “taken out of context”



Hopefully one day you mature, and see the overwhelming hate that has spewed from his mouth. The same hate that his base gets pumped up over, or gives the never ending excuses.”he didn’t truly mean that”



Thankfully the majority has spoken, and orange man can go back to the WWF where he belongs.





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It doesn’t matter what information is given, it’s not true unless it comes from daddy Trumps mouth. Either met with lame ass terms such as “fake news” or “taken out of context”



Hopefully one day you mature, and see the overwhelming hate that has spewed from his mouth. The same hate that his base gets pumped up over, or gives the never ending excuses.”he didn’t truly mean that”



Thankfully the majority has spoken, and orange man can go back to the WWF where he belongs.




Do you know how to use google try it once smart boy..as far as mature when you get out of your dem diapers you'll realize you've been duped

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It doesn’t matter what information is given, it’s not true unless it comes from daddy Trumps mouth. Either met with lame ass terms such as “fake news” or “taken out of context”



Hopefully one day you mature, and see the overwhelming hate that has spewed from his mouth. The same hate that his base gets pumped up over, or gives the never ending excuses.”he didn’t truly mean that”



Thankfully the majority has spoken, and orange man can go back to the WWF where he belongs.




Do you know how to use google try it once smart boy..as far as mature when you get out of your dem diapers you'll realize you've been duped



English. Learn it.

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