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Issue 2


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Just curious what people think about this.


It's hard for me to see a negative to having a civilian oversight committee for CPD. I really expected to see a better argument from the 'con' side than, "well the mayor just needs to deal directly with the FOP". WTF?


Aside from the obvious arguments of civilians who've never done the job will be telling officers HOW to do the job. Does a civilian oversight committee create policy for CPD to abide by? or do they just investigate possible wrong doing?



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Full disclosure: I've not read the deets just yet so take this with that in mind.


I don't like the idea of general society schmucks Monday morning quarterbacking for people whose job they have no idea about. I run into the same shit in the healthcare field. The general public has NO IDEA about how things really are. I imagine its the same in the LEO world.

These aren't the people I would want providing oversight.

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My problem with this is it's really just an expansion of government and the people on the committee will end up being corrupt eventually and we'll be right back where we are today with more red tape.



Agree. Haven't read through it all but in the end, I will be if it's just more layers of nothing I'll vote it down. The oversight committee we already have in the form of a grand jury works so let it.


IMO what's needed with the police is to end the protections and bullshit related to the cops involved in shady incidents. Even the good cops want that to change.

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I love how the majority of responses here are "I haven't read it, I don't know anything about it, but here's my shitty uninformed opinion anyway". CR really should be better.


ballotpedia has a pretty good summary of it here:



if you are looking to learn a ton about the history of civilian review boards and how they have worked in the past and how they work in other states, this is an interesting paper:




If you are looking for something to universally solve police corruption and disrupt the blue wall that protects it, this singular measure is not it. It is a step in the right direction toward that goal, but it's not enough on it's own. What this does do, is bring Columbus up to par with a lot of other cities that do take police corruption seriously by taking some review of complaints out of the hands of the police themselves who have been known to just bury it or ignore it. while there is an increase in accountability, without revisiting qualified immunity that increase is limited. It also has shown a marked improvement of police and community relations in other cities, which is something we can usually all agree is good.


another good read on civilian review boards:



My take on it? I think this is a good thing, and something every single Columbus resident should vote for if they care about their police actually doing good police work. Just don't put too much weight into it that it will solve everything that is wrong with policing in this country.

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