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☆~Sleepy Joe 2021~☆


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No it's not, why would you say that's OK? Don't you support the police?


No I do support the police,but the mainstream media fails or downplays this type of behavior when performed by the left and vilifies it when done by the right.

If you are destroying property it's a felony no matter who's doing it.


I watch the news pretty much nightly, and yes ABC news, and haven't heard a peep about the above.

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...but the mainstream media fails or downplays this type of behavior when performed by the left and vilifies it when done by the right...


Can you explain, in detail, how this is actually happening? Provide examples (actual examples with links).

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I watch the news pretty much nightly, and yes ABC news, and haven't heard a peep about the above.






Seems like it's being covered by "the media" including your own ABC News and people were arrested. Am I living in crazy town?

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Sorry I didn't look at the link and thought this was happening all over again.


Yes they covered it and yes I saw it but much of it was downplayed as I stated before.


The siege of 6 blocks (I could be wrong of the area) was really not mentioned much at all and when it was, was relayed as something favored by the area, until business owners came out complaining that business was down because of the roving marauders posing as 'police'.

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Yes they covered it and yes I saw it but much of it was downplayed as I stated before.


Downplayed how? Be specific


The siege of 6 blocks (I could be wrong of the area) was really not mentioned much at all and when it was, was relayed as something favored by the area, until business owners came out complaining that business was down because of the roving marauders posing as 'police'.


What siege of 6 blocks are you talking about? The one in Seattle? The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (that's just the name of the neighborhood in Seattle - not a state capitol nor the capitol in DC). If you missed any reporting on that (violent or otherwise) then that must have been a really comfortable rock to be under.




I think the problem isn't the media, It's probably that the content steering algorithms are feeding you some articles and holding back others.

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Yes seattle..I said portland didn't i..my mistake...I cannot remember seeing anything about it being violent.


I'm a bit flustered choosing a medical plan for retirement.


But when reported it was reported favorable..peaceful..downplayed. The only time I remember violence being reported about it was when someone was shot and the police..maybe paramedics wouldn't go in because they were held at bay by the "protectors" of the area.


I read very little internet news..I watch the evening news most of the time.

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How many people have died from COVID under Biden’s watch you ask? CNN doesn’t want to run with that kind of info on their platform. It’s not important now that their guy is in office.


Biden and his admin certainly seem super dialed in on it though. Making sure non-gendered pronouns are used in Congress, Harriet Tubman gets on the $20 and killing thousands of US jobs etc.




What a fucking joke.

Edited by Panduh
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How many people have died from COVID under Biden’s watch you ask? CNN doesn’t want to run with that kind of info on their platform. It’s not important now that their guy is in office.


What the hell are you talking about? I don't know where you are getting your news from but literally every news outlet reports on the corona virus death count daily.







You literally have to be the dumbest motherfucker alive with your head so far up your ass you look through the back of your own teeth to miss this information. It hasn't slowed one bit.


You know what else they are reporting on? The new Administrations plan (in which they reference the death toll IN EVERY SINGLE ARTICLE). YOu know what they used to report on? The old administration's lack of a cohesive plan. If you are complaining that they are reporting that the new administration is taking steps to do something its because THEY ARE ACTUALLY PUTTING A REAL PLAN INTO PLACE. It's news worthy, just like the previous administration's failure to put a cohesive plan into place. It's not partisan, your guy didn't have a plan and they reported on it and the new guy does and they report on that too. The only partisan thing is you wishing and hoping that your guy was better to the point where you fail to accept reality.





Biden and his admin certainly seem super dialed in on it though. Making sure non-gendered pronouns are used in Congress, Harriet Tubman gets on the $20, killing thousands of US jobs etc.




Yeah, they are super dialed in on it. They inherited 0 plans for vaccine distribution from the previous administration and had to come up with one in a really short time frame. Just so you don't think I am being partisan - here are fox new's top stories on the vaccine schedule complete with their spin that still shows things are moving ahead:




"priorities" like you are even paying attention to the world around you. I don't care if you want to be a bigot about trans people or don't agree black people should be on money, but don't pretend like other stuff isn't going on because your cognitive dissonance has disconnected you from reality.


What a fucking joke.


I agree you totally are.

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