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☆~Sleepy Joe 2021~☆


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What the hell are you talking about? I don't know where you are getting your news from but literally every news outlet reports on the corona virus death count daily.







You literally have to be the dumbest motherfucker alive with your head so far up your ass you look through the back of your own teeth to miss this information. It hasn't slowed one bit.


You know what else they are reporting on? The new Administrations plan (in which they reference the death toll IN EVERY SINGLE ARTICLE). YOu know what they used to report on? The old administration's lack of a cohesive plan. If you are complaining that they are reporting that the new administration is taking steps to do something its because THEY ARE ACTUALLY PUTTING A REAL PLAN INTO PLACE. It's news worthy, just like the previous administration's failure to put a cohesive plan into place. It's not partisan, your guy didn't have a plan and they reported on it and the new guy does and they report on that too. The only partisan thing is you wishing and hoping that your guy was better to the point where you fail to accept reality.







Yeah, they are super dialed in on it. They inherited 0 plans for vaccine distribution from the previous administration and had to come up with one in a really short time frame. Just so you don't think I am being partisan - here are fox new's top stories on the vaccine schedule complete with their spin that still shows things are moving ahead:




"priorities" like you are even paying attention to the world around you. I don't care if you want to be a bigot about trans people or don't agree black people should be on money, but don't pretend like other stuff isn't going on because your cognitive dissonance has disconnected you from reality.




I agree you totally are.



If you watched CNN the last 11 months you would have seen a giant graphic with a COVID death and case counts that updated daily, sometimes hourly. That was on their live broadcast, no matter what anchor was on. You didn’t have to search for it on the website. It was right in your face whether it was info you wanted to see or not.


That is no longer there 24/7. Why don’t they need it there any longer? Why change it?


Suck my ass


I don’t give a shit if a trans wants to serve our country. Go for it. I don’t give a shit if they put black people on money. Sure I’ll spend it the same!


What I’m pointing out is they are prioritizing bullshit and killing American jobs at the same time when they cried for months about people dying left and right from covid. Now they have a chance to make a difference and it’s feels as sloppy as Trumps approach.


Don’t get me started on the whole impeachment thing. Pelosi has a boner for this guy. He isn’t going to be convicted and when he is acquitted a second time it will only feed the crazy base that wants him to run again.


Kerry I’m such a fucking joke that I would 100% vote for Tulsi if she made it as the Dem candidate. The left won’t let that happen. Me, as a guy that voted against the left would vote to put a dem In power because I truly think she is level headed and has great ideas and stances on issues that effect us. Also, she’s a woman of color. So the whole trump voters are racists, bigots and sexist is out the window. There’s a ton of people I know that voted trump would also vote for a person regardless of party if they are worth a damn.


I’m not sure how you could even believe that when I have and am willing to vote against the republicans for the right person to be in power. It’s sad that she was railroaded so hard by the left. She could be awesome.


Trump is gone (for now) and the Dems have a window to let it die and they just can’t. If they keep focusing on him they are doing everyone a disservice. I don’t want to see him run again. There has to be better option in a few years. Hopefully tulsi gets a real shot.

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What the hell are you talking about? I don't know where you are getting your news from but literally every news outlet reports on the corona virus death count daily.







You literally have to be the dumbest motherfucker alive with your head so far up your ass you look through the back of your own teeth to miss this information. It hasn't slowed one bit.


You know what else they are reporting on? The new Administrations plan (in which they reference the death toll IN EVERY SINGLE ARTICLE). YOu know what they used to report on? The old administration's lack of a cohesive plan. If you are complaining that they are reporting that the new administration is taking steps to do something its because THEY ARE ACTUALLY PUTTING A REAL PLAN INTO PLACE. It's news worthy, just like the previous administration's failure to put a cohesive plan into place. It's not partisan, your guy didn't have a plan and they reported on it and the new guy does and they report on that too. The only partisan thing is you wishing and hoping that your guy was better to the point where you fail to accept reality.







Yeah, they are super dialed in on it. They inherited 0 plans for vaccine distribution from the previous administration and had to come up with one in a really short time frame. Just so you don't think I am being partisan - here are fox new's top stories on the vaccine schedule complete with their spin that still shows things are moving ahead:




"priorities" like you are even paying attention to the world around you. I don't care if you want to be a bigot about trans people or don't agree black people should be on money, but don't pretend like other stuff isn't going on because your cognitive dissonance has disconnected you from reality.




I agree you totally are.


This post has been fact checked by people who do that stuff and found to be bullshit

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Kerry I’m such a fucking joke that I would 100% vote for Tulsi if she made it as the Dem candidate. The left won’t let that happen. Me, as a guy that voted against the left would vote to put a dem In power because I truly think she is level headed and has great ideas and stances on issues that effect us. Also, she’s a woman of color. So the whole trump voters are racists, bigots and sexist is out the window. There’s a ton of people I know that voted trump would also vote for a person regardless of party if they are worth a damn.


I don't know why we're talking about Tulsi G in the Sleepy Joe thread, but I'd argue that the only reason you think you'd vote for her is because she hasn't been enough of a realistic threat to the right for the corporate wing of Republican media to mount an attack on her.


See, yes, she shares some isolationist ideals with libertarians, as well as being against things like NSA and CIA overreach. These qualities I like in her. And being a left-leaning libertarian as opposed to the right-leaning kind, I really didn't have any huge beefs with her platform as a whole.


But let's not forget what her platform as a whole included --

- Universal Healthcare

- Free community college for all and free 4 year degrees for most


- Strong consumer protections in banking, aka anti-Wall Street


She's the exact same raving socialist that Fox News spent years attacking Bernie Sanders for being once Bernie emerged as a possible threat. Heck, she endorsed Bernie when she dropped out, right?


I'm sorry, but by the time Tulsi got the DNC nomination in a hypothetical world where she won the Democratic primary, Fox News, OANN, and Newsmax, beholden to their corporate overlords, would have been railing against her socialist policies for months. And you and everyone else who thought she sounded reasonable on JRE would have had a good rethink about your support of her. "She seemed OK at first, but she's moved way too far to the left for me," you'd say, and then blame CNN for something.


The only people on the right who wouldn't abandon her after a 25/7 onslaught of anti-socialist propaganda are the hardcore racists, bigots, and white nationalists who endorsed her, like David Duke.

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memba david duke ran as a dem before he was "reformed" which is laughable in lousiana and switched parties. tulsi hails from the most anti-gun state in the country, she would have faced a hard path either turning her back on hawaii's policies vs supporting more gun restrictions.
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memba david duke ran as a dem before he was "reformed" in lousiana and switched parties.


All the racists in the South ran as Democrats before the parties switched, David Duke was oddly slow to catch on to the fact that all of his supporters had become registered Republicans.


I highly recommend Slate's Slow Burn podcast season on Duke if you haven't listened to it. His whole schtick was using "lower taxes" as a Trojan horse for getting his racist ideas into the Statehouse.

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no kidding. not like i lived in louisiana when he ran for govenor. clinton/gore ran in the south with rebel flag pins, biden did a photo op not that long ago with robert byrd. point is politicians on boths sides are full of it.


on the flip side of "racist" lower taxes.... guess whats used to keep in line the former segregation lines in new orleans..... high property taxes.

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I gotta tell ya, this thread has just worn me out. I start typing and I'm just like, naaaah, this won't matter at all.


It took ya until the 353rd post on the second thread to realize that? lol


...being a left-leaning libertarian as opposed to the right-leaning kind...











+1 for Tulsi.

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memba david duke ran as a dem before he was "reformed" which is laughable in lousiana and switched parties. tulsi hails from the most anti-gun state in the country, she would have faced a hard path either turning her back on hawaii's policies vs supporting more gun restrictions.


Southern Democrats, Dixiecrats, were conservatives for a long time. From 1861 to 1980, as the democratic party transitioned from conservative to progressive they tried to excise the conservative faction of southern democrats or reform them to abandon segregationist policies to no avail. The civil Rights Act of 1964, Richard Nixon and the Southern strategy, and Finally Ronald Reagan wooed the Dixiecrats over to the Republican side not by trying to appeal to their other interests but by embracing their racisim and giving it a home.


It is no secret that Republicans courting the racist vote is a large part of conservative strategy. They have become experts - speaking in a fine dog whistle so as to not appear to sound racist while very much appealing to that demographic. Anytime you want to say something like "well so and so was a democrat first" I want you to listen to this interview Republican Strategist Lee Atwater gave regarding Ronald Reagan's campaign for president about how to win the Dixiecrats over:



Democrat, republican it doesn't matter - conservatism has always flirted with racist roots. Ronald Reagan courted the White Supremacy and Evangelical Christian vote hard to win in 1980 and thus married the Republican party to those two masters. Individualism? Small federal government? They are as dead in the GOP as Barry Goldwater, John McCain, Bob Dole, and William F Buckley, and they ain't coming back.

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clinton/gore ran in the south with rebel flag pins,


Don't want to start anything but I think that's fake news. Cite 1, cite 2, I wish I had better cites but then those claiming these are real are far worse.


Must have been wild to have been there when Duke was running for governor, sounds like it was a complete shitshow of a campaign.

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wheres the rage about biden being anti-segregation busing and saying a former klan member was a great man?


Don't know who you want the rage from but as far as racial progress goes I don't think the Democrats could have picked a worse ticket than Biden/Harris. Harris especially because she doesn't have the excuse of being 90 years old but both of them have a really awful track record with racial issues.



What are you getting at, though? Why are you pointing the finger at Sleepy Joe and friends just because I pointed out that only the racists and bigots who support Tulsi Gabbard are willing to ignore her socialism? What is honestly going on right now? I thought we were against finger pointing at the other side when things weren't going our way here at CR.

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So I was right and Kerry was wrong - got it. Just want to have this written down somewhere so we can all reference it later.


About what? Be specific?


Greg pretty much called you out on your Tulsi nonsense - that you'd scatter like leaves in the wind the moment the GOP marketing machine focused sights on Tulsi. That she has a massive "socialist" platform you probably aren't even aware of.


If there is any intellectual political discussion in your discourse I don't see it. All you do is bitch and moan about the media as a gateway to a larger conspiracy you believe, and this vague idea of the "right thing to do", but you never talk about actual policy, don't discuss any actual issues - it's all this giant swirl of bullshit where you have staked your team. Fuck, you don't even know what socialism actually is, or how it is meant in the context of a democratic socialist, you just know how to regurgitate a callow GOP marketing tagline of "socialism bad".


Once upon a time the GOP had actual things they championed (environment, veterans rights, national security, fiscal responsibility) but their track record has shown that for the last 20 years democrats have outperformed them on those issues. They talk of a balanced budget but the last 4 ran up huge deficits. Their current plan of obstruction is literally a scam - they convince libertarian voters who lack knowledge of how legislation works that they are doing something to make government smaller by not filling administrative seats and not passing legislation but in reality you need legislation to make government smaller (you need a bill passed to repeal a law) but all they do it create huge amounts of government waste that we pay for.


I've been an independent all my life, I've voted for both parties when they had actual issues and plans tried things. Right now, all I hear you crying about is how it's so unfair that CNN dropped some Chiron that it probably didn't and how that's proof that the Illuminati figured out the next president back in july.

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Don't want to start anything but I think that's fake news. Cite 1, cite 2, I wish I had better cites but then those claiming these are real are far worse.


Must have been wild to have been there when Duke was running for governor, sounds like it was a complete shitshow of a campaign.


it was a shit show living there. imagine growing up bi-racial in baton rouge with david duke running for govenor, dad who is black who was teaching at lsu married to a white woman, etc.... sadly we saw it from all sides. dad literally had a down vote for a position at lsu because he was married to a white women from a louis farakan supporter. our front yard was also torched even though dad was a navy vet who helped with the uss cole. theres alot more to this that no point in rambling on about.


kerry yes I do agree that republicans have abandoned there "ideas" many times over.

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imagine growing up bi-racial in baton rouge with david duke running for govenor, dad who is black who was teaching at lsu married to a white woman, etc.... sadly we saw it from all sides. dad literally had a down vote for a position at lsu because he was married to a white women from a louis farakan supporter. our front yard was also torched even though dad was a navy vet who helped with the uss cole. theres alot more to this that no point in rambling on about.


I can imagine many things but I can't imagine what that must have been like. Growing up I was taught generally to trust the establishment since it was all "on my side," whether that was the church or the government or what have you. It must have been awful not knowing who was on your side.

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Don't know who you want the rage from but as far as racial progress goes I don't think the Democrats could have picked a worse ticket than Biden/Harris. Harris especially because she doesn't have the excuse of being 90 years old but both of them have a really awful track record with racial issues.



What are you getting at, though? Why are you pointing the finger at Sleepy Joe and friends just because I pointed out that only the racists and bigots who support Tulsi Gabbard are willing to ignore her socialism? What is honestly going on right now? I thought we were against finger pointing at the other side when things weren't going our way here at CR.


we actually do agree. in a long winded route... politician gonna politician and take money from folks on either side.

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we actually do agree. in a long winded route... politician gonna politician and take money from folks on either side.


Well Tulsi has been firm in her rejection of any and all endorsements from white supremacists, and as far as I know hasn't welcomed any of their praise or accepted their money. For that matter Trump had absolutely no problems rejected endorsements from the KKK and David Duke, but fell on his face when dealing with Charlottesville or the Proud Boys because he lacked the intellectual curiosity to understand the nuance and the attention span to sit through a briefing explaining it.


I really meant nothing more than a laugh that the asshat racists of the country seem to really be in support of a full on democratic socialist because she agrees with them on trans issues or something. Just shows what a rich diaspora our voting population is.

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...I would 100% vote for Tulsi if she made it as the Dem candidate. The left won’t let that happen. Me, as a guy that voted against the left would vote to put a dem In power because I truly think she is level headed and has great ideas and stances on issues that effect us. Also, she’s a woman of color. So the whole trump voters are racists, bigots and sexist is out the window....


I just want to point out to anyone reading this thread that this isn't how racism or anti-racism works.

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