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My point in bringing this up is if anyone feels that government officials should fear their constituents, they have a very misguided interpretation of the legislative process and what it takes to get shit done.


Fear? Nah. Respect? Absolutely...and they don't.

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Been wearing my mask since the start of this shitshow to protect myself. Is it a PITA, yes, but it also allows me to go about my business without dealing with the legions of mask nut jobs that are looking for a confrontation (seen it first hand).


Got the vaccine because I saw the writing on the wall and again, I don't want to deal with the hassle of trying to travel for work without one. Do I agree with forced vaccine shit, no, but there's literally nothing I can do about it.


The point is, sometimes you just need to fly under the radar to avoid issues even when you think something isn't right. Be the grey man.


People won't like this or agree and I'm fine with that, I can be an adult and have a difference of opinion with people and not melt down over it. I think there are going to be far bigger issues in the future that will need us to raise hell over.

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I just did the internet equivalent of writing a long letter airing my grievances, and “throwing it away” by deleting before posting.


I will just say I agree with both Greg and Wags.


Thank you for the therapy, CR :)



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Been wearing my mask since the start of this shitshow to protect myself. Is it a PITA, yes, but it also allows me to go about my business without dealing with the legions of mask nut jobs that are looking for a confrontation (seen it first hand).


Not disagreeing with anything you said but at the start of all this my wife went to Kroger wearing a mask and got absolutely berated by a non-mask wearer. I wasn't there at the time but she came home completely in shock and told me some of the things that she was called.


Assholes are assholes.


I/we have worn masks. There are times I haven't. If anyone asks me to wear a mask I tend to wear a mask. I don't think it does a damn thing but I also don't give enough fucks about it either way to get into an argument with a stranger over.

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GC had a food truck thingy last night .. it was a great night to be out and about.

While outside I was maskless but when I had to go inside for a drink I wore a mask


Had my 1st physical in 17 years, and my dr extolled the virtues of the shot which they are administering, I said I understand and thanked him but said no thanks..look at my recs and I don't do any shots.


Well they found an anomaly in my blood work so I had to go to the zang for more work. There dr. zang, did the same thing, to which I again said thanks but no thanks.


With all that said, now the gov is giving 1 mill away to voters that have had 1 shot..for a gamble at the cash I might do it...I'm like daffy duck..."I'm a grrreeeddy little coward" ..lol

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Mace, it took more effort for you to explain your wacky reasons for not getting the vaccine than just taking the gaddamn vaccine. :lol:


The thing to take away from my post is why I MIGHT take it.


The thing is I think the gov should have offered 100k instead of 1 mill..a lot more people would have taken the shot. So instead of only 5 people winning it could have been 50 people.

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I can’t imagine spending 4 years in medical school and 4 years in residency learning to be an expert in healthcare and then being turned down by a patient for a miracle vaccine for a virus that has killed millions because the lottery terms weren’t good enough.
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I can’t imagine spending 4 years in medical school and 4 years in residency learning to be an expert in healthcare and then being turned down by a patient for a miracle vaccine for a virus that has killed millions because the lottery terms weren’t good enough.


Facts to back those claims?

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I can’t imagine spending 4 years in medical school and 4 years in residency learning to be an expert in healthcare and then being turned down by a patient for a miracle vaccine for a virus that has killed millions because the lottery terms weren’t good enough.


But Trump made it happen, so isn't that supposed to mean its dangerous? Isn't that all I heard from March 2020 - Nov 3rd 2020?

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But Trump made it happen, so isn't that supposed to mean its dangerous? Isn't that all I heard from March 2020 - Nov 3rd 2020?


Sounds like that is all you heard.


What I remember is Trump saying you need bleach and really bright lights inside of the body to kill it, that the warm weather in April, 2020 would kill it, and it will magically just go away. Plus, not needing masks.


Also, I remember hearing that the science community did an amazing job through Operation Warp Speed to fast-track a new vaccine process without government red tape and brought a mRNA-based vaccine to the world. Slow roll-out and phased distribution to U.S. citizens, but things were moving. That’s what I remember hearing.


Meanwhile, I JUST spoke to a good friend and fellow Republican who didn’t get the vaccine, and spent 10 days in the hospital early in 2021 truly feeling like he was going to die. The man next to him was on a tracheotomy tube to drain his lungs and get oxygen, and was unconscious. He said he felt like he couldn’t breathe, spent most of the day exhausted, trying to keep calm and not freak out, yet work slowly on getting air in and out of his lungs. Needless to say, this dad is happy to be back in the world with a newfound appreciation for what he and many others went through. That’s ALSO what I will remember hearing.


Might want to get your hearing checked because Pence ran COVID task force under Trump. So if you seriously want to post on an Internet forum in mid-2021 that someone’s decision for not taking the vaccine is because they’re butthurt about Trump than that person is a moron. :lol:

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