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...Stop making uniform racisim into a one sided attack against a political party when it's really a uniform problem across all political party lines...




Two wings, one bird.


Don't feel bad, lots of people think dumb stuff. :gabe:


I agree. Do you know some folks think something as menial as sewer runoff water makes pizza taste better than anywhere else in the world? :lolguy:


time to get the homemade still ready


If you've waited until now it's too late. ;)

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just saw on the ticker that minnesota supreme court has given voter the ok to vote on abolish the minneapolis police dept




Welcome to the wild west

How would this even work? I'm going to have to read about this.


Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

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How would this even work? I'm going to have to read about this.


Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk


Well without police there would be no crime so you won't have to ever call the police line. If you do happen to call it just because you're curious, no one will be there to answer.

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How would this even work? I'm going to have to read about this.


good question...when you find out tell us all..maybe the sheriff ??

I really don't know


Well without police there would be no crime so you won't have to ever call the police line. If you do happen to call it just because you're curious, no one will be there to answer.


That would be my guess as well, but how is that different for them?


I implore you, please, have some intellectual curiosity. Mace, you clearly had some sort of opinion about this, but weren't willing to do even a bare amount of research on it? What value do you place on that opinion, then?


Since no one else could be arsed to do 4 minutes of research, I'll fill you all in.


The Minnesota Supreme Court has allowed this ballot measure to go forward in Minneapolis:


This amendment would create a Department of Public Safety combining public safety functions through a comprehensive public health approach to be determined by the Mayor and Council. The department would be led by a Commissioner nominated by the Mayor and appointed by the Council. The Police Department, and its chief, would be removed from the City Charter. The Public Safety Department could include police officers, but the minimum funding requirement would be eliminated.


So the police department would go away, to be replaced by a different department that would... have police in it.


From that same page:


Voting 'Yes' means we will have more options for community safety than the current “police-only” model. That model will be replaced so that police can perform the duties they are trained and disciplined to do for specific situations that the community, local leaders, experts and professionals decide together, while many other roles can be filled by those better suited for certain interventions and prevention of harm


Personally, I think this is a step in the right direction but probably only a very tiny step. About the only thing the measure will accomplish in the short term is to change the job title of the person in charge of the police.

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gerg: sarcastic and degrading, flings shit, and just generally bashes anyone and everyone who doesn't agree with him.


Also greg, whining: NoBoDy WaNtS tO hAvE a CiViL cOnVeRsAtIoN wItH mE!!! :(


How many of the people that he responded to are in the “I did my own research on vaccines” camp, and are now getting their information on this subject from an illegal street racing forum, and from a guy that they argue and totally disagree with about subjects just like this.

Sounds frustrating to me.

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How many of the people that he responded to are in the “I did my own research on vaccines” camp, and are now getting their information on this subject from an illegal street racing forum, and from a guy that they argue and totally disagree with about subjects just like this.

Sounds frustrating to me.


wait...street racing is illegal? how come nobody told me?

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How many of the people that he responded to are in the “I did my own research on vaccines” camp, and are now getting their information on this subject from an illegal street racing forum, and from a guy that they argue and totally disagree with about subjects just like this.

Sounds frustrating to me.



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