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Is May Cagers drive like Morons month???


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I know May is Ohio Motorcycle awareness month, is May Cagers drive like MORONS month??? On sunday while ridin to moms in Dayton, some chick in her suv passes me in the right lane doin 90+ and flicks her cigerette butt out & hits me in the chest & today a frickin tow truck pulls out in front of me on Westerville rd while I'm doing the posted speed limit of 45. I hit the brakes & horn and luckily he pulls in the empty left turn lane so I don't hit him...and the Douche Bag has the nerve to flip me off. Whats up with that??????? Damn CAGERS!!!!!!!!! Just venting!!!! Any similar experiences lately???

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Every month is Cager Moron Month.... :)

No doubt, they never cease to amaze me!!!!! I was venting and seeing if anybody else has had any run ins with Da MORON CAGERS lately.

Be safe & keep the shiney side up!!!!!!!

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heading north on rt. 3 out of westerville, I had a guy try to run me off of the road. Rt. 3 gets soo congested that i pulled up to a light in the turn lane just to get ahead of the long line of cars. the dude sped up and tried to take me out.

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heading north on rt. 3 out of westerville, I had a guy try to run me off of the road. Rt. 3 gets soo congested that i pulled up to a light in the turn lane just to get ahead of the long line of cars. the dude sped up and tried to take me out.

Okay I have to call you out on this one. So you saw a congested road and an open turn lane, so you got in the turn lane then sped off the light to cut off the lane that had the right of way? Do you know what squid means?! Not only do you give the rest of us sport bike riders a bad rep, but you piss cagers off and put you & them at risk

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Okay I have to call you out on this one. So you saw a congested road and an open turn lane, so you got in the turn lane then sped off the light to cut off the lane that had the right of way? Do you know what squid means?! Not only do you give the rest of us sport bike riders a bad rep, but you piss cagers off and put you & them at risk

Well, he DOES ride a jixer...:rolleyes:


I haven't actually had any major issues recently, a few people following too close, but that's fairly common.

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Almost hit 4 times last Saturday. One of the instances, I was riding through a parking lot on the main road and some guy in an Altima was cutting through the empty lot. He was pointing right at me the whole time and didn't stop until I realized he wasn't at which point I slammed on the brakes. WTF?!

Last night, I was cruising down a local main road. Its 5 and 6 lanes right through town. After midnight all of the lights start flashing yellow except for a few, for example, the lights at the highway offramps. I pull up to a red light at the offramp and watch this car coming the opposite way completely blow the red light while people were coming down the offramp. That's a blind corner and this dumbass could have wiped out anything flying through that light at 50 mph. Now that I've seen that I can't take the offramp anymore without slowing or stopping on green. It sucks.

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I almost forgot! So I'm driving down my road (45mph speed limit) and this guy in a POS beater truck does a rolling stop, doesn't look either way, then pulls out in front of me. He spots me when he is halfway into my lane and decides to stop, completely blocking both lanes!! I get on both brakes, feel the rear tire lift, screeching as it reconnects with the pavement, and I stop 5 feet away from the dude who has his window down. I felt like I could reach out and smack him in the back of the head, he was flustered and said sorry.. backed up and let me go. I didn't say a word the whole time, I was furious, so I just took off

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Last Wednesday in the rain was a good one. On the relatively short trip home from QS&L i was almost hit twice and then on top of it i had a case of squid. First one was similar to above; lady doing close to 90, writing a text msg in her SUV that hubby bought her, passed me on the right (on 275) squeezing into the 2 car length whole between me and the car in front of me and locked up the brakes cuz the guy in front of me was going about 60-65. The second a lady pulled left right in front of me (after making direct eye contact - my favorite) and the squid took over. i went to get around her (for some dumb reason) and when i rolled it on the back tire started going all over the place. I decided to relax and blow it off and made it home safe.

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Almost hit 4 times last Saturday. One of the instances, I was riding through a parking lot on the main road and some guy in an Altima was cutting through the empty lot. He was pointing right at me the whole time and didn't stop until I realized he wasn't at which point I slammed on the brakes. WTF?!

Last night, I was cruising down a local main road. Its 5 and 6 lanes right through town. After midnight all of the lights start flashing yellow except for a few, for example, the lights at the highway offramps. I pull up to a red light at the offramp and watch this car coming the opposite way completely blow the red light while people were coming down the offramp. That's a blind corner and this dumbass could have wiped out anything flying through that light at 50 mph. Now that I've seen that I can't take the offramp anymore without slowing or stopping on green. It sucks.

Dayton is the Capital of Red light runners!!!!!!!! Glad your safe & be careful of future red light runners!!!!!!

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Dayton is the Capital of Red light runners!!!!!!!! Glad your safe & be careful of future red light runners!!!!!!

Yep! I was in my car last weekend going to Meijers and my light was green and wasn't even about to change. For some reason a woman at the red light opposite of me WAS STOPPED, looked right at us, and still ran the red light and I had to slam my brakes and lay on the horn yelling "You stupid motherfucker!" as loud as I can. She just had a look like she didn't do anything wrong and didn't even look at us. I don't know if she was daydreaming and thought she was at a stop sign or what, but she sure was brain dead.:nono:

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every time I get on 2 wheels.... and sometimes when I'm in my van... I see jack-ass people.... I think I'm gonna start carrying a baseball bat mounted on my bike somehow so I can wail on dumbass people at stop lights...

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last week I stopped at a stop sign then a car was pulling up to the four way. Since I already stopped, I went to go and the guy that pulled up who thought it was ok to coast through the intersection almost hit me. I had my visor up bc it was slow movin on campus, and I was pissed and he had is window down so basically I yelled "pay attention fucktard" at him about 6 feet away... made me feel alittle better :)

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I almost got run into the median on Beathel rd right after i got off the 315. We had all just turned left out of the light on the north bound off ramp, I was in the front in the left lane and some dick coming from the south bound exit cuts across two lanes straight into my lane and almost broadsided me. I slammed on my brakes and missed his bumper by 6 inches. After we went through the olantangy light (thats right, the f*cker wasn't even getting in the left hand turn lane) I pulled up next to him, reved my engine, and flicked him off for about 15 secs while I road next to him. He did his best not to look over, but I saw him sneaking nervous sideways glances.

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I almost got run into the median on Beathel rd right after i got off the 315. We had all just turned left out of the light on the north bound off ramp, I was in the front in the left lane and some dick coming from the south bound exit cuts across two lanes straight into my lane and almost broadsided me. I slammed on my brakes and missed his bumper by 6 inches. After we went through the olantangy light (thats right, the f*cker wasn't even getting in the left hand turn lane) I pulled up next to him, reved my engine, and flicked him off for about 15 secs while I road next to him. He did his best not to look over, but I saw him sneaking nervous sideways glances.

lol...done that before. Sometimes it's hard to hold it in.

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