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a simple question....


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I've looked at a few posts here and why is it a lo of you hate on Hd riders?

I 've ridden all types of bikes, and yea some of the HD riders don't wave but others do.

My boss is an old time HD rider and always waved and looked and commented how much he liked my other bikes.

I currently own a Fat Boy, and the reason I bought it was the zzr1200 I owned was just to fast. I ran 80-85 all the time becasue that is where it like to live.

I bought the HD as a way to slow myself down and I got a GREAT deal on it.

Just an observation.

So if you wave I'll wave back


Edited by mace
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i wouldnt say "hate"..i personally wave at everyone,right down to scooters..BUT..imho they're the ones usually that dont wave back..and some do..but from living over a "biker bar" once to having friends both young and old that has them...to me..they personify the "weekend warrior" type...that go out and buy everything harley davidson throw it on..grow a goatee,and throw on a doo rag...and instant bad-ass mentality..then they put 500 miles on it a year..and call it a riding season.

but on the flip side...i've met some old school harley riders that will just sit around and talk bikes,and how much better harleys have gotten in build quality and are some of the coolest dudes you'll ever throw back a mason jar full of shine with:D...

like i said..i love everyone and will still throw up a wave to anyone on 2 wheels..be safe

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I personally don't have any issues with Hd Riders. Granted, there are some here who do. But, that's everywhere you go, and this isn't an Hd website. Some feel that Hd rider's have an Elitist attitude and think they are better than everyone else. Some feel that the Hd bikes are slow, unreliable, leaky, etc. I can vouch for the slow part, the v-rod is the only bike in their inventory putting out respectable power....and that was with the help of Porsche. That's it, i haven't rode one long enough to know if they break down alot. So i won't pass judgement about something i don't know. What i do know is, from what i have experienced is that....there are alot of Hd Riders who don't wave. Do i care? Why? I'm not a girl...i'm not going to get all pissy and let it ruin my day. Simply put, if you wave at me...i'll wave back. I don't care if your riding a scooter. Same thing applies to attitude, if you throw your piss-poor attitude in my face...don't expect a warm welcome.

Just my 2 cents.

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I've riden HD's most of my 57 yrs and found just as many on both sides,I pass a lot of sport bike riders that don't wave,and as far as stoneyb's comment,i put close to 8500 miles on my bike last year,and I had open heart surgery in June,what'd you ride?

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I ride a metric cruiser and if I see you riding any motorcycle I'm gonna wave. Never had much experience with the HD riders not waving back, but notice that quite a few of the BMW riders don't.

I ride home nearly every morning south on USR-23 from Delaware and I've waved every time at a NB black BMW and he has never waved back.

Just my observation and .02.

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i own 08 H-D last year before i trade for 848 this year.H-h guys wave to other H-D guy ,but not to street bikes.i know that for personal experience.and honestly you pay for being loud and for the name.i dont hate H-D,but i was very disappoint ,and other think some people hate what they cant afford.

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/sigh..i rode nothing:(..and didnt stereotype and say "all"...thats a nice chunk of mileage:bow:..and wasnt lookin to insult or belittle anyone..and apologize if if was taken as such...be safe...

Edited by stoneyb
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I wave at everybody. I've had HD riders turn their heads when I wave or look their way. I just go on about my business. The only thing I don't like is being yelled at by cagers and heavy bike riders........"Get rid of that Jap rice burner piece of shit, and buy American!"

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I got a GREAT deal on it.

I'm not doubting your GREAT deal, but I guarantee for the money you spent, you could have bought a metric bike of much better quality. ;)

I don't completely hate HD's, in fact a lot of my close friends ride them exclusively and constantly give me shit for whatever Jap bike I'm riding at the time. The funny thing is, every single one of these friends at one point owned a metric bike but as soon as they went HD, their attitude completely changed. It's more amusing than anything.

So while I don't necessarily care for the HD's, I don't hate them either. It's more the attitude of the typical HD owner that we all hate on.

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my personal experience from what i saw most of them dont wave back and yes it seems the "better than you" attitude is there. I have heard the "buy american" crap also. Funny how if they have a "better bike" they seem to have a number of probs and they refuse to realize the noise coming out of their exhaust does not equate to power. Just my person experience with them.

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/sigh..i rode nothing:(..and didnt stereotype and say "all"...thats a nice chunk of mileage:bow:..and wasnt lookin to insult or belittle anyone..and apologize if if was taken as such...be safe...

Dude, I started riding on a scooter! I wave to anyone and don't have a problem with anyone, but don't mind me, I've been drinking today :p

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I've actually been on a Road King once in my life, that some dude let me ride around for about 10 minutes or so. Not a bad handling machine at all, but it can intimidate people due to it's size and all of the bells and whistles it has. I gunned it and one of the baffles came loose or that's what the guy told me when he rode it home that day. If I got a cruiser, it would be a Harley because I would use it for it's intended purpose. I'd ditch the fat chick that seem to appear on the back of those things though.

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I think it's great when they talk shit about Jap bikes...............


haha thats awesome!!!

i dont mind harleys i grew up on them. i know most of the ppl in coshocton that ride them through my father. he has two of them and '07 street glide and a '74 flh adn i dont care to ride either of them now a days. 07 has cruise control, am/fm/xm, cd, the works! and i find it boring and puts me to sleep. the 74 has SS built engine and all other kinds of after market crap and just shakes like and SOB that it makes my legs go numb when u have to get off it to work on it.... every other ride it breaks down it seems. i find myself giving the bird to most harley riders after we pass cuz they dont wave back after i do a normal wave to them.

biggest POS isnt even on a harley he is on a HARDLEY and his name is moody.... :D

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