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Any tips for first time riding to work...


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My $.02

1. ride the route you'll take this weekend so you become comfortable with it.

2. I tell everyone to try to act like you are invisible to others! Half of the idiots who pull out in front of you will say "I didn't see you". Not sure what the idiots who pull into you say. lol


4. Park so that your bike takes up the whole spot! or park next to a friend who rides. Cages love to swing into empty looking spaces.

Have a good trip! :-)

edit , Opps. didn't see the ride was done. lol

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lol it's all good :) Doesn't hurt to hear the stuff again!

I definitely kept a lot of that in mind.... parking is kind of cool, we have spots reserved for the bikes so parking is never an issue :) Although I parked next to the gremlin bikes.... I'll have to take a picture for you guys... they are part of an art piece (Prog has a LOT of art) that is "proof gremlins exist"

basically, if you think back to the commercials for Progressive bike with the little gremlins terrorizing the bikers.... they go with that, so the bikes are all torn up, were on fire... pieces are sawed off.... either way I'm worried the gremlins may have jumped over to my bike!

Luckily the product manager offered me some swag (including a gremlin bell I believe)

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I hate those roads that are there one min. and gone the next !!!

when comuting you have to have a hightened sence of awareness of everything around you ! It's exhausting !!

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