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Hello from Middletown


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Hi all, I live near Middletown and ride a SV650s. I been on most of the local roads too many times and need to find some new twisties, looking to meet up for some group rides either in Dayton or northern Cinci. I am pretty conservative/safe (slow) & don't like to ride too aggressive; prob be bringing up the rear but still love to find new places to ride. Also there are some great roads down this way if you need a guide or a map let me know i can google the roads up or be your guide on a weekend. Anyhow glad I found this board and look forward to riding with some of you in the future.


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Hey e-flores,

Actually in Trenton, listed Middletown since everyone scratches their head when I say Trenton

ahh... yeah im on the other side of middletown, i am actually by the new hospital they built. and your best bet is to travel to germantown if you want some good roads that are close to home.

that and there is a quote button that helps keep track of who you are talking to ;)

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lol. You would complain? Any job working in any beer factory is pure sex.

:plus1:I was thinking about taking a trip to Alaska because they are supposed to have great beer. Plus, the excitement of trying to not get eaten by bears while fishing.

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ahh... yeah im on the other side of middletown, i am actually by the new hospital they built. and your best bet is to travel to germantown if you want some good roads that are close to home.

that and there is a quote button that helps keep track of who you are talking to ;)

Aah, I see how that works now duh :D Been sick with bronchitis/fever all weekend & missed work today, so that can be my lame excuse for my interwebs incompetence.

I need to ride on these roads in Germantown, been thru the town a few times but sounds like I missed something...

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Trenton! :woo: Miller Brewing Company! :cheers: My DREAM job! Actually it would be at the COORS factory. :D

Yep I drive by it every day on my long commute. I wish they would hire me as a taste tester I could just stumble home or to the bar down the street after work. :D

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Aah, I see how that works now duh :D Been sick with bronchitis/fever all weekend & missed work today, so that can be my lame excuse for my interwebs incompetence.

I need to ride on these roads in Germantown, been thru the town a few times but sounds like I missed something...

you did :D it happens though, you have to know where to look for sure! my profile pic was taken in germantown. if that helps yo any....

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