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Gotta make this summer count...


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I joined the National Guard this week. I ship out for basic Aug 31st. So we gotta make this summer awesome because I will be gone for 6 months. It kinda works out because I will be back in time for next season so that will definitely be good. Anybody that would like to keep in touch when I'm gone send me addresses so I can keep them in my little black book so I can write everybody for the first 9 weeks!! Wish me luck!

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Congrats, you'll learn alot. I was active duty until Feb 08 and I know National Guard/Reserves obviously isn't the same as active duty but it will be an experience. Personally, I wouldn't be opposed to a mandatory 2 yr service requirement for males out of high school. It would teach alot of people alot of lessons and experiences that you just don't get otherwise. Feel free to comment, but I'm not going to turn this into an arguement with someone that disagrees. You're allowed to disagree :D

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Congrats, you'll learn alot. I was active duty until Feb 08 and I know National Guard/Reserves obviously isn't the same as active duty but it will be an experience. Personally, I wouldn't be opposed to a mandatory 2 yr service requirement for males out of high school. It would teach alot of people alot of lessons and experiences that you just don't get otherwise. Feel free to comment, but I'm not going to turn this into an arguement with someone that disagrees. You're allowed to disagree :D

I hate those comments. If you're going to make it mandatory make it so for all sexes.

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Congrats, you'll learn alot. I was active duty until Feb 08 and I know National Guard/Reserves obviously isn't the same as active duty but it will be an experience. Personally, I wouldn't be opposed to a mandatory 2 yr service requirement for males out of high school. It would teach alot of people alot of lessons and experiences that you just don't get otherwise. Feel free to comment, but I'm not going to turn this into an arguement with someone that disagrees. You're allowed to disagree :D

+1 it would teaches respect and lower crime rate to imho

had to clarify for underdeveloped frontal lobes. the men and women that graduate from a boot camp are usually a little more respectful to society. was not saying they get respect. and yes why thank you im a commie :wtf: fuck commies and the weak, frail and scared.

Edited by krzwhtman
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Thanks for the support everyone! I will be in communications as a signal support systems specialist and I will also get trained 31B as an MP once I get into my unit. My unit is an MP unit here in Cincinnati. I'm excited, I was always attracted to the military but to much of a pussy to think I would make it through boot camp. It's definitely gonna change my life. I dont want to be 30 and and still be sitting in a shithole parts dept make 30K a year the rest of my life. The Guard is going to pay for 100% of my tuition too so when I get back I am going to go to the police academy to eventually be a police officer!

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I am proud of you Jess! Thank you for taking up the challenge of ensuring the freedom of others. You're joining an elite fraternity. I will do my best to come ride at least once with you this summer before you go out of respect. Where are you going for basic?

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Good luck Jess. You will do just fine. I was an MP in the Army and went into law enforcement afterwards as well. Enjoy and yes it will change you & make you a better & more PATRIOTIC person. Thanks for servin!!!!!!

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