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No jacket.... am I being stupid?


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So I just finished the MSF but I have some questions... for the course we had to weat full gear.... but that meant long sleeves, not riding jacket (granted we only went a max 30)

I've taken to riding with a tshirt.. I know it's not ideal but I really like getting some sun, and I don't have a jacket that breathes well...

Any suggestions, comments, or yelling at me. Maybe I just need a good summer jacket.

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"I'd rather sweat than bleed"

Seriously though there are some really nice perforated textile and leather jackets out there that'll keep you cool and protected. As for getting sun, I guess you should spend less time riding? :confused:

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it's not a matter of affordability so much as a hmmm.. how much difference does it make versus the "enjoying the outdoors" piece

So I know it's kind of hipocritical given the other topic about the down rider... but maybe it just comes down to HOW much risk I'm ok taking

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Honestly I know very few people who don't wear ATGATT. Those I know do seem to be more worried about their image (how they look) than if it's safe or not. The main thing is once you need gear, it's too late to put it on.

Tourtech makes a mesh jacket with seperate zip in rain and insulated liners. It is great for hot summer weather where you get 90 degree days and 60 degree nights! I got mine at IP for $140. It kept me cool in the bad lands and warm in the rockies. :-)

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how much difference does it make versus the "enjoying the outdoors" piece

I enjoy the outdoors with a jacket on, just don't get as much sun on the arms. You are right, it's a calculated risk that only you can decide on.

Just think about this though, when you drop it at 40 mph someday and tear the skin off your arm, leg, whatever. Think about how they are going to get the gravel, sand, glass, etc out of your skin. That's enough to give me shivers.

I love seeing all of these WSBK, AMA, and Moto GP racers skidding across pavement in leathers to just get right back up unharmed after going across basically a belt sander at high speed. Even ask CBRJess about it from what I've read.

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Its really your choice....Most of the time I rock a Textile Jacket, Gloves and a Lid.....Other times I lose the Jacket.

On occasion, I rock GLasses and GLoves only....Depends on where I am going and the weather that day.

Its just a calcualted risk you have to take.

Jackets may help with rash...but they dont stop things from breaking..so its up to you really.

How are you confortable?

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it's not a matter of affordability so much as a hmmm.. how much difference does it make versus the "enjoying the outdoors" piece

So I know it's kind of hipocritical given the other topic about the down rider... but maybe it just comes down to HOW much risk I'm ok taking

you wont be enjoying much of the outdoors if you go down without a jacket on! not trying to be rude, but in my line of work I see people who just have a t shirt on and went down at 35mph who are in bad shape! (also seen them go down at a lot faster with no gear on too, not pretty) like you said its a risk YOU are taking....I wear leather usually all the time, unless its really nasty hot out I'll throw on a textile jacket... just my opinion :)

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A little diffrent but I had a buddy who taught MSF style classes over seas while in the army. Some of the guys were real tough guys about not needing gear. He asked them about who they new that would wipe their asses when they went down with no gloves. They all started wearing gloves in class afterwords. lol

So who'll wipe your ass when you can't reach because your arms are covered in road rash? This guy should have asked that too!


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I enjoy the outdoors with a jacket on, just don't get as much sun on the arms. You are right, it's a calculated risk that only you can decide on.

Just think about this though, when you drop it at 40 mph someday and tear the skin off your arm, leg, whatever. Think about how they are going to get the gravel, sand, glass, etc out of your skin. That's enough to give me shivers.

I love seeing all of these WSBK, AMA, and Moto GP racers skidding across pavement in leathers to just get right back up unharmed after going across basically a belt sander at high speed. Even ask CBRJess about it from what I've read.

http://www.llu.edu/llu/medicine/plastics/patient_info/dermabrasion.html With illustration goodness. According to that, after they use what's basically a sterilized Dremel to get the gravel and dirt out from the skin, it will take 6-12 months before you should get a good tan. How does that fit into your plans?

I just picked up some sweet under-pant sixsixone knee pads. Between my helmet, armored gloves, textile jacket, knee pads, and shin-high race boots, the only thing that's unprotected is my hips. I think about that Dremel every time I put my stuff on.

As I always say in any gear thread, at the end of the day it's your life, and your decision. All I can do is show you the door, you're the one that has to walk through it.

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you wont be enjoying much of the outdoors if you go down without a jacket on! not trying to be rude, but in my line of work I see people who just have a t shirt on and went down at 35mph who are in bad shape! (also seen them go down at a lot faster with no gear on too, not pretty) like you said its a risk YOU are taking....I wear leather usually all the time, unless its really nasty hot out I'll throw on a textile jacket... just my opinion :)

You ought to give them a stuffed squid, tell them to get the hint... :)

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+1 I got to watch my dad go thru it on one side of his face as a kid. After six months he still would hit pieces of glass in his cheek bone with a razor as he shaved. Left an impression on me about gear. Lucky he at least had a half face helmet, gloves and jean jacket. Back in the early 80's that was "gear".:cool:

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Oh, forgot to answer your opening question.... Yes, you ARE being stupid. I've always been an ATGATT guy except for once two years ago. I got lazy and skipped the gear. I got hit by two cars a mile from where I was staying. I was treated to a two week coma, 3 surgeries on my right arm/wrist, 2 surgeries to reconstruct my jaw, and of course I had a quarter sized hole about 1.5" deep ground into my right knee.

When you need the gear it's too late!

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simple enough, don't be a dumbass...wear gear. I have seen plenty of patients that have had to receive skin grafts and multiple surgeries due to their accidents and not wearing the appropriate gear.

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Look..it's the OP's choice. It's his body. If he decides to ride with a Tshirt, god/buddha/allah bless him. If you were to ask ME if it was a good idea...I'd say no. I've been hit from behind, and clocked a mailbox and MPH sign while tumbling in the air and on the ground more times than I care to remember. I had the same mesh jacket on both times. No rash. I've also had a good friend of mine loop his Gixxer with full gear on and still end up getting rash...which I spent a good amount of my time cleaning for him. Not fun..not pretty. BUT, without gear, he would have been in much worse shape.

It's a risk...we all take one when we climb on two wheels. If your skin is expendable to you and you think you can endure the pain and rehab associated with road rash....go for it. Maybe you feel like rocking the tshirt on short trips..and gear on the spirited rides or longer trips. Whatever works for YOU. Just know that you ending up on the pavement can have absolutely NOTHING to do with you and your ability.

Good luck.

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I'll take this a step further and admit that I wear a 1-piece everytime I ride. Full ankle boots, gaunlet gloves, back protector, helmet and chest guard. Now you may not need to take it to that extreme but I feel comfortable wearing all that. If you get a perforated leather jacket you shouldn't be too bad, sweat wise. My A* suit flows air pretty well and only sometimes do my legs start sweating.

I'd rather be in full gear than a cast.

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I definitely understand the difference for bare skin.... I went down at 10-15 in a turn.... it's healed up, but yes, it was a pain but not horrible.

I'm going to check out jackets... I want to get one that's comfortable, I have a real nice leather jacket I wear but like I said... it doesn't breath... AT ALL.

I appreciate all the feedback and experience from you guys :) as a new rider it's infinitely helpful

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