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No jacket.... am I being stupid?


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Dont worry about the jacket unless you plan on riding hard. I jacket wont be the difference between life and death it will just take away some of the pain of rash. Rash really isnt that bad and heals quickly. I always wear a helmet though. It can easily be the difference between life and death.

Seriously dude. Let me see how this just went down.

Some dude randomly asks about wearing gear and your advice is, nah don't worry about it rash heals quickly.

I'm not one to walk around condemning people for not wearing gear. To each his own, it's your body and your life, but if someone is reaching out to a group and asks.... hey should I wear it. I say of course they should.

Then you actually argue about how the jacket didn't save from a broken bone and he might have prevented the broken bone and crash had this person not been wearing the jacket and make a point that seems to say that sweating when you ride is worse than the potential road rash you may get that will definitely heal in 2-3 weeks.

So RTVpilot how did the jacket save you from a shattered forearm does your jacket have titanium sleeves on it that won't bend in an accident? Maybe if you hadnt had these unflexible sleeves you might have not gotten in the wreck. Most leather jacket I have seen only have flexible armor at best in the arms that really don't protect from anything but road rash. Granted road rash is uncomfortable but it is usually mostly healed in 2 or 3 weeks. Howe ever sweating you ass off all summer sounds like alot more time than 2 or 3 weeks. I won't hold it against anybody who wears gear but also they shouldn't hold it against me for not wearing it.

What are you trying to say, a jacket is supposed to be bullet proof, save you from all broken bones and road rash or what is the point of wearing it. Given the choice between road rash and broken bones or just broken bones I'll take the latter. I really don't even know how to argue this point because the argument is so retarded.

Look man, sure sometimes road rash isn't bad and heals up quick, sometimes it leaves permanent scars and muscle damage and sometimes if you were wearing gear you'd get up completely uninjured. I don't think there is any arguing that. You are welcome to wear a T-shirt out riding all you want. Your arguments are ridiculous. Please don't encourage other people to not wear gear just to make yourself feel better about riding around like a squid. No one is holding your squid-like tendencies against you but let's stop the squid recruiting.

Here are some pictures I turned up in a simple google image search of road rash. Enjoy! I don't understand how anyone could look at these pics and go... hmm, if I crash I could potentially get up unharmed or end up looking like this. I think I'll go with the road rash. looks fun!








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Yah, the road rash on my arm is 100% healed, only took 3 weeks... but I'll have some scars I'm sure.... but yes, I would have preferred to not have it at all.

I've been wearing my jacket, still looking for a good deal on a new one that I like :)

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Yah, the road rash on my arm is 100% healed, only took 3 weeks... but I'll have some scars I'm sure.... but yes, I would have preferred to not have it at all.

I've been wearing my jacket, still looking for a good deal on a new one that I like :)

I got a teknics perforated leather jacket at the pony in their close out section for $100. I like it a lot.

You can also find full race leathers at motorcyclecloseout.com for $300

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fuck leathers for the street..they do make tracks ya know..look like a fucking tard walking around on a hot summer day in a power ranger suit. yes wear your jacket unless its really hot out. if your just cruising towne or running errands i think t shirt is fine

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fuck leathers for the street..they do make tracks ya know..look like a fucking tard walking around on a hot summer day in a power ranger suit. yes wear your jacket unless its really hot out. if your just cruising towne or running errands i think t shirt is fine

As squidly as it may be, still a better post right here ^ than QuikZX9R. I still don't get how you justify road rash over sweating though. :wtf:

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im not justifying it at all. me personally when its 85+ and im running errand its pants shoes and a t shirt. if its 85+ and im going to the mall or a rib burn off its the same. im not gonna walk around those places holding a jacket, or in leathers. now when wearing a t im way way more cautious. if im going on a ride to hit twisty roads and what not jacket. if thats squidly then im a fucking squid.period.whoo hoo

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im not justifying it at all. me personally when its 85+ and im running errand its pants shoes and a t shirt. if its 85+ and im going to the mall or a rib burn off its the same. im not gonna walk around those places holding a jacket, or in leathers. now when wearing a t im way way more cautious. if im going on a ride to hit twisty roads and what not jacket. if thats squidly then im a fucking squid.period.whoo hoo

As I said, to each his own. It's your personal choice and I won't hold it against you. I too am guilty of making short runs in minimal gear and I'm sure every one of us has a different threshold for when they wear gear and when they don't, from full race leathers all the time down to the guy that wears flip flops and t-shirts with no helmet all the time. The point is, I don't care what all of you are wearing and I won't hold it against you but the OP was asking for advice and I advise wearing the jacket as much as possible as it greatly reduces personal injury. I don't care if you are riding in a t-shirt that dude, you didn't get on here and make some stupid comments about how wearing a jacket will cause wrecks, and road rash being better than sweating all summer. I guess I just got a little peaved at the asinine comments of the other guys's post. I'm not trying to personally attack everyone on here who doesn't wear gear, I'm just saying please don't get on here and try to justify it to everyone with statements that don't make any sense. Road rash sucks and I'm sure any of us that went down on a trip to the store in 85+ weather and got banged up would feel stupid for not having a jacket on but it happens sometimes and we all have individual responsibility for evaluating the risk of riding, in the end it's your choice. Sweat a little and risk less or keep cool and risk more, but you all already knew that. I personally try to be diligent about wearing my gear and whether I did wear it or not I think it's a pretty clear argument that the smart thing to do is to wear it all the time. It's not a complicated topic.

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So thats what the icy hot stuntaz are doing nowadays!

oh OP: buy a jacket, or don't, really don't care but IMO my mesh is cooler than a t-shirt. get some textile vented pants too, put on some shorts and it feels like your riding naked without the side-effect of scaring little kids and old ladies.

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So thats what the icy hot stuntaz are doing nowadays!

oh OP: buy a jacket, or don't, really don't care but IMO my mesh is cooler than a t-shirt. get some textile vented pants too, put on some shorts and it feels like your riding naked without the side-effect of scaring little kids and old ladies.

HOLY SHIT.... I forgot all about the stuntaz.... I <3 photoshop lens flares!


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Wearing a jacket isn't just about road rash either - its about that armor prevent broken bones.

Here's the jacket I was wearing when I went down (low-side, on the left ~25-30mph)


My shoulder hit the ground and hard causing that shoulder padding to tear out. If not for the armor underneath I would have most certainly caused some real damage to my shoulder/collar bone.

Wear it man - I'm not telling you to, I'm asking because I don't want to see another rider get hurt if it can be prevented.

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fuck leathers for the street..they do make tracks ya know..look like a fucking tard walking around on a hot summer day in a power ranger suit. yes wear your jacket unless its really hot out. if your just cruising towne or running errands i think t shirt is fine

Your rational may make sense to you, but your chances of an accident are greater on those short trips....people can hit you, you can hit a gas spill, pot hole, have a mechanical failure, etc....and a 30mph impact with momma asphalt will fuck you up plenty on bare skin.

Your choice, your body, but I never give a thought to choosing when to wear my shit....because I know in many ways I don't have a say in it....I don't get to choose when some dumb fuck blows a light or a turn and I go down.

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Back to the OP, I think it's a bad idea to ride without a jacket, but that's what makes this country great. You have the freedom to ride without a jacket, just as I ahve to the freedom to ride with one, and express my opinion that I think you should ride with one!

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fuck leathers for the street..they do make tracks ya know..look like a fucking tard walking around on a hot summer day in a power ranger suit. yes wear your jacket unless its really hot out. if your just cruising towne or running errands i think t shirt is fine

if ANYTHING I'd switch it up...ride w/o on a track, and with on the street.

I felt A TON safer on the track than I feel on the streets. I can handle the road and my bike. It's the assholes on the road that I'm worried about.

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if people would read my whole post it makes ense..at least to me..i typically dont average speeds of 100+ on the street..i think most do on the track mags

maybe, but that wasn't my point...regardless of how fast I am going... I can handle my bike, and adjust for road conditions. It's other people on the road that are likely going to cause my abrupt departure from my bike. (as in s-13's case)

if I have to do 100 miles without gear, I'd rather do 100 miles ona track than 100 miles on the street, pretty much regardless of speed.

that is all.

wear what u want, it's your ass...literally

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This thread reminds me of zoolander. "earth to matilda" Matilda it's not actually earth calling you.......

Jesus people! The point is, should the OP wear a jacket when riding. Most of us agree, yes he should. Some people are more safety conscious and therefore prefer full race leathers. In some cases I'm one of those people. I've wrecked 1 time on the street and 1 time on the track, both times in full race leathers, boots, gloves and of course helmet. Thankfully I came out in pretty decent shape both times (save for broken collar bone at the track). No one is suggesting wear your "power rangers suit" to krogers. Either way, I think a regular jacket is still not going to kill you on a trip to the store.

All mags is saying is that he feel safer at the track than on the street due to the cagers on the street and the many hazards on the street, such as debris on the road, curbs, guardrails, intersections.... etc. Everyone is taking things so literally that it's painful. Just wear the gear!

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