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Trip to Cali, need to ride...


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So I'm off to Long Beach California Wednesday for an International Convention and will be there for a week. A few of those days I will have nothing to do and I really want to ride some scenic routes. However, rental prices look like highway robbery, one site said about $240 to ride a Ninja 250 for a day. Does this seem high to anyone else? Maybe I could go into a dealership and score a test drive, then bring it back with about 500 miles on it? :D

Need ideas here people.

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What's the minimum age for renting out there, and does it include any gear?

I'm flying out to see my girlfriend in San Diego in a few weeks, and it's going to be torture not being able to ride out there :(

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Good point, I'm 22 but my Aunt and Uncle will be there as well so I can take it out in there name. I didn't notice any mention of gear, most places rent Harleys so that might tell you something. I will probably pack my mesh jacket and loaner helmet, stuff I can afford to have stolen.

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I've put quite a few miles on the VRod when my friend had one. I think I'll do some shopping once I'm down there, but rental gear is a must (ran out of room in my suitcase) and no deposit. Seriously, some places wanted a $2k deposit on a $4k bike!

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