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3rd near miss in 2 days...


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Ok, time to rant and rave. I just had my 3rd close call in 2 days, and by far the closest. All were cars turning in front of me. This one pushed me out of my lane from the right, turning into my lane (left lane). I didn't bother using much brakes (too late), I slowed, then crossed the double yellow in a 35mph zone and passed on the left. This is getting to be way too common.

I'm not riding fast. Same speed as the cars around me. Apparently I am indeed invisible, or these people just don't care. Or don't know how to drive. Or actually are trying to kill someone. I don't know.

But be careful, everyone, it's weird. If I can have 3 in a row, you can have one too. Expect the worst. Plan for the unexplainable. Leave yourself a way out of anything that might happen.

Ok, I feel better now, but it's going to happen again.

I'm not even counting fools on the freeway in slow traffic, that think they can push into my lane while I'm in it...(three of those today also) :wtf:

My advice: when in doubt; use lots of brakes, early and often. Add maneuvering to adjust... or just stay out of heavy traffic, geez...

edit: just a thought, but there has been plenty of time to see it happen before hand. I'm going to try to start flashing my brights at them to see if it makes any difference.

edit edit: In California, flashing lights at someone means "go ahead and pull out". Results might vary, maybe I'm ok with hitting the brights, but not flashing the lights. Maybe should leave brights on in daylight. Dunno.

Edited by ReconRat
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Those days are a definitely a strange feeling. I've had many doses of a few close calls with cars not paying attention myself in just 1 day. 1st time, you're like "idiot"...2nd time on same day you're like "WTF!", and after that it's just time to go home..:lol:

I get home and feel like I'm not suppose to be there sometimes like I cheated death that day. Strange feeling.

Edited by NinjaNick
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I had some asshole come into my lane yesterday on 75 north. I had no time to brake so I decided to punch the throttle and split the lane. He swerved back into his lane and then started cursing me out! Wtf!?!?

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Ok, time to rant and rave. I just had my 3rd close call in 2 days, and by far the closest. All were cars turning in front of me. This one pushed me out of my lane from the right, turning into my lane (left lane). I didn't bother using much brakes (too late), I slowed, then crossed the double yellow in a 35mph zone and passed on the left. This is getting to be way too common.

I'm not riding fast. Same speed as the cars around me. Apparently I am indeed invisible, or these people just don't care. Or don't know how to drive. Or actually are trying to kill someone. I don't know.

I always try to stay out ahead of cars, I'd rather be in front of them then next to or behind them. I am also running my brights 100% during daylight and dusk hours. I'd rather be that asshole biker that was going to fast out in front of the car then the one that got squished cause he didn't get noticed. My bike is very very quiet too, so staying out in front makes me feel better.

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I had some asshole come into my lane yesterday on 75 north. I had no time to brake so I decided to punch the throttle and split the lane. He swerved back into his lane and then started cursing me out! Wtf!?!?

because to him you "came out of nowhere" and were splitting the lane. thats the first time he saw you :(

i hate that term "they came out of nowhere". nothing comes out of nowhere. a bike didnt suddenly materialize in front of you. it came down the same piece of road that you did. what they mean to say is "i didnt see it" and the number one reason for not seeing things other than being blind, is because you arent LOOKING for it.

in other news, im not down with the term "near miss" either. literally, that implies a hit (one that nearly missed :rolleyes: )

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Two weeks ago i was sitting waiting to make a left onto Hilliard Rome from Roberts and some broad came from the rt lane all the way across to the turning lane and almost t boned me. mind you i was not moving. i did catch up to her on Roberts in front of Kroger and put about a 6 hour dent in her sliding door via army boot.

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because to him you "came out of nowhere" and were splitting the lane. thats the first time he saw you :(

let me clarify that i was not splitting lanes when he came over at me. i only split the lane because it was either do that or brake hard as fk and have the guys i was riding with possible crash into me, or have the bike come out from me since it was some what still wet from the earlier rain. ok, back to the program :)

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...in other news, im not down with the term "near miss" either. literally, that implies a hit (one that nearly missed :rolleyes: )

lol, yeah, I looked at that after, and thought what is that? No such thing...

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let me clarify that i was not splitting lanes when he came over at me. i only split the lane because it was either do that or brake hard as fk and have the guys i was riding with possible crash into me, or have the bike come out from me since it was some what still wet from the earlier rain. ok, back to the program :)

Oh yea I wasn't tryin to say you were. But from the cars perspective it could appear that way as that's when he first sees you. Even though to an outside observer they can see you were just tryin to save ur bacon

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edit: just a thought, but there has been plenty of time to see it happen before hand. I'm going to try to start flashing my brights at them to see if it makes any difference.

WARNING!! Flashing your brights might make them think you are telling them it is OK to go ahead and cut you off! :mad:

You might wonder how I know that, then again you might not.

Edited by Strictly Street
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WARNING!! Flashing your brights might make them think you are telling them it is OK to go ahead and cut you off! :mad:

You might wonder how I know that, then again you might not.

Good point. Flashing your lights in California means "go ahead and pull out."

Thanks for reminding me of that.

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Yeah like SWing'R said, I also run my high beam during the day and dusk. I also put 2 more bulbs in my rear pods so now I have 3 tail/brakes lights instead of just one-makes a difference. Next up is the brake light modulator and possibly converting my front turn signals to daytime running lights. Cages are crazy. Ive been lucky so far and havent had any extreme close calls.

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