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Dear Lizard, help this guy!


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Did anyone get the pics from the guy that really knew about riding position?

He seemed to make a lot of sense on why one style was better than the other.

This Gunner dude seemed to be trying to do the old school hang which works on an old school bike with old school tires. Even if his example was kinda lame watch some old races and they all did that. Well they did it a lot better, but it was the same kind of hang.

A modern bike has such different geometry, power band, seat position, center of gravity and lets not forget better tires! Old school just doesn't work on todays sport bikes. They are vastly superior in every way I can think of.

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Did anyone get the pics from the guy that really knew about riding position?

He seemed to make a lot of sense on why one style was better than the other.




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From: Salt Lake City

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Originally Posted by natedogg624 viewpost.gif

see this?



thats wrong mmk

I just happened to join today, but I had to say something. I don't know anybody on here (yet) but these are about the WORST examples of posture I've ever seen.

In fact those photos are so bad, I may start to use them in my classroom discussions for examples of bad posture. It's about the exact opposite of what you want to do.

Before you tell me I have no idea what I'm talking about, let me say I've been teaching MSF have been involved with race-track instruction for more than ten years. I've worked with Freddy Spencer and his school and am working with the GM of the new Nick Ienatsch Yamaha track school and have worked on teams that have developed several high-performance street skills.

Anyway. this posture is dangerous. The rider is what is called "crossed-up". He is putting his head above the motorcycle and hanging his butt off the seat to try to get his knee closer to the ground.

Why is this dangerous. First. this posture causes the bike to lean MORE, the more lean, the less traction, less cornering clearance, the more risk. Why do riders do this?

First, the average human starts to panick at about 12-degrees of lean. Thats not much. By putting your head up, you have less sensation of lean, feel more in control - despite the fact that you are being more dangerous.

Second, some riders really, really want to get a knee down so badly that they are willing to sacrafice good form. (not to mention that dragging knees on public roads is just stoopid).

Correct posture is to lead with your head, get the head down, to the inside and low. This gives your more visibility through a corner, and results in the bike leaning LESS, less lean, more traction, more clearance, LESS RISK!

Posture should look more like this;


or this;


or this;


The lower the head, the better.

Argue and insult all you want. but that posture (in the top photos) is about as bad as it gets.


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And this?


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From: Salt Lake City

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Originally Posted by Blitzkrieg viewpost.gif

Your points are all fine and good and I agree with you ON THE TRACK but I don't think you are taking into account the non-track environment.

You've got:

1) RV's

2) Non-rv's crossing the double yellow

3) Gravel

4) Other bikes/riders to consider

I'm sorry. I'm sure you know your stuff, but I've been riding on the street for 30 years and it's probably not uncommon to see me in a posture like Gunner is above when I ride the mountain roads because I want to make sure I don't get squashed by a Jay-Cee 30 ft. camper in the next blind curve.

I look ahead - way ahead - as much as I can.


Oh I assure you I am indeed considering street riding BEFORE I'm considering track riding. The vast majority of riders spend the vast majority of their time on the street, and your points reinforce what I'm saying even more.

RV's, Vehicles crossing the double-yellow, gravel, etc... All the things that you face on the street all require you to be able to evade or make evasive maneuvers. Where the surface is less predictable and loss of traction can mean you'll impact solid objects. And if you are causing the bike to lean excessively, you are using up valuable traction that could be used to get out of the way. If anything the crossed up posture would be more acceptable on a closed-course, controlled environment, like a track.

Unfortunately I used track only photos to illustrate my point because those top-tier riders have lots of photographers around to capture the proper posture. So I scoured around and found some street photos that probably better show what I'm talking about;


Lower body is still on the bike - no hanging off or trying to drag knees on public roads. Head is off towards the inside of the bike, getting better vision through the corner, the bike is leaning less than this photo taken from the same vantage point.


Notice how much more the yellow bike is leaning? Which bike is going to be better equipped at dealing with an unexpected slippery something, like gravel? Which bike is going to have more traction and more clearance if they have to make an evasive move?

Here's another photo of the first rider;


I don't think there is a good argument for why causing the bike to lean more, while hanging your ass off the seat (particularly on public roads) is better form. The more that bike is leaned over the more risk you are taking, the more traction and clearance you are using up, the closer you are to the "limits". The first rider (that inspired this thread) looks like he's doing nothing more than trying to drag his knees.

Keeping your head on-top of the tank, while causing the bike to lean more is not giving you any additional visibility through the corner.

If you've survived 30 years, you've obviously done somethings right. But that doesn't mean you have perfect riding skills (nor do I think I do, I know I have posture issues I'm constantly trying to improve).


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Gunner is so funny!

1.Brian get a life I've seen your work and it aint shit. I've seen your riding skills and they lack. You got nothing but interstate ramps to ride up there in that shit hole you live in. Cock suckers like you leave here in pine boxes... YOU ARE A LOSER.... I took everything I wanted from you punk... If you're doin so damn great post up some pictures of all your women & their 3 kids son.... As I figured they aren't any..... So go on back and rub Rosco's nuts and dream of how it use to be.. OR better yet take Joys advise and auger yourself into a pole somewhere... Put yourself out of everyone's misery and your own... BITCH

2.Brian get a life I've seen your work and it aint shit. I've seen your riding skills and they lack. You got nothing but interstate ramps to ride up there in that shit hole you live in. Cock suckers like you leave here in pine boxes... YOU ARE A LOSER.... I took everything I wanted from you punk... If you're doin so damn great post up some pictures of all your women & their 3 kids son.... As I figured they aren't any..... So go on back and rub Rosco's nuts and dream of how it use to be.. OR better yet take Joys advise and auger yourself into a pole somewhere... Put yourself out of everyone's misery and your own... BITCH

3.Allow me to tell you the difference Brian... The two guys below are on a race track WITHOUT oncoming traffic and with clear lines of sight... The picture above is how you see around very tight corners and still go fast... See up here we have oncoming traffic and very blocked lines of sight. TWO completely different conditions.... Although you wouldn't know about that since all you ride are freeway ramps.. Hell have you ever even turned left? I'll bet not

Come try your luck hero.... Like everything else in life you are such a loser and have no clue... Move on before Rosco's balls get cold

4.Yea we even have guys that pass back and forth all day takin pictures.... Brian just come on down and etch your name in the Gap History books.... Mr... Lost when you grow up come with him.... You both are waste of time in this forum.... We done....

5.YOU boys have fun or should I say Brian have fun playing with yourself.. You should be use to it by now....

6.No son ............. we all know who you are.... grow up.. Again Rosco's balls are getting cold.... You better take care of him it's all you have left... You're just lucky I didn't want a damn dog or I would have taken that as well...

You are transparent boy...

7.Mr Lost...... When you grow up and actually ride and not just talk about riding or have more delusional ideas you will ever ride like Rossi come on back.. You are a nothing here. As for me I've rode with many of these members and have nothing to prove to anyone I have ever rode with. You keep dreaming and I'll keep riding and fucking... Either way you lose and I win.. It's what separates us... See ya out there..... EH No I won't.... You are a dreamer and wisher..

My favorite

8.And the picture you posted above are Freeways compared to Deals Gap you moron.... A SV650..... Laughable at best... Piss off youngster..

9.Keep dreaming...... I have better shit to attend.....

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My last chat with the mod.

Re: rider position thread...


Originally Posted by Connman


Originally Posted by Lost

Sir yes sir. This is the last you will see of me. Still never got the answer I was looking for though.

Certainly not trying to run anyone off, just tryin to keep the peace.

Perhaps you made an innocent mistake with Gunner's photo, I don't know. However there is an ongoing issue involving Gunner; and a brand new user posting a pic of him and being critical of his riding style seems suspicious.

If it's all a big coincidence, then it's just bad luck I guess.

Thanks for understanding,


Honestly I knew about the pic. Not about the ex and stealing the wife thing. That through me for a loop. Gunner has criticized someones (a member here not going to say who, they had nothing to do with this) style I know who is learning the proper riding technique. I didn't post the pic though. It was kind of a trap I have to admit. I was hoping he would post the pic himself like I assumed was going to happen and we would discuss the form. Not intending for it to turn out the way it did. But his bad attitude and smart remarks I kind of fired back. My bad! Sorry for the issues.

My account can be deleted. I don't think I would ever want to cross paths with him. His remarks on the SV alone make me understand his foolishness and ignorance. It's not the best bike in the world but with the right rider is a a superb machine just like any other. Then the other crap. He is a waste of time like I was told. He sure has built himself a bad reputation amongst some people that have a traceable background.

Whatever though. I'm out and once again sorry for the B.S


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And this?


Junior Member

From: Salt Lake City

Joined: Jun 2009

Posts: 4

Yep, that.

I took an interest in the topic of this thread as a real topic, the flame war was just a bonus.

I ride an old style bike so new technical forms are of interest to me.

Plus I haven't ridden in 20 years up until the last 2.

So I'm kinda old school myself.

Not too old to learn a new trick or two though! :)

Thanks for the save of the other thread.!

Edited by Strictly Street
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Yep, that.

I took an interest in the topic of this thread as a real topic, the flame war was just a bonus.

I ride an old style bike so new technical forms are of interest to me.

Plus I haven't ridden in 20 years up until the last 2.

So I'm kinda old school myself.

Not too old to learn a new trick or two though! :)

Thanks for the save of the other thread.!

This guy has a lot of experience under his belt and every time I have every heard him give advise he is humble and honest. I have heard a lot from him that has helped me in my short riding experience. Here is his web site- http://www.canyonchasers.net/

Another guy that has been helpful is Zoran from this site http://www.twfracing.com/index.html and is a sponsor and member of many other sites

Another thing I like to do is watch some of these videos from these guys. I have found them to have some good info also. http://www.youtube.com/user/motorcyclenewsdotcom

I'm sure there is more good info out there but these couple places have helped me a lot in my short 2 years of riding. Let me know if you have any place you have found informative and helpful. I know I need it.

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GUNNER....IN HERE...NO FUCKING WAY !!! What the hell....Im off this site for a week or so and BAM...the ASSHOLE is in here too !! (yes I have been a member of kawasakiworld since 02) I have personally met the asswipe on a deals gap rally back in 05 ,,,I will say this...he is fast...HOWEVER....You Coshocton Boys are fast where you live too right !! Exactly my point...home feild advantage..Him and I hae gone around a few times over the internet and it ended with him and I getting banned from there for a breif time. (he threatend me and that put the end to it all) He is a nut job by ALL means...yes a REAL nut job as in not all there...just becarefull people ....dont give out too much personal info..

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GUNNER....IN HERE...NO FUCKING WAY !!! What the hell....Im off this site for a week or so and BAM...the ASSHOLE is in here too !! (yes I have been a member of kawasakiworld since 02) I have personally met the asswipe on a deals gap rally back in 05 ,,,I will say this...he is fast...HOWEVER....You Coshocton Boys are fast where you live too right !! Exactly my point...home feild advantage..Him and I hae gone around a few times over the internet and it ended with him and I getting banned from there for a breif time. (he threatend me and that put the end to it all) He is a nut job by ALL means...yes a REAL nut job as in not all there...just becarefull people ....dont give out too much personal info..

Well said sir! :cheers:

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