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Off to road ATLANTA with WERA


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I dont talk about it much,but i am hopeing to finally get podium this weekend. I have slowly got closer to top 3,but have always had some sort of motor problems. Bike is running good now and i think i will have a shot. There are 4 of us leaving today and 4 more leaving 2mro and 6 meeting us there. Its going to be hot and Fun!!! I want to win damit!

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he only needs the money bc he owes me!! (and has another race to prepare for) but IMO the latter is way more important than a race :lol:. and im still pissed i didnt get his race bike.. :(

After riding the 600 i have totally decided i am SOOO getting one. its amazing. nd i cant believe i fgured out gp shift so quick.. ugh, cant wait to get a race bike soon

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We did it! 8 of us showed up and raced! Everyone did good! We had 2 guys crash,but it wasn't to major and they and their bikes are fine. Atlanta was AMAZING and i cant wait to get back! That was the most crowded race weekend i have ever seen with 700+ racers. I got my podium too!!!!!!!


B superbike-3rd

A superbike -6th

I have mass video and other people have pics i will post soon. OH yea And I REALLY REALLY need the money now sam LOL

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Insane weekend, at an insanely fast track.

My 600 would top out on the back straight every pass... definitely needed to be geared closer to stock. Elevation changes are amazing. It was an effort to keep the front end down outta T5 and going up/down into T12.

Goals acquired!:D

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