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My Pimp-Ass Route of the Week


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Other than yesterday with the group ride, all of my rides this year have been totally random... My general rule is get on bike and the the fuck out of dodge (town). Most times I try to get lost, which as made for some interesting stories (ask me sometime about Township Rd 36 in Athens)... Anyway, after EagleriderDRZ took me up Rt 60 yesterday, I had a hankerin' for some clean twisties...

So today I headed out rt 62... Found that it was closed and I must of missed the detour sign... Thank god Hoggy's was there for me to cut through...

Anyway, rolled out rt 62, which is straight and boring... Then hit rt 13 south. It starts off pretty straight and pretty boring, but livens up the further down you run it. I took it all the way to Athens...

Stopped in Athens at some little bar place, don't recall the name... had a sandwhich... buffalo chicken and of course it fucked me up... Watched the last 10 laps of the GP race... Damn Fox coverage SUCKED!!!

After eating I made my way back to rt 550 and took that all the way rt 7 in Marietta... Just turned around at that point and rode back. About 300 miles total over the course of 6.5 hours.

Rt 13 is cleaner than I remember and 550 is a fucking dream! If it weren't for the questionable road surface in some areas that road would be perfect... I was getting MUCH faster as the day progressed, nearly to my detriment as my over-confidence and the evil bastard sun in my eyes caused me to run hot into a corner and totally jacked up my line... ran wide, but still had enough lean left to keep from testing my bike's off-road capabilities. A good reality check is needed every once in a while.

Long story short, I highly recommend this route for anyone looking to rid themselves of their pesky chicken strips.... OH and I found out that the new Mustangs are not just cop cars in Transformers, but also somewhere near Marietta... I passed one right after I turned around at the end of rt 550.

A little over 700 miles this weekend... Who's got me beat?

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i dont have you beat by any stretch but i found some good routes this sunday as well. mine were pre planned but i ended up missing a turn and improvising on the triple nickel. i took 33 down to logan and 93, then 668 (tons of gravel, avoid at all cost), (in no particular order) SR345, SR37, SR669, and thats as far as i got before hitting the 555 after missing a turn somewhere. all those roads are pretty good, not too many towns to pass through and i never had to pass anyone on the roads cause there was nobody out once you got out of any town. my route had me coming all the way around to 13 before hitting the boring roads such as 70. i was trying to squeeze out the most turns with the least amount of miles and especially as close as i could stay to columbus so i wouldnt have to spend too long on the interstate.

anyway, i like your no directions riding style. well have to ride out sometime. im thinking a west virginia adventure at some point.

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Some of those roads you mentioned are pretty good... Certain sections of 555 are cash money, but there's too much gravel and shit on most of it... That's why I liked 550 so much... Not quite as twisty as 555, but free of all the BS... Last week (IIRC) I hit 555 and the last section (from 550 to rt 7) had rifts of gravel in some of the turns that I kid you not, are 2-3" deep.

Oh, and I refuse to ride the superslab any more than I absolutely have to (like inside 270)... I'd rather stop to rest my ass every 20 miles at the end of my ride than put myself to sleep on the highway... Though I have been known to rock the clovers every now and again...

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well the problem i face is that the roads closer to cbus are so flat that you might as well do the Istate to make it last not so long.

and yeah i only rode 555 for s short while, but it was clear what i ride. it was right around zanesville. the other roads were good except 668 had a bunch of gravel in the corners. someone had the awesome idea of putting more gravel where the gravel had been depleted from the side.

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You where down there and didnt ride 377...OMG....You ride that and 550 well lets say its will be your 2nd favorite.

Get ya a map and do either of these routes..You wont be disappointed.



256,664,56,33,550,339,676,792,266,377,78,60 on into Z-ville

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I need twisty roads and I need them now...I was bored outta my mind yesterday and could find a single good road. where the clovers you be rockin XB?

rt33 @ 270... Going from 270S onto 33E is a bit bumpy and going from 270N (or is it E?) to 33W has tons of tar snakes... Still can get low though...

if you really need to stay in the city theres a complete clover at US23 and I270 on the north side. theres probably others but idk where they are.

I think the one I mentioned above and the rt23 one are the only two 'highway' ones... There is also one at Main and 270 IIRC on the eastside...

I dont want to stay in the city but I also dont want to have to ride for a half hr before I find nice roads...I know, too many requests. Nice roads up towards the Powell area?

You have to ride for AT LEAST 1/2 hour before you find any roads worth mentioning. 257 is ok I guess, but I prefer to get the hell out of town when riding... I pretty much reserve an entire day for riding anytime I head out... Typical for me is 6-8 hours... 5-7 of which is actual seat time...

You where down there and didnt ride 377...OMG....You ride that and 550 well lets say its will be your 2nd favorite.

Get ya a map and do either of these routes..You wont be disappointed.



256,664,56,33,550,339,676,792,266,377,78,60 on into Z-ville

Dude, I was SO close to calling you, but I remembered you said Sunday's were generally not good for you... Hmmm... I guess you'll just have to show some of those roads to me... I didn't mention though that on my way back I hit 204 off of 13 to get back into town... 204 kinda sucks though, too many tar snakes. Some of those roads I have never even heard of!!!

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  • 1 year later...

Can anyone recommend a route starting from the Cleveland area? I know the better roads are south of here...I am just looking for a rotue that a group of us can enjoy , starting from the north ..heading south..and then back north. I don't want to ride 8 hours south and then have to come back.

Any suggestions?

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It's too bad that out culture doesn't truly embrace the sportbike community or we would have safety crews going over all of the twisty roads, removing gravel. Or better yet, every one convicted of a DUI or hitting a motorcyclist would be required to be a part of the anti-gravel crew as part of their sentence. Oh no, that would be too practical. Let's have our prisoners watch TV and play in rock bands. Much better...

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Can anyone recommend a route starting from the Cleveland area? I know the better roads are south of here...I am just looking for a route that a group of us can enjoy , starting from the north ..heading south..and then back north. I don't want to ride 8 hours south and then have to come back.

Any suggestions?

I posted up my ride awhile back through Coshocton... it was a good ride - short 200miles and sweet. Easy to get to from Lorain.


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August 30th will be the Outback Snak. You'll have the twisty turnies. Meeting here in this county @ 11AM...see daily rides. Your own convenient way down to Holmes/Coshocton Co. USR62 would work, or drop down SR83, nice roads. Just a thought.

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