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Speedohealer + mileage legality


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I was reading about sprocket changes and someone suggested getting a speedohealer so they don't gain more mileage than they actually have. Well I was thinking, whats stopping someone from getting a speedohealer and adjusting it to make the bike read less mileage than actual? I know it would throw off the speedometer, but I could see plenty of people not caring about that.

I know messing with the odemeter is a serious offense, so are gearing/speedohealer changes technically illegal?

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  Likwid said:
I think it's only against the law if you try to pass it off as authentic.

A truly honest person will get the "Mileage Discrepancy" tag put on the title

+1 Only illegal if you try to pass it off, same as if you swapped odo's from a junk yard or something.

And seriously though with bikes in the north, is mileage really that much of a concern? I mean yeah I prolly wouldnt buy one with 100k but I doubt I'd buy one with 80k miles either so..... Plus I've known a few less then honest folks that marked the tach on their cars and prolly bikes too and simply disconnected the speedo so this isn't a new thing. Just gotta watch what you buying, I mean I'd grab a viffer with 50k even if the guy said hey look i changed gearing the odo's off before I'd by a gixxer from a 20 something with 4000 showing and oil squirting out the fork seal from to many yutt ughhh's.

Edited by gruss
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How about all the cars and trucks with tires that are different sizes than OE? It is a grey area at best, when considering vehicle mileage anyway. Mileage isn't such a big deal with me most of the time anyway. My car has over 184,000 on it, and my other car has over 230,000 on it (chasis does anyway!)

Edited by jporter12
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  MattKatz said:
Actually....Having a speedo healer would keep thw milage accurate....It doesnt change your milage.

Its a tool used to compensate for gearing changes....There is nothing illegal....about keeping it....Legal.

You can program it way off, so it reads 50mph when you're really going 100mph; therefore, making the odometer turn the mileage over slower; therefore, making it read less mileage than the actual amount of mileage you covered. You'll be half of the actual accurate mileage. You're bike reads 5,000miles when it may actually have 10,000 miles on it.

That's how you can use the speedohealer to derestrict the top end of the motorcycle too. I know a guy that has his ZX12 and ZX14 derestricted by doing it like that and he uses GPS for accurate speed reading. His mileage is WAY off on his bikes.

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I know you sould..but in essence....Only a crook would do it....and it would be no different than swapping speedo's....so I cant see how a SPeedo-Healer could be illegal.

See my point?

I see yours and understood that far before I typed the last response.

There is always a way a crook can be a crook...should we make everything illegal because of it?

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  MattKatz said:
There is always a way a crook can be a crook...should we make everything illegal because of it?

Should we? No... Do we? Yes

I could VERY easily see some overzealous DOT person saying only dealers could sell and adjust Speedo-Healer type devices!

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I have a 2007 Suzuki Bandit 1250. The speedometer was about 7% off from the factory, but the odometer was about 5% off checked with GPS as described below - odd how they were not linear. Then I dropped a tooth up front and everything became worse as expected. I "chose" to make the odomter correct with the healer as I was not really interested in an exact speed. I tested it with GPS on a "straight flat" 10 mile stretch of freeway to rule out tire sidewall issues as well as turns where the GPS mile counting may get screwy.

I now have set the SpeedoHealer at -7.9% correction so the ODO is perfect (or as darn close as one could) and the speedo reads about 4mph fast at 60MPH.

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I never check off "actual" anyway. There's always something that makes the mileage off. Broken speedo cables, wrong size tires, gearing changes, and now speedo healers. Using and abusing are two different things. If anything is done with intent to deceive, that would be wrong.

I've found and replaced car transmission speedometer cable gears that were not correct from the factory. They are supposed to match the car and rear end differential. You never know.

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Actual....And Milage Discrepency.....Look up their True Meanings.

Unless there is some serious Discrepency in your milage....you should be checking Actual.

By checking that box un-neccesarily, you are devaluing something for nothing.

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  MattKatz said:
I know you sould..but in essence....Only a crook would do it....and it would be no different than swapping speedo's....so I cant see how a SPeedo-Healer could be illegal.

See my point?

I see yours and understood that far before I typed the last response.

There is always a way a crook can be a crook...should we make everything illegal because of it?

That's not true. When the inline fuse came out of my speed-o-healer, I dind't gain any miles while I rode. I figured out what the problem was and it started right where it left off.

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  • 10 years later...
  On 7/11/2009 at 9:32 PM, PhilS said:

I have a 2007 Suzuki Bandit 1250. The speedometer was about 7% off from the factory, but the odometer was about 5% off checked with GPS as described below - odd how they were not linear. Then I dropped a tooth up front and everything became worse as expected. I "chose" to make the odomter correct with the healer as I was not really interested in an exact speed. I tested it with GPS on a "straight flat" 10 mile stretch of freeway to rule out tire sidewall issues as well as turns where the GPS mile counting may get screwy.

I now have set the SpeedoHealer at -7.9% correction so the ODO is perfect (or as darn close as one could) and the speedo reads about 4mph fast at 60MPH.


Wait you can only choose one to fix? So you can only fix the mph or the odo but not both?

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