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Ever have an "off" day...


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So this morning I get early and decide to go out for a couple hours before the expected rain comes.

I had a new route planned to check out some roads to the West of me between Plain City and East Liberty.

Well once I got on the road I decided against my planned route cause the rain looked like

it was gonna be here much earlier then they were predicting.

So anyway, just about a block from my house I damn near dropped my bike at a stop sign,

I rolled up to it and shifted down, thought I was all the way down in 1st, turns out I was in neutral,

let off the clutch and give it some gas to roll away while turning and leaning left, well being in neutral

there was no "rolling away" and the weight of leaning left about dropped me, with a quick foot down

to the ground I caught myself, put er in 1st then went on my way.

The next 15-20minutes I followed with a couple stalls and several missed gears (kept hitting neutral instead of 2nd).

You ever get the feeling that maybe you should just turn around and go home?

Well I rode around for only about 40minutes and decided maybe today was not the best day to be ridin.


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Happens to us all once in a while (except for Yodaman). It happens when you're not fully into the ride that day, not fully connected with your bike. You set out thinking you're into it but you just aren't. Being in neutral when you think you're in first is a good one. The best is when you come to a full stop without downshifting at all. Next ride you'll be a machine, I guarantee it.

Edited by hue jass
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Yeah, I had an "OFF" day today, as in OFF the bike. I didn't even get to ON the bike. To top that, the kids were in rare form today, made having to stay home even worse. At least I didn't get wet! (Not sure if that's a good trade off though.)

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i been there man! Some days I go out and ride 300 miles no problem what so ever, I just ride and ride and explore and just find every fun road i can. Other days I go out and I wonder why I even got on my motorcycle that day.Somedays I have no motivation to ride, and I make myself ride and those rides turn out to be the best. Other days I go out and carve corners like its my job, other days, I just cant seem to get into the swing of things. Last time I had a day like that, I dropped my bike in my driveway. =( I decided that on those days, I just wont mess with her.

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