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Does anyone want to drink tonight?

Mr Anderson

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Do the responsible thing. Get an apartment by a bar, so you don't drive. Get a job as a barback, and work it into a bartender job while for a bit. It is easy from there. I carried that card longer than I liked. I decided to make up for it. Bartending and working a door, it will bring the ladies to you. That is my public service announcement of the day for you.

PS. Don't marry the girl you get pregnant.:o

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Damn it...what's it like taking her to school everyday? I kid...do you bring her out to any events...? :D

She's off school for the summer ya idiot. Seriously though, she teaches lol.

I want to sometime soon but once she drives the hour NW to where I am and I ride the next 45min W to Cbus it gets to be a big production. Not to mention 16 has some retarded seams and she doesn't have much padding :p

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She's off school for the summer ya idiot. Seriously though, she teaches lol.

I want to sometime soon but once she drives the hour NW to where I am and I ride the next 45min W to Cbus it gets to be a big production. Not to mention 16 has some retarded seams and she doesn't have much padding :p

Wooo, summer break...12 yr old pool party's...awesome! That's cool...do her students...respond well to her...considering...she looks like them?

I know man....those 10 yr old bodies...kinda hard to find a bubble butt. :D

I'm just gonna go ahead and spot you a 24 pack of your favorite poison. Or scotch....:p I tried that shit....nasty, as well as Guinness. Although my brother likes it..alot.

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Hey I think she has a bubble butt but she still complains if the road isn't like glass.

She does catch some funny reactions from parents and when she taught 7th sometimes the students hit on her. She never looked 12 to me but that probably means I have a good attention for detail or I am pedobear reincarnated.

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Hey I think she has a bubble butt but she still complains if the road isn't like glass.

She does catch some funny reactions from parents and when she taught 7th sometimes the students hit on her. She never looked 12 to me but that probably means I have a good attention for detail or I am pedobear


Pics! Well...maybe not...we both could get arrested.

:lol:They knew...she was in their league. Ok...ok, i'll admit...maybe she doesn't look 12...i'm gonna go with 14. I did only see what, 2 pics of her. I guess it has it's advantages. She can eat for free at some restaurants, get in free at the driv-in, definitely got some perks.

Where did you meet her, and how old did you say she is..? 28? :D

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If we ride, do we have to pay parking on each of our bikes, or just one flat rate? It's not like were going to take up that much space.

Im not sure. Hopefully just one flat fee but they will make us pay parking for both. Im guessing.

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