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Wed 7-22 trip


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cool! don't have to ride alone. Got the gps route loaded, can you print out the route from the web link? My printer is fried. Out east of C-bus we have had light light rain most of the day, starting to get heavier, still a chance tomorrow but it looks doable. Can't wait.

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alright i got it printed out and everything

sadly i dont have any rain gear and i've had really bad experiences in the rain so if it does rain i wont ride and if we're in the middle of riding and it rains i'll stop under cover and wait for it to stop...

but i'm pretty sure thats reasonable

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i also see that it drops to about 20%-30% chance of rain around 10 and stays there until 5 until it starts going up in pickerington

while in coshocton its going to be 40-50%

i'd like to add why don't we do this on friday?

its perfectly clear and sunny on friday :D

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I would love to change it to friday, but it doesn't work for my babysitter sadly. Crossing my fingers and doing the non-rain dance. I'm the same, raining I'm stopping looking for cover. Looks like its going to be spotty pop up type showers, hate riding in the rain!

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Looks good so far, all the storms north and east of us. Accuweather shows cloudy during the trip with around 1pm a higher chance of t storms. See ya a 10.

An inch of rain fell overnight, and its raining pretty good right now over by Easton. Thinking its best to call of your ride, roads are not gonna be worth riding today.

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Went alone, gear up for the rain, which was at worst a drizzle. Stopped in Coshocton Micky D's for lunch, headed out to Salt fork Lake for an hour break, radar looked bad on my cell phone so I jumped on 77 south to 70 west, made up some time, got back on my route in zansville, got to go over the y bridge, rt 22 to 204 and home by 440pm. Didn't get any pics, forgot to charge the camera in my bag, dumbass. Stayed dry but my lower back is killing me, getting a mustang seat with driver backrest next, then maybe risers to bring the bars back 2" and 1" up, got to see how the mustang changes my position before going the riser route. Stayed dry, nice ride, I took it easy on the wet roads, the last hour home most were dry, but I was out of the twisty's by then. Monday is my next trip.


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"i tend to just ride on my own since i dont know y'all peeps too well" chachi1189

Always lookin to add to our group, you are more than welcome to ride with us & feel free to let me know when ya wanna ride...we'll head out with ya.

PM me & we can plan a ride.....Dave

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Went alone, gear up for the rain, which was at worst a drizzle. Stopped in Coshocton Micky D's for lunch, headed out to Salt fork Lake for an hour break, radar looked bad on my cell phone so I jumped on 77 south to 70 west, made up some time, got back on my route in zansville, got to go over the y bridge, rt 22 to 204 and home by 440pm. Didn't get any pics, forgot to charge the camera in my bag, dumbass. Stayed dry but my lower back is killing me, getting a mustang seat with driver backrest next, then maybe risers to bring the bars back 2" and 1" up, got to see how the mustang changes my position before going the riser route. Stayed dry, nice ride, I took it easy on the wet roads, the last hour home most were dry, but I was out of the twisty's by then. Monday is my next trip.


Did you get to ride 541? Thats a fun road. What are your plans Monday? I'm off all next week and Monday is one of the few days we don't have something planned.

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I think monday is the day the niece wants to do instead of the normal wed. babysit day. I have her come over at 10 am and have to be back at 5 SHARP.

I rode 541, it was a fun road, lots of twisty's and elavation changes with great scenery, bad news was today that area was wet and misty, plus since it rained the last two days, farm trucks(and buggy's) left mud everywhere, plus horse shit, so I had to really slow down, think I was in 4th for a few miles of the better stuff. The later in the day the drier it got, still had fun though.

If I can go monday what do you have in mind? I like to load the route into my gps, have a really nice RAM mount for the bike, plus I love gadgets. If the wife every gets home from work I plan on driving up to the bike night on broad, might see some of you guys up there.


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If I can go monday what do you have in mind? I like to load the route into my gps, have a really nice RAM mount for the bike, plus I love gadgets. If the wife every gets home from work I plan on driving up to the bike night on broad, might see some of you guys up there.


Nothing in mind yet, thought you had something up your sleeve. Let me run it past the wife

tonight and make sure she doesn't have something planned for Monday I'm unaware of :)

If you can make it out, we will be at Hooters in Hilliard tonight around 7pm.


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