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Cleveland crew to Coshocton 07-26-09

Uncle Punk

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OK...8-2 is my only day at this point. I have to head back down to Nati the weekend of the 8th and 9th to help with the father-in-law.

Route wise I'm fine with anything at this point since I haven't had the opportunity to get out for a long ride this season.

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I have issues with my throttle hand..due to some serious joint degeneration. It cramps and BURNS from the constant throttle action and grabbing the break lever. I moved the brake lever down towards the ground, which kept me from rotating my wrist back towards me to grab it. It's saved me lots of pain. I know your issue is due to surgery...but I thought I would chime in in case it could offer you a little relief.

Thanks I will try that today.

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What is your kid’s weekend schedule? I’m guessing this weekend is bad. That puts us at 8-8 or 8-9.

I don't have them this weekend. I didn't have them last weekend because they are on vacay with their mom...but the normal schedule is this weekend i don't have them.

This weekend might work if the tire comes in. I'm supposed to pick my niece up in Ann Arbor on Sunday...I think..still not sure what's up with that. But I can always get her on Monday if needed.

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Tony, I did 83 to 78 recently prior to that I hadn't been on 83 south of Coshocton. About half of the distance from Coshocton to 78 is new pavement very nice. I have not been on 83 south of 78 and that is why it is on this route.

Looks like we are going to do 8-2 I will start a new post about this later tonight. What are your guy’s thoughts about including 536 or not?

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so far can't do it.......:( relatives visiting....7/30-8/3 then I am out of town for work 8/8-8/12......sucks......may be I will show up at the Shefy QSL on Thursday....before I forget all of your faces....jeeeeese.....to much commitment........

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I don't mind a long trip if we get an early start. I just like to be home somewhat early in the evening to decompress and deal with the dog..house..job..etc.

I guess if it looks to be too long I can always bug out (again).

Hey, are we stopping at the Ivy?

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Tony, I did 83 to 78 recently prior to that I hadn't been on 83 south of Coshocton. About half of the distance from Coshocton to 78 is new pavement very nice. I have not been on 83 south of 78 and that is why it is on this route.

Looks like we are going to do 8-2 I will start a new post about this later tonight. What are your guy’s thoughts about including 536 or not?

I was planning to ride into WV on Sunday with at least 1 other guy. Our route home from Marrietta is pretty much the same as what you mentioned...26, 800, etc. Perhaps we can meet for the return trip.

btw, I would say skip 536. not really that much fun.

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Hey, are we stopping at the Ivy?

STFU! Not on Sunday!

Kosmo, sorry you have family obligations and we'll miss you but the extra time will give you a chance to work on your English until we see you again. I know you have been on 536 whets your opinion about including it or not.

Tony, as cool as it might be to be able to meet up I just don't see a good way to make it happen. Both groups will be putting in a lot of miles that day and waiting around at a meeting point if one group can't make a certain time would kill the ride for that group. We have Tony's thoughts on 536.

I don't care if we do 536 or not. I have done it twice this year and I have been south of 26 on 800 so I don't care one way or the other. 536 has been talked up lately so it has become somewhat of a destination road so I understand wanting to do it just to satisfy your curiosity. I have been talking up 255 since the first time I rode it but honestly some might not like it. I will say this 255 is not on the table for elimination from the route.

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why don't you bishes just go to grattan this weekend? it's the place to be, yo.

that was my way of saying, "I would love to attend a ride this weekend, but I will be unable due to a prior engagement at Grattan"

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why don't you bishes just go to grattan this weekend? it's the place to be, yo.

that was my way of saying, "I would love to attend a ride this weekend, but I will be unable due to a prior engagement at Grattan"

Fuggin' ninjas....always droppin' in unannounced....killin' a thread or 10 and sneakin' out.

Don't you have something to fix still?!?!?


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