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Cager changing lanes...


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So I wanted to post this separately because there are not nearly enough "good cager" threads.

2 lane road (highway merging off, 1 lane is closed for construction right now)... going under a bridge. So lots going on. Well I turn left, then as soon as the cones end swerve right and get ready to get on it. See the Trailblazer that I just was behind turn on her right turn signal, so of course I think "I better stop because no way she's going to see me"

Much to my surprise, she braked, looked over, saw me and was going to let me go by. I was already slowed so I just let her over... but I was pleasantly surprised that someone noticed me :)

Anyway, ride on folks!

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If it was an Expedition, she would have waved you over and then merged when it was too late for you to evade.

I've seen so man dumb Expedition drivers that I'm convinced there's a license that Ford sells with the purchase of a new one - "Be a dick and get away with it until this time next year."

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People that use turn signals and/or actually see a motorcycle around them, should be rewarded. Let them change lanes. Reinforce the positive behavior. Then they can tell all their friends about that nice motorcycle rider...

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people that use turn signals and/or actually see a motorcycle around them, should be rewarded. Let them change lanes. Reinforce the positive behavior. Then they can tell all their friends about that nice motorcycle rider...

i agree!!!!1

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should have gotten into the standing dry hump posture while mimicking an ass being slapped :takeit:

I flashed her!

I did reinforce, I let her in. Other than pulling up next to her and saying "thanks lady" not sure what else :)

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I had two semi's on I-70 on the east side flash the lights AND wave me me in to the exit to 270 north, this was after a line of cagers tighten up their formation as to make me miss the exit(won't happen), made damn sure the trucks knew I was grateful.


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Same rules should apply for driving any vehicle. Be polite, look for signals, use your signals, never assume they see you! I think the OP and SUV driver reacted very well to this situation.

A hint on lane changes on the highway. When preparing for a lane change, after turning on your signal on do a "head check" to the side your turning. This is a physical action that really catches the attention of drivers as to your intention to change lanes and gives you a chance to check that blind spot! :)

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