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Need help finding parents.

Mr Anderson

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Mr. A., I probably don't have anything to offer that hasn't been offered up here, however it won't stop me from extending a hand or an ear. I would say from my experience with people that you aren't quite emotionally ready yet to have an unxepected answer cast your direction. That said, perhaps it's the answer to some questions you do have that will give your soul that solace. I can empathize with wanting to find the roots of your bloodline. Yet as others have said, family is made not merely from DNA, but from the meshing of souls between loved ones. I have family that I share no blood with, yet have family I would find hard to invest emotionally into. Your adoptive parents have a love not often found in most being so willing to bring you here, and mold you into (from what all I can see through here) a fine and decent young man. And one day, when you are a parent, you will find out how much more rewarding and what it feels to love someone as they love you. All I can say is it's different, and you will never understand until you are there.

With the chaotic situation in which you entered this world physically, try to withold judgement on any players at that time. Emotions exercised on partial information robs us of the integrity of our soul. As you embark on this journey, keep an even keel as much as possible and keep your mind open. And regardless what you find, you appear in a good place now. Don't allow what you find to adversely affect that. And Godspeed to you.

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