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Heath Traffic Cameras


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I wasn't quite sure where to post this, so if it's in the wrong place feel free to move it.

Beware of speeding, and running redlights through Heath.

The city installed 10 cameras on Hebron Road and 30th Street to catch speeders or red-light runners. The state ranked Hebron Road in Heath as the 135th most dangerous stretch of road in Ohio, based on a variety of statistics from 2005 through 2007.

A coworker of mine received a ticket in the mail for speeding on July 4th.

So he called, and it was explained to him that it was a cival suit, and that no points would be added to his license. Cost for all tickets is $100.00. So if you sped for a while you can have multiple viloations. One women wracked up $800.00 in fines in two days.

Heath police are reviewing more than 10,000 potential citations during the first three weeks of the camera enforcement. The city could receive up to $819,863 for the three-week period.

Revenue source perhaps???


Also if you received a ticket mailed out before July 1st, you do not have to pay it. As the ordinance didn't go into affect until that date.

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Funny you posted this because I was going to post the same thing.

I actually got a ticket in the mail yesterday for speeding in Heath (47 in a 35). They have 3 pictures on the ticket that identify you.. One with a close up of your plates, then 1 with the starting point of the speed calculation and another with the ending point. The fine is $100!! I was talking about it at work and another lady got one for doing 11 over and I guess the rumor is that anything 11+ gets a ticket.... I guess pretty much everyone in Heath has one....... Be careful!!

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That's exactly why I don't go to or thru Heath anymore, unless I absolutely have to (Local Honda Dealer), and then I sneek in the back way. F**k em'! I think there was some mention of local businesses showing a decline since the ordinance, imagine that.

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I think there was some mention of local businesses showing a decline since the ordinance, imagine that.

There are a few petitions out there for that reason. I will not be travelling in that direction if I can help it (as if their PD wasn't reason enough) and I'm obviously not the only one. Everything about speed cameras pisses me off, what a shameful way of generating revenue.

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Every Once in a while I have to work out that way and saw them this morn on my Ride in.... Hoping that I dont get a ticket in the mail (fingers Crossed!!) I looked down ...after the second one and realized what they where and was doin bout 45 =O....

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I think I read somewhere that a bunch of those tickets were dismissed and those who paid them were getting refunds cause they were issued before they were supposed to be fully inforced could be wrong but may be worth checking into

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heath sux period although my girl lives out there i know where the camera's are at from doing enough riding in that town and i know the back way in and the back way out...although i was doing 42 in a 35 the other day and saw a camera flash seeing as her house is right by one of them off the side street and now i'm worried it got me:(

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was out there on bikes with some friends last sat got dared to wheelie thru my plate is tucked under the seat so it cant be seen so i wheelied thru the one closest to hinder honda at about 55 or 60 and got the strobes flashing we're waitin for a pic in the paper or something or a web site for the unidentified :)

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was out there on bikes with some friends last sat got dared to wheelie thru my plate is tucked under the seat so it cant be seen so i wheelied thru the one closest to hinder honda at about 55 or 60 and got the strobes flashing we're waitin for a pic in the paper or something or a web site for the unidentified :)


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was out there on bikes with some friends last sat got dared to wheelie thru my plate is tucked under the seat so it cant be seen so i wheelied thru the one closest to hinder honda at about 55 or 60 and got the strobes flashing we're waitin for a pic in the paper or something or a web site for the unidentified :)

I'd love to see the looks on their faces when they saw the pics from that one!

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Looks like they had their council meeting, showing wasn't as strong as I thought it might be. The comments are quite interesting, I've been avoiding Heath but now I'm curious to go down there and see if it looks any emptier.

Story here:


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  • 2 months later...

There's one less thing for people to bitch about!

I'm still mixed on the cameras. On one hand: Big Brother. On the other hand: if you're obeying the laws you have nothing to worry about anyway. Really, I didn't care either way, since I TRY to maintain a reasonable speed most of the time anyway, usually within 5-8 MPH of speed limit (which is within what they SAY will be safe from a ticket.)

It MIGHT make a difference if I still lived out that way, and had to drive through there more often than I do now.

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That's true, when I HAD to go through there I would go slow. However there was no evidence to support that it reduced the # of accidents, except in light of the reduced traffic in the area. Also since there was no due process it just reeked of exploitation. Want to fight it? Take it up with Redflex, not a court. Want to appeal? Too bad.

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