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Woman Framed by Cops

max power

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The vid of the cops discussing how to cover their asses is on the page.

Yah I watched that. I'm wondering why the video of him just hitting her wasn't there too.

Like... did they just not post it, or did he remove it the tape and forget to remove this one?

Just trying to figure out what the rest of us have to protect us if they didn't rehearse it.

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Holy crimony. Is there a minimum GPA requirement to join the police force? Or do they just take whoever??

The scary thing is, these asshats got caught THIS TIME. god only knows what other dirt they've done.

*if any OR members are 5-0... uhm sorry. I don't mean YOU personally. Unless you've tried to set someone up to escape responsibility for your own asshattishness, whether on or off the job. In which case, this absolutely means YOU.

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as for the video, the camera isn't always running in cops' cars. They have to turn it on or it turns on automatically when they turn their sirens/lights on. I've never heard of this, but maybe theirs were set to turn on once a collision is detected. Maybe they didn't know that, or they were too freaked to remember to turn it back off

Edited by wrillo
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