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This day is going down the toilet


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hah I haven't had much sleep at ALL this month. I'm either on an ambulance or in the ER every damn day (tomorrow I get off).

This morning i'm trying to get a nap in before the calls start but it didn't happen. It's been flooding and people are freakin IDIOTS.

First call of the morning is a car stuck in water. WTF EMS is going to do I have no idea. We get there and it's some tarus or some crap.. water up to the window. A firefighter yells to the guy in the car "hey man how tall are you?" guy says "6 foot" firefighter says "then get your 6 foot ass out of the damn car" lol the water came up to his waist. The firefighter says "what did you want? For this young lady (me) to jump into that water and drag your 6 foot ass out?" hahaha

Well i'm already pretty damn wet since it's raining pretty good and we stepped out into some flowing water.. I go to jump back over the fence to get to the truck and I land in a huge water spot splashing water all up my legs. I cuss out loud and look up to see the channel 13 news camera look at me... oops...

So now i'm cold and wet...

We go on a few more cars stuck in water calls and just sit and laugh a bit ;)

THEN we get a 92 year old woman unresponsive.. her roads are flooded...


now we aren't going to get stuck in this water or anything (supervisor went first to be sure lol) but i'm like uhh guys.. how the FUCK are we going to get the stretcher there???

So we find an itty bitty ally.. and needless to say it was hell to get there. We had to slosh through water and all. I found out my waterproof boots aren't so water proof...

We treat the lady in this itty bitty room.. get her loaded and go..

We get a call later on for a diabetic problem. Dude is at work and on the floor. I go to check his sugar and the damn glucomiter is gone.. we left it at the old womans house... awesome.. So I just go ahead and start a line on him and the other guy goes to grab the other one on the truck.

It's like anything that can go wrong is going wrong today. I just spent 2 hours scrubbing the bathroom and kitchen and the only thing that looks different is the sponge is now perma-black and my hands are wrinkled. yay!!

I'm scared about the rest of the shift :(

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