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When I picked out my dog at the shelther 4 yrs ago they wouldnt let him go until he was fixed, but when I took him home, he gave me this look like, Why, why would you ever let anyone do that to me? I mean I'd never let anyone do that to me, so I kinda understand. But then now I see all the dogs and cats out there and I think he understands lol.

Damh I Just looked at his records, he weighed 8.6lbs the day I picked him up, last visit 70.6

Good thing you said you got a dog and not a cat! That'd be one seriously fat cat.

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there is no dog thats free by any means..fuggers are always costing me monies

:plus1: A wise old man told me the same thing, "there's no such thing as a free puppy." Bump for some cute puppies. I kinda want a dog but I'm not home enough to take care of it.

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Oh great. We had the whole "Dog" thing come up again today. Now the wife's looking for one, and I odn't really want one. We have 2 cats (one is mine, one she brought with her) and 3 kids.

We're (I'm) thinking about it, and we're (she's) looking for one. Not sure if I'm going to win this one since I HAVE spent quite a bit on gear and other bike stuff....

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