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I've been out... but I'm back!


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  OsuMj said:
I thought I would share a story, its mildly entertaining to me...

I was supposed to be in Myrtle beach this weekend, but Thursday, pain and fever struck. I ended up in the ER waiting room by 8:30PM, and finally taken to a room by 12:15PM. The entire time I was waiting, I was folded over in pain and had a fever of at least 100.9. They ran some tests, decided I had a 5mm kidney stone, a severe kidney infection caused by the kidney stone, and they were pretty confident I had a blood infection too because the kidney stone was blocking everything. Suck. So over the next 48 hours, I have pain, fever (up to 102), ridiculously low blood pressures (as low as 70/42), surgery, and so many bags of fluid pumped into me, I couldn't begin to guess a number.

The "interesting" part. While I was under anesthesia, I had a dream I was riding my motorcycle. Then suddenly, I wake up in the OR. If that doesn't scare the shit outta ya, I don't know what does. Although, waking up from surgery thinking you crashed in a motorcycle accident is not favorable, it does bring you out quickly, so I think I'm thankful for it.

Anyway, I'm home now, 18lbs heavier than when I left for the ER (damn fluids), my kidney hurts, and I have to wear boys shorts bc I don't fit into any of my own clothing. lol.

So in general, sorry to the people who I told I would show up to the bike nights, then didn't... hope you can forgive me... if not, I don't like you anyway.


Damn....glad to hear your at least doing ok now MJ. Anesthesia is in no way fun. It can make you very loopy, and very sick. A necessary evil unfortunately.

Hmmm....18lbs? Wtf.....? :wtf: Were you downing pizza and beer in their too?

Also....pics of boy shorts...or it never happened. :p

Get well soon.

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  rick37 said:
Now for those who want to know what it feels like to have a kidney stone it like this..being kicked in the nuts about 5 or 6 times in a row and being punched in the lower back at the same time..They hurt like a muddererf!@#er...


"Usually you pay double for that kind of action, Cotton."

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