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I've been out... but I'm back!


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hey everyone, thanks for the positive thoughts. They ran some tests, said my infections are gone and I'm down to the kidney stone and that's it. If I could move fast enough to do a little dance, I certainly would. :) They said I shouldn't be too concerned about the fever, since the infection is gone, and I should try to control it with meds... whereas if the infection was still there, supressing the fever would be getting rid of the indicator of worse things happening. Anyway, I'm home again.

MJ I wouldn't be too concerned about the fevers IF your white count is steadily declining. Continue to treat the fevers with tylenol. Ibuprofen or other NSAIDS can be a bit harsh on the kidneys if you're taking them consistently. I'm sure they gave you some "good" drugs tho at discharge. Don't worry about the extra fluid either. With your pressures being as low at they were rapid fluid infusion was obviously their first option. ;) Your body will adjust and begin to excrete the excess fluid and you be back to your normal skinny self in no time. IF you feel like you HAVE to laugh....grap a pillow to help guard ur belly. hehe. I hope you continue to feel better and we all hope to see you very soon as well! Hugs....:p

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Glad you're ok. 18lbs heavier....WTH. Did the IV have cereal in it...lol

:lol: that hurt a little. but, yeah, feels like it. As of yesterday, I was still retaining a bit of fluid and peaked at a solid 20lbs over weight. :trophy:

MJ I wouldn't be too concerned about the fevers IF your white count is steadily declining. Continue to treat the fevers with tylenol. Ibuprofen or other NSAIDS can be a bit harsh on the kidneys if you're taking them consistently. I'm sure they gave you some "good" drugs tho at discharge. Don't worry about the extra fluid either. With your pressures being as low at they were rapid fluid infusion was obviously their first option. ;) Your body will adjust and begin to excrete the excess fluid and you be back to your normal skinny self in no time. IF you feel like you HAVE to laugh....grap a pillow to help guard ur belly. hehe. I hope you continue to feel better and we all hope to see you very soon as well! Hugs....:p

yeah... i guess that's what they ended up telling me when I went back. I had a fever of ~102 so I called to ask what they thought. They said come back in. They tested me, said my infection was gone, so the fevers are OK.

Yeah, I have been pretty much just trying to stay away from anything that involves sudden movements... I'll keep the pillow thing in mind though. :D

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... hrm, kidney stones aren't all that funny. I could do without the jokes, but if you feel the need to pursue them, then I'll smile and pretend its funny.

I was just trying to make light of things but failed miserably. Please forgive me and get well soon.

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Oh, and for everyone wondering, I didn't mean "boy shorts" as in the underwear, I meant like elastic band basketball shorts... yeah. not hawt. lol

Glad you're on the mend, ma-am! And don't you fret about a little junk in the trunk.. you can make it work in your favor. Make a dewd spell your name backwards, if it comes down to it :p

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Glad to hear you are on the downhill side of this. I haven't had a stone yet (that I know of) but have had a handful of kidney infections. Some of the worst pain and sick I have felt ever. Thought I had slipped a disc in my back the first time.

And you were too skinney to begin with. A few extra lbs are no big deal on you, missy! :D

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:lol: that hurt a little. but, yeah, feels like it. As of yesterday, I was still retaining a bit of fluid and peaked at a solid 20lbs over weight. :trophy:

Hhhhmmm...I've always thought you could stand to eat a couple more cheezeburgers girl. Hopefully that 20lbs. didn't just land in one spot on ya. And don't worry about the clothes not fitting, you can just bum around in your b-day suit.


Glad you're getting back to 'normal' though. I think Justin was kind of lost without his arch nemesis engenerd around.


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Mr. Mayo has been a total sweetie. He's been taking care of me day and night. He would stay at the hospital and sleep or run into work while I was sleeping, then come back and take care of me when I was awake. He's been making me food, taking me for walks down the road (I'm like a dog now), and generally listening to me complain with a smile on his face the entire time.

It was kinda funny though, he was being sweet and taking care of me on wednesday when the pain started, then on thursday, I asked him to do something and he sighed and rolled his eyes a little and I pretty much told hiim 'fuck off, you're an asshole" (it was the pain talking), and he took it like a champ! lol. I get cranky when I'm in pain, so I am sure gonna owe him something big when I'm better for him putting up with my cranky ass.

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I get cranky when I'm in pain, so I am sure gonna owe him something big when I'm better for him putting up with my cranky ass.

I understand that, girl... I've been there before! You might want to be prepared to pay up as soon as you're up and running..:takeit:

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