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What is the policy for issuing tickets to motorists involved in accidents?

This is not a bashing thread, I just want to know if it is procedure to give tickets to people that will more than likely be paralyzed the rest of their lives while they are in the Emergency Room.

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What is the policy for issuing tickets to motorists involved in accidents?

This is not a bashing thread, I just want to know if it is procedure to give tickets to people that will more than likely be paralyzed the rest of their lives while they are in the Emergency Room.

I don't think injuries have anything to do with it, but if you caused an accident they usually ticket you.

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This is not a bashing thread

But you know that's exactly where it's going to head

I just want to know if it is procedure to give tickets to people that will more than likely be paralyzed the rest of their lives while they are in the Emergency Room.

Yes, this leading statement is heading there now. Time to subscribe to this fun ride.

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I guess the question is, do you just have to serve them and the ER is the easiest place?

The second statement "people that will more than likely be paralyzed the rest of their lives" was for the subjective part of their job. At what point to you not give additional stress to someone?

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In on page 1....... :)

I have heard of them of giving tickets in the ER. That's gotta suck.

The cop acted like he really didn't want to be there giving the ticket, so that is why I am asking

Edited by shittygsxr
improper use of thier/there
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ive worked in a few Er's now lol and its not uncommon for the person that caused said incedent to be ticketed while in the ER even while the patient is under stress... do i agree with it as far as the best time.. no.. not always but if its your fault even if you couldnt ever drive again its just like anything else and you should be cited

also i do not know if its the officers disgression to ticket or not... based on circs or what not

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Shitty, I vaguely remember a story that broke a few months ago abuot a football player in TX being detained and ticketed in the hospital parking lot for speeding. His wife's Mom was dying, and he and his wife were rushing to be by her bedside. The cop was extra-belligerent and wouldn't let he OR his wife get out of the car. Finally he let the guy's wife go in (she barely made it), but kept the driver until the ticketing process was over. Mother-in-Law was dead by the time that he got to the room. Jacked up story.

Putting my skewed tangent aside, I'd say that if (and I mean IF) a ticket MUST be issued in that situation, it would prob. be best to do it there rather than the scene (and I'm not sure of the statute of limitations regarding ticketing post-accident). I don't agree with it, but I can see it happening. Especially if the victim is in the ER waiting room, and not being wheeled into surgery or something.

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We dont always enjoy giving out citations no. Unfortunately, sometimes, they are just part of the job. I have given out plenty that I would rather not have but its just the way it works.

I find this hard to believe coming from you JLaw!! :D

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We dont always enjoy giving out citations no. Unfortunately, sometimes, they are just part of the job. I have given out plenty that I would rather not have but its just the way it works.

Is it an issue of having to serve them and it is easier to find them there, or does it have to be done before a report can be filed?

Is it a matter of convenience or strict policy?

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Is it an issue of having to serve them and it is easier to find them there, or does it have to be done before a report can be filed?

Is it a matter of convenience or strict policy?

All really.

Easy to track find.

Cite must be done to fully complete crash report.

Cite number and charge must be noted on crash report.

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For any serious vehicle accident, anything more than scratch in the paint, a LEO will do a report. ESPECIALLY if someone is seriously injured. In that report, there will be a determination as to who is responsible for the accident. If the LEO found someone to be responsible and doesn't take action, is he neglecting his duties as a LEO? He can lose his job if he does not do what his policies and proceedures require him to do. Even though he may not like it, he has to do it, because he will most likely be in court over it.

Edited by DangBruhY
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Everyone always takes the things police officers do personally. It's really a thankless job. I agree with above. If you caused the accident you deserve to get sited. Unfortunately life isn't always pretty and the consequences are not always what we like. It sucks.

Either way just remember, these people are doing their job and we should be thankful that they are. I feel that most officers are very underpaid when you consider the risk and abuse involved compared to other jobs in that pay range. If you fucked up, just remember to be nice and take responsibility for your actions even if you are hurt. If you didn't fuck up, don't take it out on the cop. Take your ticket and then go argue about it at a later date in court where arguing is appropriate.

That's my 2 cents

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I can personally say I have been sited in the ER and another time they waited until I had gotten home before they came to my home and cited me. I believe it depends on the severity of the accident as to what they do. The first accident I was ever in years ago they cam e to the ER because I had no major injuries. The rollover accident I had in May, due to the severity of the injuries and my lack of coherence and consieuosness they waited until I was discharged and home for a few days. I cant complain about either one as they were doing their job and were very polite and respectful about it.

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Now there are some cites I LOVE to write.

No operators license

Driving under suspension

Ill write anything if you flat out tell me "I dont have insurance", "Heres your ticket, and the BMV will now suspend your license as well". If I have to god damn pay for it, Im certainly going to do all I can to punish you for not paying for it.

I think a lot of people either forget or simply dont realize that having a license is a PRIVILEGE, NOT A RIGHT.

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My old man got a ticket while in the ER. It was written by a novice trooper who had their chief or whatever with her so she was more or less obliged to play it by the book. I guess rules are rules, but it's shitty none the less.

Edited by Kip Drordy
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I think people are losing track of what the original question was, which is not whether the person should get cited or not or whether the cop is an asshole for citing them. The real question is, do you have to go and cite the person immediately even if they are practically in a coma from the accident. Wheezle covered it perfectly and his rollover situation is exactly how I think that should be handled.

Also, I had a slight fender bender where a girl hit me from behind. Realistically I shouldn't have called the cops because the damage was just paint but I did since I was young and scared. The cop came out and immediately started writing the girl a ticket. He said, "If I have to come out, someones getting cited.". Um, ok.

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Did she let you return the favor? :sexytime:

So, I'll take that as a 'No'.

I should have. The dumb bitch rammed my brand new to me car because she wasn't paying attention and rolling forward to turn right on a red with me in front. After I returned the favor I should have given her little sister a nice mushroom stamp on the forehead. Come to think of it, judging by the mom's DSLs I probably should have hit that too, the dumb bitch kept rubbing dirt into my paint.

Sigh.....hindsight is always 20/20. I guess I just didn't think enough about capitalizing on that situation.

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