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Ride Idea: ORDN Ohio Relay Race


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So, it's late and I'm sober, left to my own devices and the voices in my head, the wheels (albeit small ones) start turning, and I was thinking, maybe, potentially...

The Idea:

We do an Ohio Riders Ohio State Relay Race.

**Note, when I use the term 'race' this is on public streets, it's all *within the speed limit* and I accept no liability for actions undertaken by you or your teammates.

What is this? Observe:


If you see the above map, here's my idea.

It's a "race" across the five points of ohio, NW, SW, S, SE, NE corners with the start/finish at National Trails Raceway in Hebron. No highways, no toll roads.

The Rules: :rulez:

1) We split up into teams. 4-6 is probably optimal, but the number isn't important. It's probably best to have locals running the relay portions in their sections of the state, just for logistics purposes.

2) Each team is provided a SEALED envelope that has something in it (a code, a letter, a phrase - I was thinking each team would have a letter from O-R-D-N, but whatever). The envelope is to remain sealed for the duration of the trip to prevent cheating. It doesn't have to be an envelope it could be a baton, gag gift, lock of dyed sheep wool, something unique, etc.

3) Riders synchronize watches/cell phones and verify the start time with each other and begin and ride toward any of the designated 5 checkpoints (doesn't matter how you circle the state, just that all five are accounted for - though it would be more social to all agree to head toward the same checkpoint, you'll see why later).

4) Planning ahead, another ORDN member(s) should be waiting at the designated checkpoint given an approximate arrival time. The riders meet and exchange the envelope. Once the envelope exchanges hands, the clock is stopped for that leg of the journey. (This will either have to be officiated over by a neutral 3rd party not in the race, or we'll use the honor system, we'll figure it out). The envelope is signed off on by the old and new carriers. IN (time + date) OUT (time + date). The difference between the IN and OUT on each leg will be the added for the cumulative total time.

5) The rider(s) who made the exchange are now free to socialize, eat at the local dive bar, bullshit, or whatever with the group of riders who now has the envelope (This is why it'd be cool for everyone to go to the same checkpoint - so maybe all the Cbus riders could ride to, say, the NW corner and meet the NW guys to hang out, drink, etc.)

6) After bullshitting, the initial riders are free to go about their merry way - back home, continue on the next leg, etc. They just can't carry the envelope again.

7) The teams now in possession of the envelopes are to schedule a time to get together back at the meet spot, resynchronize, and move onto the next agreed upon checkpoint. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Until the envelopes make it back to the original starting point, included with the team members names, the team members who handled the envelope, as well as the times between each leg. Shortest amount of time, wins. Envelopes will be verified to ensure it was the same envelope (or item) that was left with.

Key note: The hand offs must occur within the same day, but the following legs of the journey do not have to be completed on consecutive days. This can be scheduled on any day following the hand off. E.g. It might take 5 weeks for the envelope to make it back to Columbus (5 Saturdays), the time between the checkpoints is the only thing that matters. Besides, it allows people for a break between riding, and could help if any inclimate weather was in the area.

This will allow one local group to hang out with the locals in another area of the state. Everyone is welcome, even non-participants to hangout with the group at the meet spots. We can repeat the event in the upcoming years to ensure the all the 'regional' guys get to meet just about everyone else from the other regions as we can just keep switching the checkpoint orders. Then, everyone can ride to a central OH party at the end of the race...??

Additional things:

1) Everything is subject to debate/improvement in order to make the experience more enjoyable. This includes:

  • Movement of checkpoints (within the context of the point of the ride - I picked National Trails because it seemed more central than Cbus, but we could START/END anywhere)
  • Additional rules
  • Alternative scoring procedures (e.g. not only time-based, but also +/- time for certain tasks performed on the ride, photos, etc)
  • Entry fees, so we can have
  • Prizes
  • Sponsorships
  • Charities
  • Etc.

I personally prefer just to have bragging rights (free), but I know everyone chipped in what? $5? $10? for the scav hunt just so there was a prize at the end. Whatever everyone wants to do...

2) It'd be preferable for the people participating to have a GPS unit to verify the routes taken were non-highway. This is not a mandate though, we'll figure something out to keep you honest. The people with GPS units... your route will not be publicly revealed - that's at your discretion. This will ensure that if the "winning team" finds some super-secret awesome route, they can continue to exploit it until the other teams catch on or follow them.

That's about all... there's a ton more logistics to figure out, but the collective here should be able to work out the details. Clear as mud right?

Post up your suggestions, thoughts, critiques, interest in this. :D

Edited by JRMMiii
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More ideas... instead of the "fastest". We'd record mileage IN and OUT at each section as well, so we don't need the routes, but we can get an avg. speed over the route for the teams.

Then we can figure out (either through random drawing, or some bar skill game [cornhole, darts, etc]) what the winning avg. speed should be (35mph, 40mph, 45mph, 50mph, ?? -- these numbers would include the one/two gas stops per leg)... closest to that, wins.

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