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Gas Company Rant...


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So the gas company has threatened to disconnect my service, becasue I haven't been there when they have come to read the meter. Has this ever happened to anyone else? I'm sorry, I have to goto wor to pay your stupid bill. I fill out the little card they leave, and call it in. Sounds pretty simple to me.

So, they suggested that I get an electronic meter, so that I never have to be home for them to read it.

Now they want me to block out 4 hours when they might show up for the install. They tell me this today, for an install tommorrow. Well I have got shit to do in the morning. So, they want me to leave my door unlocked, and they will lock it when they leave.:mad: Not only does this bother me because the whole world could come visit, but, to have someone just meandering through my house whilst I'm at work.


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First thought.. tell them to go fuck themselves. Second' date=' more rational thought.. tell them that time doesn't work for you and if they don't reschedule they can go fuck themselves.[/quote']

+1... give them a time they can come that works for you, if that doesn't work, tell them to go fuck themselves

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Gas company down here doesnt care if they have your business or not...... I argued with them over a rental house, They suggested I convert my house to electric if I didnt like their policies........ So I did!!! F*ck em...........

I'd suggest that they wait at your door between the hours 5 till 9pm and you should be there at some point during those hours to let them in........

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Yeah that's bs. I'd tell them they need to schedule it when it's convenient for you. I don't think that it would be legal for them to shut it off if you've contacted them and told them you're working. Assholes. My gas company is the same way, I'd convert everything to electric if I didn't live in an apartment. Fuck utility companies.

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I had the same bullshit with Columbia Gas. They would bring the little card and I would call in my reading but once a year or something they had to come do an actual reading. I told them that I work during the day. At first they tried to get me to set up an appointment during the day and I said no. Then they reluctantly gave me a number to call to schedule an evening appointment that was convenient for me. I called and scheduled the evening appointment. They came out, got their reading and everyone was happy. Just tell them you can't do it during the day period.

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throw aids needles all over where the meter is. schedule time for meter reading at their convenience. hilarity ensues.

label them all as "aids needles" in really fine print so they have to pick them up to read them. Also, shit in a solo cup and put it at the bottom of the stairs

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You probably need a half day anyway :) It's nice to randomly sleep in every now and then

Yeah if I didn't have two meetings this morning I would have done that.

Instead, I requested that they call me, I would come home and unlock the house. Since it's like four blocks from my office.

I'm gonna be fucking furious if I don't get a phone call from Columbia.

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I always make them install one of those electronic devices on my gas line. That enables them to park in the street and read the meter. The water company does it as well, but for some strange reason the utility companies in Ohio are still stuck in the 1960s.

Make the offer for them to either relocate your meter outside of your house or install a remote relay reader for it. If they say no, either switch over to propane or go all electric.

Electric is cheaper anyway.

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I always make them install one of those electronic devices on my gas line. That enables them to park in the street and read the meter. The water company does it as well, but for some strange reason the utility companies in Ohio are still stuck in the 1960s.

Make the offer for them to either relocate your meter outside of your house or install a remote relay reader for it. If they say no, either switch over to propane or go all electric.

Electric is cheaper anyway.

That's what they did. Still had to get into the house to install it though.

No more of that crap.

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Maybe I am biased because I work in the oil and gas industry however heating an ohio home in the winter with gas is much more efficient and definitely much cheaper than electric still. In fact lately if you play the variable rate game right, there has been record low pricing in the last 6 years I believe

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