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You can run from the chopper, but you can't hide from QuikZX9R


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I had to see what the sight is all about. I didn't get it either. Where as the people on this sight are more mature and here for the comrodery he is what he calls a poser. If you read his discription it points out his personallity.

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I think "because I didnt read all the crap" you guys need more to do? Just a guess because you have the fukin soap thread going on about it!?!? What some dude thinks your a poser. If you would have called him out or,punch him in the mouth maybe all this shit I would have maybe read butt sitting and crying about sounds a lot like the dipshit you guys are talking about.......................................................................................................................................Really!?!:violin::violin:

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I think "because I didnt read all the crap" you guys need more to do? Just a guess because you have the fukin soap thread going on about it!?!? What some dude thinks your a poser. If you would have called him out or,punch him in the mouth maybe all this shit I would have maybe read butt sitting and crying about sounds a lot like the dipshit you guys are talking about.......................................................................................................................................Really!?!:violin::violin:

I have two options to go with replying to this.

One is he is right and we shouldn't be talking about this at all. It was a non event that we are just wasting our time discussing. Taking that advice I shouldn't even be replying to this poster because he is obviously just trolling for a response.

Two is obviously the choice I'm going to take because if you haven't figured it out by now this whole social internet thing is a waste of time. If soliciting a response is what you wanted here it is. Fuck off, go shit somewhere else if you think our laughing at some guy is a waste of our time don't waste your time telling us your opinion about us wasting our time. What is entertaining to me might not be to you but I certainly don't need your advice to decide what a waste of my time is. Could this be another one of Quicks cock sucking cheerleaders?

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This couldnt possibly be the first time you've been called a douchebag, JRM.

:lol: No, but he didn't say it to my face either... and since I wasn't there to hear it I only heard it secondhand. Either way - sticks and stones, I'm not bent outta shape about being called a douchebag - far from it :D. I'm actually surprised that during the hour ride over from New Philly he didn't come up with some additional choice words for me because I obviously pushed his eButtons. Actually, I'm almost disappointed he didn't go off on a huge rant that just publicly dressed me down for his little camera show.

Edit: To be fair, I'm not sure this whole thing was really about ME so much as the "Ohio Posers". I just may've precipitated it, .. because I'm not the only one who ragged on him for all the crap he spewed on this forum. And I don't exactly have the most inconspicuous bike - along with the Ohio Riders sticker right on my windscreen. When he came in and realized who I was, he made the false assumption that everyone I was with was ORDN too. Granted, I'm the only one he called a douchebag, so he may have a personal vendetta against me, but he wouldn't even take the olive branch that Greg extended to him, so whatever... I was willing to take any razzing he wanted to dish out (I expect to take it, if I'm giving it), but my record is clear and I was in my full complement of gear, so apparently he didn't have much to razz me about when he came in. Other than saying I was "posing" in Wendy's instead of out riding - because I obviously caged it down to a Zanesville Wendy's from Cleveland with my cycle gear to impress people. :rolleyes: I'm sorry? Hell, I didn't even eat anything.

I've got nothing personal against anyone. I would've ridden with the guy, shared a laugh - but I guess he's still butthurt over the photoshops I did after his publicly posted opinions and photos of himself regarding his moral and ethical compass (along with his decision making skills) based on what he has advocated on here.

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Thanks for your advice but it's really not necessary. My dick is really not angry at all I'm really entertained by this. It would take more than a few posts on the internet to get me angry and if it did that would make me a tool.

Your right Justin is a douche bag.

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Thanks for your advice but it's really not necessary. My dick is really not angry at all I'm really entertained by this. It would take more than a few posts on the internet to get me angry and if it did that would make me a tool.

Your right Justin is a douche bag.

Thats what Angrish does, its in his name. :D

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Thanks for your advice but it's really not necessary. My dick is really not angry at all I'm really entertained by this. It would take more than a few posts on the internet to get me angry and if it did that would make me a tool.

Your right Justin is a douche bag.

and his(Jrmiii) girlfriend is too hot for him:p

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If that's the case she really is too good for you.

Hey, aren't you out on some trip riding my bike you stole right out from under me?

Kristen won't let me have any other girlfriends so I only have her. Actualy she got the bike, so I borrowed it from her

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