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My weekend at The Tactical Defense Institute


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So I mentioned in here earlier in a thread to likwid that I was going to TDI this past weekend and I would share my thoughts on it. I'm not prior law enforcement, just an armed citizen ccw holder that wanted to better my skills and have some additional training. So here's my little write up for my experience.

I attended levels 1 and 2, I was not able to be gone long enough for level 3. The class size was very small, about 12 people and they usually get no more than 20 people per class. This was nice because they had several instructors, making the student to teaching ratio very low. The staff was very friendly and knowledgeable. David Bowie (from bowie tactical concepts) who made my Glock is one of the instructors there and is a very funny, informative and helpful guy. The owner, John Benner, also led much of the teaching and was a very down to earth, knowledgeable, informative instructor. They had instructors from all walks of life that were able to coorelate their expertise into the firearms training.

Starting with the basics, the first day we spent the first couple hours in lecture going over justification and legality of using lethal force, the psychology, legal ramifications etc... Some if it was information I had heard before but they present some good angles that you might not have considered before and some new material.

Range time: The first day we focused on trigger control, proper handling and sight alignment. I know many people feel like they may have these mastered but these are areas that can always be worked on. We went from shooting consistent small groups on 1 shot, to 2 shots, 3 shots and then multiple targets. The second day we moved to reloading magazines effectively, clearing malfunctions (they went into great depth on this and they even preload jams into your mags to help you face them during your shooting drills). After that we worked on shooting while moving, hitting multiple targets while moving and doing box drills with steel plates. The last thing we did was a overview of their live fire houses and properly clearing rooms or dealing with threats inside your home. (This is what level 3's main focus is.)

Overall, it was an awesome experience. I would defintely reccommend this place for anyone whether beginner or advanced shooter. I plan on going back for level 3 sometime later this fall. Here is a link to their website.


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well it depends on what kind of instruction you've had previously? I've had some good instruction, this helped reinforce a lot of that. I would recommend it if your a CCW holder or if you haven't been to a lot of other "gun schools" previously.

Almost all my training is in safe handling and target shooting fundamentals. Stuff like breath control, arc of movement, sight alignment and other... so definitely no tactical training to speak of...

so I may do this. Problem is class is Friday Saturday Sunday and I'll have to book a hotel... honestly, the price and hotel makes this a "vacation" so I dunno when I'll do this.

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