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Obama Speech to congress


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okay another thread on Obama and healthcare :eek:

Did anyone else watch this speech? it was only on like every channel...

I felt like it was more empty rhetoric and nothing informative or of substance. He made a lot of claims about how great its going to be but didn't explain how it would work in any great detail, or what provisions in the bill would back the claim up. I like how he did say "when I sign this bill". He's already passed this bill in his mind.

He did mention it would be mandatory for every american to have insurance :confused:

He did mention the insurance exchange thing again (but he needed to go into more detail), and I don't see how this system would be profitable without lots of government subsidizing. If it was feasible it sounds like a great idea on paper. Justin, I'll give you the lead on this one and finding out who it could work effectively without going belly up.

And he seemed delusional about not signing a plan that would add 1 dime to our deficit? Congress just asked to increase the federal deficit to 13T because his budget is so high? Call me crazy but I know if this healthcare plan is passed the budget deficit will go up and the only way to prevent that is to tax the hell out of the American people.

anyways, let the comments roll in :popcorn:

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And he seemed delusional about not signing a plan that would add 1 dime to our deficit?

Smoke and mirrors. He claims it will save us a ton of money 10 years from now, and that will pay for the massive spending during the first 10 years. The theory is that treating people now will make them less sick in the future so we will save money that way........that is how he makes his claim that it won't cost anything.

I am guessing he is planning on pulling the money out of his butt....err I mean out of our butts.

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oh and I did notice he pulled out the ol' republican fear mongering in his speech "if we don't do this, everyone will die and lose their insurance anyways" lol (okay maybe I embellished a little, but not much!)

not exaggeration it went something like:

"if we dont act, people will lose their insurance, people will die, jobs will be lost, people will go homeless..."

maybe not exactly all those, but there were 4-6 different major, generic tragedies that will undeniably ensue. I am a bit perturbed "no bill without a public option" will be signed. So even if we can come up with a plan to make healthcare affordable without a public option, it would get nixed? dont like that thought.

my final dislike was "my plan will not REQUIRE you to change your healthcare" but it sure might make it unreasonable not to. afterall, the fed program can have a nearly endless monetary loss and still exist thanks to deficit spending. how can that program NOT outcompete a private program that must exist on REAL money?

caught this on my tv beforehand (minus the obvious)


Edited by smashweights
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I started to watch but then quickly changed the channel. I dont think their will ever be any serious change in the health care system. You have the Republican nay sayers and Democrat "Blue Dogs". Congressmen on both sides take campain contributions from Health industry lobbyiest. And with that reason alone the Dems will never get the vote.

At this point i think the Republicans will try to cock block any Obama idea good or bad. And when the roles eventually reverse and in time they will the dems. will try the same cockblock game but will fail because they pussyfoot around everything.

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okay another thread on Obama and healthcare :eek:

Oh boy...you really stepped in it again ;)

Did anyone else watch this speech? it was only on like every channel...

I felt like it was more empty rhetoric and nothing informative or of substance. He made a lot of claims about how great its going to be but didn't explain how it would work in any great detail, or what provisions in the bill would back the claim up. I like how he did say "when I sign this bill". He's already passed this bill in his mind.

He did mention it would be mandatory for every american to have insurance :confused:

He did mention the insurance exchange thing again (but he needed to go into more detail), and I don't see how this system would be profitable without lots of government subsidizing. If it was feasible it sounds like a great idea on paper. Justin, I'll give you the lead on this one and finding out who it could work effectively without going belly up.

And he seemed delusional about not signing a plan that would add 1 dime to our deficit? Congress just asked to increase the federal deficit to 13T because his budget is so high? Call me crazy but I know if this healthcare plan is passed the budget deficit will go up and the only way to prevent that is to tax the hell out of the American people.

anyways, let the comments roll in :popcorn:

Long on ideas, short on substance and specifics.

The public option is obviously still there, and isnt going away. (Of course, we already have the public options with medicare medicaid and the VA but they're not run very well.) Which is disappointing. I really believe that if the public option is in there at all, it wont be long until its the ONLY option. That's already been proven as way to not improve health care.

The idea of "exchanges", if they work the way they do for congress might not be a bad thing in the long run. If I could buy insurance for my employees at the same price as the big guys, it would certainly be a benefit.

I don't think he said enough regarding tort reform. This adds a huge amount to the "real" cost of health care. As with any business you have to cover your fixed costs first, and this is a HUGE one - all because a Doctor makes a "mistake". The awards from juries are criminal.

I also don't see how he's going to fund it long term. Granted, there's a lot of waste and fraud that could be removed from the existing "public options" but there doesn't seem to be enough there to fund it (nearly $1 Billion a year needed for his plan).

He also didn't talk much about increasing competition among insurers by allowing insurance companies to compete across state lines. I think this would definitely reduce costs to those of us already insured.

If he talked about portability, I must have missed it. This is also a key issue for those that are already insured - especially if you change jobs or lose a job. Anyone ever tried to cover themselves with Cobra? Wow - those prices will make you shit your fucking pants.

If the purpose of his speech was to tell congress to work together and come up with something that everyone can live with, then it was a good thing. If his attitude is "gimme something to sign by Thanksgiving" then it was not a good thing.

The whole Kennedy Tribute at the end was a bunch of bullshit. Lets say more good things about some drunk shitbag who killed a girl 40 years ago on walked on the whole thing. Yeah THATS America.

In the end, I think time will tell, and we'll see what congress comes up with. One thing for sure, he certainly wasn't talking about HR3200. If he was, he was lying through his teeth.

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Oh boy...you really stepped in it again ;)

If he talked about portability, I must have missed it. This is also a key issue for those that are already insured - especially if you change jobs or lose a job. Anyone ever tried to cover themselves with Cobra? Wow - those prices will make you shit your fucking pants.

i got my Cobra quote when i was between jobs. Cost was like $600+ month for just me. which was more than my and my previous employer's contribution for coverage before. yeah i shit my pants. took my chances of not getting sick since i couldn't afford to nearly double my living expenses while unemployed. problem solved when i got a new job.

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Nah they will still be paying for things like Iraq way before they get to the healthcare money.

Thankgs that they mibght be soon paying on, if the bailouts, and all the out of control spending had not skyrocketed out of control! I'm NOT directing that comment at Obama, it started before him, although he has done NOTHING to reduce spending that I've heard of, just adding to the problem even more!

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Thankgs that they mibght be soon paying on, if the bailouts, and all the out of control spending had not skyrocketed out of control! I'm NOT directing that comment at Obama, it started before him, although he has done NOTHING to reduce spending that I've heard of, just adding to the problem even more!

Only something like a 7% increase i read somewhere..which I don't like btw. Right now we are still working under the last budget also. Who know what will happen. I don't like some of his policies, but I'm willing to give him a decent amount of time like I would have McCain before I start passing real judgments on affects.

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Only something like a 7% increase i read somewhere..which I don't like btw. Right now we are still working under the last budget also. Who know what will happen. I don't like some of his policies, but I'm willing to give him a decent amount of time like I would have McCain before I start passing real judgments on affects.

Yeah, I'm not for throwing him under the bus just yet but he (and congress) really needs to do something!

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oh and I did notice he pulled out the ol' republican fear mongering in his speech "if we don't do this, everyone will die and lose their insurance anyways" lol (okay maybe I embellished a little, but not much!)

Yes, he talked about not falling for all the "fear" talk and then he told us that if we don't pass this plan.......people will die.......nice......

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I work in healthcare and I have been to countless meetings on this topic. People want "national" healthcare like in Canada. Do you know that some people wait months for a surgery? We get people all the time who pay for their own surgery so they do not have to wait. If you really want to reduce healthcare costs, start by limiting the malpractice claims. We waste a ton of money on covering our ass. As for how he plans on paying for this, he will ask every "hard working american" to contribute to the wellfare of every lazy wellfare recipient.

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He SAYS it won't cost the taxpayers anything, or add to the defecit. I just fail to see how!!! I can see it happening through savings over the years, but it would take some time for the savings to get it rolling without putting big amounts of money to it to get it going.

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He SAYS it won't cost the taxpayers anything, or add to the defecit. I just fail to see how!!! I can see it happening through savings over the years, but it would take some time for the savings to get it rolling without putting big amounts of money to it to get it going.

That may come back to haunt him like "Read my lips....no new taxes"

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I hate politics. I think we should round up all the politicians and drop them off in the Amazon.

Careful, comment's like that and you might have the FBI knocking on your door. :rulez:

but wait there's more!!!!!!


:lol: kawi kid

I watched most of it and the majority of what he said sounded something like "I am going to fix America. I'll be the only president that says I can fix the healthcare system and I WILL FIX IT. It's gonna work really well, the plans I have. I'm not gonna tell you those plans cuz it's a secret. And we are going to come up with something very soon, whether it's right or not, but we'll make the deadline. We need to stop bickering and come together for the American people."

Anywho, I think he offered few details and more or less just used a bunch of lines to please as many people as he could. But I still watched it even though I really don't trust him and think he's going to do more harm than good.

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Oh, and btw, they need to stop all that suck-up clapping bullshit and just let the guy talk.

I'm Mr. Obama. Thank you everyone.


I am here to talk about our healthcare system. We need to fix it.


We are going to fix it.


I won't..


...add one dime...


...to our...





OMG the total time for applauses is always longer than whicheve president is speaking. F'ing kills me!

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I don’t think it’s about health care at all, at least not for the liberal elite that run Washington. I think it’s about triggering socialism. I’ll tell you why

First what company is going to pay for insurance when their taxes already pay for it? Companies will drop you so fast it will make your head spin. Then…. No competition….. Government option becomes the only option.

Then it starts, people will complain! Patients will be unhappy. They may be able to choose their doctor at first but the waiting list will be months long cause everyone wants the good doctor. The government will first try to solve this by making you go to whatever doctor is in your district. One qualified doctor is as good as the next right? Besides it’s unfair for one doctor to get all the business when another has an empty office……

Then people will complain about lack of good doctors. Doctors will complain they cant repay student loans on low wages so the government will wind up paying people to go to school to become a doctor. Complete take over of education begins…….

You see, once the government gets involved and messes up the natural order of things, it has to fix it by messing up something else and its like a very fast domino effect and the liberals know it.

We are witnessing the beginning of the end of the American way. We are about to become all that our fathers fought and died to defend us from.

This is a power grab by the liberal elite, plain and simple!

Oh……. And that’s just my opinion!

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