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Obama Speech to congress


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Oh, and btw, they need to stop all that suck-up clapping bullshit and just let the guy talk.

I'm Mr. Obama. Thank you everyone.


I am here to talk about our healthcare system. We need to fix it.


We are going to fix it.


I won't..


...add one dime...


...to our...





OMG the total time for applauses is always longer than whicheve president is speaking. F'ing kills me!

You can thank that crazy bitch Nancy Pelosi .

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Oh, and btw, they need to stop all that suck-up clapping bullshit and just let the guy talk.

I'm Mr. Obama. Thank you everyone.


I am here to talk about our healthcare system. We need to fix it.


We are going to fix it.


I won't..


...add one dime...


...to our...





OMG the total time for applauses is always longer than whicheve president is speaking. F'ing kills me!

I just wonder what the whole deal would have been like had it not been televised?

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What, no witty cartoon?

Bad form for Joe to call it like he sees it?

I think not.

I sent him $1,000.00 today.

Only a grand? Whoa big spender... did you have to send your landscaper home at 3 this afternoon instead of 4 to make up for that? Or are you only planning on tipping the maitre d' a paltry 30% tonight?

I'm pretty sure it was bad form and he issued an almost immediate apology.

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I'm pretty sure it was bad form and he issued an almost immediate apology.

Bad form and very unpatriotic to disrespect our nation's highest office on national TV. Why not wipe his ass on the flag too?

And he knows it... he couldn't issue an apology fast enough. But backwoods is as backwoods does. Can't take 'em nowhere fancy.

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It's always a lie if you don't want to hear it! LOL

you honestly believe you can provide better healthcare than what I receive now, and healthcare for 30 million more people, none of which will be provided to illegal immigrants somehow, all by not raising the deficit 1 dime or increasing my taxes 1 dime? (a campaign promise of his)

If you answer yes to any of those questions, the only benefit universal healthcare will provide... is a much needed psychological evaluation for you.

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I'm pretty sure it was bad form and he issued an almost immediate apology.
Bad form and very unpatriotic to disrespect our nation's highest office on national TV. Why not wipe his ass on the flag too?

And he knows it... he couldn't issue an apology fast enough. But backwoods is as backwoods does. Can't take 'em nowhere fancy.

You mean bad form, like when Obama lied?

Or do you mean bad form when Obama said he was going to "call people out"

Or maybe it was bad form when Obama called a member of the Cambridge Police Dept. "stupid"

Or maybe it was bad form when Nancy Pelosi called the townhall protesters "Nazi's"

Or maybe it was bad form when Barney Frank compared a constituent to his dining room table?

Maybe it was bad form when every democrat in the room booed Bush during the 2005 State of the Union Address?

Oh yeah...THATS ok, your side was dishing out the shit.

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South Carolina lawmaker who accused president of lying during speech is a health industry darling


At that point the president was interrupted by Rep. Addison Graves "Joe" Wilson (right), a Republican from South Carolina.

"You lie!" Wilson shouted from the crowd.

Obama paused for a moment before continuing his address as Wilson's colleagues looked on in shock following the breach of protocol.

During a post-speech interview with CNN's Larry King, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said Wilson should apologize, calling his behavior "totally disrespectful." Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky told the New York Times that Wilson's behavior was "not appropriate."

Wilson's office later issued an apology for the outburst:

"This evening I let my emotions get the best of me when listening to the president's remarks regarding the coverage of illegal immigrants in the health care bill. While I disagree with the president's statement, my comments were inappropriate and regrettable. I extend sincere apologies to the president for this lack of civility."

It was not the first time Wilson -- attorney, U.S. Army vet and former aide to U.S. Senator Strom Thurmond -- has raised eyebrows by shouting at political opponents.

Seven years ago this month, the then-freshman Wilson appeared on C-SPAN's "Washington Journal" with five-term Congressman Bob Filner (D-Calif.) to discuss whether to go to war in Iraq, action that Filner opposed but Wilson supported. In the course of the discussion, Filner noted that the U.S. supplied weapons to Saddam Hussein's regime during the Iran-Iraq War -- a fact revealed by the investigation into the Iran-Contra Affair, which discovered the Reagan administration secretly sold weapons to Iran, then under an arms embargo, to win support for freeing U.S. hostages in Lebanon and to fund the Nicaraguan contras, a counterrevolutionary rebel force that was fighting the country's government.

But Filner's statement incensed Wilson, as the Washington Post reported at the time:

"That is wrong. That's made up," Wilson fired back. "I can't believe you would say something like that."

When Filner calmly held his ground, advising Wilson to read newspaper reports and other documentation, the Republican erupted: "This hatred of America by some people is just outrageous. And you need to get over that."

As moderator Connie Brod sat by helplessly, Filner challenged: "Hatred of America? . . . Are you accusing me?"

"Yes!" Wilson shouted. For good measure, over the next minute Wilson accused Filner of harboring "hatred of America" four more times, of being "hateful" three times and of being "viscerally anti-American" once. Filner responded, "This is not worth replying to," and Brod finally regained control of the discussion by taking viewer phone calls.

Whether because of his outspokenness or in spite of it, Wilson is a major recipient of contributions from the health care industry.

In fact, over his entire congressional career, health professionals represent Wilson's top industry contributors, donating a total of $244,196 to his campaign, according to the Center for Responsive Politics OpenSecrets.org database. He received another $86,150 from pharmaceutical companies, $73,050 from insurance companies and $68,000 from hospitals and nursing homes.

Among Wilson's top contributors are the American Hospital Association, a lobby group that represents the interests of hospitals and health networks, and the American Medical Association, which represents physicians.

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You mean bad form, like when Obama lied?

Or do you mean bad form when Obama said he was going to "call people out"

Or maybe it was bad form when Obama called a member of the Cambridge Police Dept. "stupid"

Or maybe it was bad form when Nancy Pelosi called the townhall protesters "Nazi's"

Or maybe it was bad form when Barney Frank compared a constituent to his dining room table?

Maybe it was bad form when every democrat in the room booed Bush during the 2005 State of the Union Address?

Todd = "Bbbbbbbuttt bbbbutttt buttttt the liberals did it!" :lol:

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Guaranteed Health Care In Iraq - But Not For You


You'd better sit down, folks.

Article 31 of the Iraqi Constitution, drafted by your right-wing

Bushies in 2005 and ratified by the Iraqi people, includes

state-guaranteed (single payer) healthcare for life for every Iraqi


Article 31 reads:

"First: Every citizen has the right to health care. The

State shall maintain public health and provide the means of prevention

and treatment by building different types of hospitals and health


Second: Individuals and entities have the right to build

hospitals, clinics,or private health care centers under the supervision

of the State, and this shall be regulated by law."

There are other health care guarantees, including special provisions

for children, the elderly, and the handicapped elsewhere in the 43-page


Under force of arms, President Bush imposed his particular idea of

democracy on a people not asking for it - perhaps a noble undertaking

in one context and a criminal violation of international law in

another. Bush's followers are proud of the Iraqi Constitution, a model

for the world, they told us.

So, according to the American political right-wing,

government-guaranteed health care is good for Iraqis, but not good for

us. Not good for you. They decry even a limited public option for you,

but gleefully imposed upon the Iraqis what they label here as

"socialism," with much Democratic Party member support.

Indeed, reading the Iraqi Constitution so near to the 8th

anniversary of September 11, 2001 is instructive. It is the very

definition of American right-wing hypocrisy.

We have (thus far) sacrificed more blood to wrest Iraq from tyranny

than we lost on 9/11. In addition, according to the Congressional

Research Service, as of May 15, 2009 (Report 7-5700/RL33110)

we have spent and/or authorized $864 Billion in military operations on

Operation Enduring Freedom, which includes Iraq and Afghanistan. The

overwhelming majority of those funds have been for the war in Iraq.

Additional secret funding has been authorized for intelligence and

special operations.

The total is more than (or, in the worst case, equal to) the funding required to guarantee minimally decent health care here.

In other words, the most senior members of the Republican

establishment - and some Democrats like Max Baucus (D-MT) - have gladly

spent more taxpayer funds to ensure health care as a Constitutional

right in Iraq than they are willing to spend to give you any level of

guaranteed coverage.

The source document I used is from the official United Nations

Assistance Mission for Iraq. If you'd like to download and review the

full Iraqi Constitution, click HERE

This news is an example of the benefit of our online viral

information age. The situation was first called to my attention late

yesterday (September 8) by a long-term blogger, Korkie Moore-Bruno, on

a think tank list of Obama supporters. Korkie posted an alert from her

Facebook friend Jubal Harshaw. Give them credit for the heads-up; all

I've done was verify the rumor with the United Nations.

It would seem that U. S. citizens might find out if their

Representative and/or Senators have supported or voted to fund the war

in Iraq. If so, do they support health care as a civil right for you?

If the answers to those questions are "yes" and "no," respectively, you might consider less hypocritical representation.

That $864B would buy a lot of medical care for Americans. It also puts the $70B loaned to the auto industry in perspective.
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you honestly believe you can provide better healthcare than what I receive now...

...I dunno? are you currently on state-provided health coverage or through your job? If you're covered through your job, the bill says you will go on with life as usual.

....and healthcare for 30 million more people, none of which will be provided to illegal immigrants somehow, all by not raising the deficit 1 dime or increasing my taxes 1 dime? (a campaign promise of his)

Well I'm no economist, but first thing would be to get the current health insurance industry and the healthcare industry overall off corporate welfare. As soon as the medical industry can figure out how to administer a band-aid to a paper cut for less than $2,000, the better off we'll all be. And they ain't gonna do it without being ordered to.

If you answer yes to any of those questions, the only benefit universal healthcare will provide... is a much needed psychological evaluation for you.

Sweet! Plenty of my female friends have been saying I needed to have my head examined for riding a motorcycle... If we can get this bill passed and medical costs under control, I can git-r-done for less than the $215 per 30-minutes that it costs now! YAY!

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The statement:

Complaints that those in the United States illegally would get benefits under the health-care bill now before the House of Representatives have been a staple of the raucous public meetings some members of Congress have been hosting during their August break. At least two people raised the issue at a forum held by Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Maryland, on August 12, and Cardin's insistence that "Illegal aliens will not be in this bill — period — the end" was met with a round of jeers.

Facts and the Truth Squad verdict after the jump:

The facts:

The bill, HR 3200, would set up a health insurance "exchange," in which consumers could compare policies and choose a plan. It would create a government-run health plan to compete with private insurers in that exchange, and extend subsidies for coverage to people who aren't already covered by employers or federal programs like Medicare and Medicaid.

It specifically bars illegal immigrants from receiving those subsidies. Section 246, which is included in the part of the bill that sets up the exchange, forbids payments "on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States."

But when Cardin said undocumented workers "will not be in this bill," he appears to have missed one point: It may require them to buy their own coverage.

That's the conclusion of the Congressional Research Service, which issued a report on the topic this week. According to the CRS, noncitizens who can be considered "resident aliens" under U.S. tax law would have to buy insurance — and unlike immigration laws, the tax code doesn't distinguish between legal and illegal immigrants.

"Thus, legal permanent residents, and noncitizens and unauthorized aliens who qualify as resident aliens … would be required under H.R. 3200 to have health insurance," the new report states.

Critics say there is no way to enforce the ban on subsidies for undocumented workers, since the Democratic majority in the House turned back a Republican effort to explicitly stiffen citizenship checks. But Medicare and Medicaid already require those enrolled to provide "a substantial number of documents" to show they're U.S. citizens or legal residents, said Henrie Treadwell, a professor of community and preventive medicine at Atlanta's Morehouse University medical school.

Treadwell calls the issue a "red herring," since many of the estimated 10 million to 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States are getting treatment at emergency rooms already. Doctors are obligated to treat people who show up regardless of citizenship, and most of those costs are being absorbed by hospitals and state and local governments, Treadwell said.

"It is certainly not just something that disappears," she said. "We are paying now for care that is not preventive, and we are paying millions."

Some Republicans argue that the measure has left a loophole for undocumented relatives of legal residents to be covered. But Treadwell disputes that, telling CNN that based on her reading of the bills, "There is no loophole currently." The language in Section 242 of the House bill limits benefits to family members who are citizens or legal residents, she said.

In addition, a widely circulated e-mail critical of the bill states that a non-discrimination clause in Section 152 would require illegal immigrants to be covered by a public health insurance plan. But the first line of that provision forbids discrimination "except as otherwise explicitly permitted by this act."

The verdict:

False. A new report finds the bill could require illegal immigrants to buy coverage, but it clearly restricts subsidies to U.S. citizens and legal residents.

Sorry, health care isn't going to illegal aliens. Oh, what was that you say? Obama is trying to get illegals documented and paying taxes and then they'll get health care! Guess what, then they aren't illegal! Then they are just as American as you and I; thats what America is 'bout! so suck it

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