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"Sons of Anarchy"


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I like this. Plus, it is actually probably pretty likely.

Very plausible

I'd thought about Jax tappin' Trinny too ;)

As far as the whole SOA vs IRA thing... All I gotta say is... Maybe nowadays since they're a bit rusty with the war over, SOA'd have a shot... But back in the day 20 years ago when Catholics vs Protestants was in it's prime.... I think IRA'd slaughter Sam Crowe

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BTW.... I've been watchin' some old episodes of Entourage lately from '08 (they're new to me :lol: ) and Tig played a producer in one of them. Didn't even recognize it was him at first without his Einstein hair ;)

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I sorta figured that is how Maureen was connected to Gemma and Jax. If JT was in Belfast, maybe Jax will uncover some clues to what "really" happened to his old man. I think there will be a lot more skeletons in the closet coming out. I think the reason they weren't wearing their rockers on their cuts is because Clay thinks they will be hiding out from the FBI for skipping out on court (since Clay doesn't know the deal between Jax and Stahl). They probably don't want to be instantly recognized as the California charter by showing their rockers in case the FBI/bounty hunters come looking for them.

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I think the reason they weren't wearing their rockers on their cuts is because Clay thinks they will be hiding out from the FBI for skipping out on court (since Clay doesn't know the deal between Jax and Stahl). They probably don't want to be instantly recognized as the California charter by showing their rockers in case the FBI/bounty hunters come looking for them.

Good point... Makes sense

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Anyone else notice the irony of where Tara & the supervisor lady were having their abortion convo??

Only took about half an episode for Jax & Trinny to almost get incestuous ;)

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Place your bets everyone. Is Jax going to bang his sis or not?

I was surprised Gemma didn't sniff out what was goin' on when Trinny was tapin' up Jax

On a side note, I've been meanin' to mention this for the last several episodes... Could they possibly have picked any doofier prospects?? And why do I get the feeling that the one probee leavin' his cut & Tig's gun on the hood of the car's gonna come back to bite the club in the arse :rolleyes:

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On a side note, I've been meanin' to mention this for the last several episodes... Could they possibly have picked any doofier prospects?? And why do I get the feeling that the one probee leavin' his cut & Tig's gun on the hood of the car's gonna come back to bite the club in the arse :rolleyes:

Agreed. Hell of a time to figure out your NOT 1%er material!

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I will say that I was expecting more action for an 1.5 hour episode.

I'm trying to figure out the point of Fr Kellen adopting out Abel. I can't figure that one out.

And good points about the dorky prospects and the Gemma comments. I just cant imagine them cutting her out of the show. It wouldn't be the same.

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I will say that I was expecting more action for an 1.5 hour episode.

I'm trying to figure out the point of Fr Kellen adopting out Abel. I can't figure that one out.

And good points about the dorky prospects and the Gemma comments. I just cant imagine them cutting her out of the show. It wouldn't be the same.

Kellen isn't adopting Abel out, he's "stashing" him at an orphanage run by the Church. The fact that Abel will be adopted out is going to get Kellen and 1/2 the IRA in Belfast killed.

The prospect that was a bitch is going to get the shit kicked out of him and may die over that. The 70 year old guy comes out after hearing a bunch of AK shots unarmed...the probee was hiding like a bitch when he had a gun.

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I'm trying to figure out the point of Fr Kellen adopting out Abel. I can't figure that one out.

Kellen isn't adopting Abel out, he's "stashing" him at an orphanage run by the Church. The fact that Abel will be adopted out is going to get Kellen and 1/2 the IRA in Belfast killed.

The prospect that was a bitch is going to get the shit kicked out of him and may die over that. The 70 year old guy comes out after hearing a bunch of AK shots unarmed...the probee was hiding like a bitch when he had a gun.

I was kinda wonderin' the same thing about Abel seemingly being adopted... Part of the good padre's plan... Or an unforseen development?? You would think he would'a given the nuns some kind of instruction about not letting him be adopted without Kellen being notified

The fat, curly haired probee looks pretty doofy too. They all seem like posers & goofballs. You would think the casting director realized that, unless there's some purpose for it??

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Did you see the probee's shirt? Seriously, a 1%'er wearing a striped rugby shirt or whatever the hell it is? I was commenting on that as we were watching. I wouldn't let those guys be prospects in my club, and i don't even have a club...lol

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